Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 961

Luo Tianzheng and others are ecstatic from the heart. If Philip Gullit is still awake, he will be greatly puzzled.

My special You are a demigod class strong man. 510 billion pounds will make you happy. Is it disgraceful?

How many demigods are there in the world? Which one is not an old monster who has lived for more than 100 years? The accumulated wealth is not what ordinary people can imagine, and there is no "small money" of 510 billion.

As long as they are willing, the major families in the world are willing to offer 1 billion pounds a year to offer them family worship!

However, Luo Tianzheng and others are not the same. They are used to the "poor" life. They need to rob when they come out to look for supplies. Big gold chains and big gold watches are luxury goods in their eyes.

Later, Li Feng reminded them that these things were out of date. People would guess whether they could float after entering the water

Patek Philippe, Kingston, Wanguo, LV, Hermes, gucci These are the real luxuries!

Since then, Luo Tianzheng and others have made up their minds to be rich. Now their dream has come true!

"Cough, calm down."

Li Feng gave a dry cough, stopped Luo Tianzheng and other people's flattery, and then said with a smile: "now let's distribute The spoils of war. "

It's strange to describe a living person as a booty. If the other party is a young and beautiful girl, it's OK. But the other side is a bad old man

Luo Tianzheng hurriedly came to Li Feng, put Philip Gullit on the ground, knelt on one knee and said, "but by the Lord!"

Wan Zi Dao and others also came to Li Feng's body, kneeling on one knee and saying, "all by the Lord's command!"

At this time, no outsider was present, so Luo Tianzheng and others did not need to call boss Li Feng.

"Well." Li Feng nodded and asked Luo Tianzheng and others to get up. Then he said, "after this fierce battle, I found that our Shenzong still has some deficiencies in high-end combat power. Once the other side has more than two semi gods, we will be in danger."

Luo Tianzheng is a Leng first: "patriarch, what two more than half gods peak strong?"

He didn't see chunus, so he didn't understand Li Feng's meaning.

Li Feng gave wanzidao a wink, and wanzidao quickly introduced the previous situation to Luo Tianzheng, in which he focused on how Li Feng used his own power to scare away the three qiunas.

"Sleeping trough! The Lord is a cow Luo Tianzheng's mouth was wide open, and he finally uttered a heartfelt sigh.

Even he was shocked by Li Feng's brilliant achievements. Even if Li Feng was replaced by him, he would never be able to do better, or even could not obtain such achievements.

"That's necessary! If we want to say who is the best in our God sect, we should appoint the Lord

"It is unprecedented in the history of the world's strong men to shake the peak of the two gods in the middle period of the demigods and not to fall behind in the later period of the two gods."

"Well, the master's record is absolutely unprecedented. As for whether there is a successor It depends on the performance of the descendants of the patriarch. "

Wan Zi Dao and others seize the opportunity to kiss Li Feng with a rainbow fart.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth, waved his hand and said, "OK, now is not the time to flatter. Go back to the point. What is the state of the old boy now

"He didn't burn his potential for a long time. Now he should be between the late demigod period and the demigod peak..." Luo Tianzheng thought for a while and said.

"Well..." Li Feng touched his chin and thought for a while, then pointed to the side of Riggs and said, "this old boy is a strong man in the late period of demigod. If Lao Wan and Lao Feng absorb their skills, can they break through to the peak of demigod?"

Hearing this, Wan Zi Dao and Feng Dehai became excited.

They have been stuck in the late period of demigod for a long time. Due to the lack of furnace cauldron, they have been slow to enter the country. Now listening to Li Feng's meaning, they are most likely to take Philip and Riggs as furnace cauldrons. The demigod peak is in sight!

Although Huang Weizhong and others envied Li Feng's decision, they could not intervene in Li Feng's decision, so they could only stare at them and follow Li Feng's example, touching his chin and saying, "maybe we should Can you put it

Li Feng:

It's not Where did Lao Luo learn these sweeping words? Can you be more expressive?

"It should be. I've reached the threshold of the demigod peak. I don't need to absorb too much energy to break through." Wanzi road is beside and ponders.

"I'm a little bit worse than Lao Wan, but the difference should not be too much." Feng Dehai pondered a little and said.

"OK, then Lao Wan will come first. When Lao Wan breaks through the semi divine peak, Lao Feng will smoke again!" Li Feng made a decision with a big wave of his hand.

As long as both of them break through the top of the demigods, jiuyouzong will have three top demigods.After that, when the three tasks are completed and the reward is received, Li Feng can also step into the later period of the demigod period. With his ability to kill and scare off the semi God peak, Li Feng can fight with the semi God peak after entering the latter half god period!

That is to say, at that time, he will have the top four demigods!

It's wonderful to think about it!

When Li Feng's voice fell to the ground, wanzidao couldn't wait to start running Jiuyou Gong, absorbing the power of Philip Gullit.

Jiuyougong was created by Ren Jiuyou, a generation of Tianjiao. There is no need to say anything about its strength. Wanzidao presses his right hand on Philip Gullit's head, and a red energy visible to the naked eye is sucked into his body along his right hand.

At the same time, Jiuyou Gong works wildly and transforms these red energy into majestic Qi, which runs in the eight channels of Wanzi Road, and finally enters the Dantian.

The strong breath of the naked eye!

Five minutes later, with the roar of Wanzi Road, his breath appeared a surge! Heaven and earth change for it!

"Ha ha ha, I've broken through. I'm the top semi God!" Wan Zi Dao got up and laughed wildly. His excitement was expressed in his words: "congratulations to the three elders!"

"Congratulations to the three elders!"

Huang Weizhong and others clasped hands, congratulating one after another!

Feng Dehai rubbed his hands and was eager to try, but before Li Feng spoke, he did not dare to go forward easily.

Li Feng smile: "old Feng, it's your turn. Don't let me down."

"Yes, Lord!" Feng Dehai bowed his fist and strode to Philip Gullit and reached out to suck.

Because Philip Gullit has been absorbed by wanzidao, and Feng Dehai's realm is lower than that of wanzidao before, so Feng Dehai's absorption time is longer.

About 10 minutes later, with the roar of Feng Dehai, his breath soared, and the world changed color again!

Feng Dehai has also broken through to the peak of his half body!

Li Feng finally has three demigod top level subordinates!

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