Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 919

The world's first supermodel, straight man's poison, self-propelled money printing machine, the most perfect body

These are the nicknames of Tiffany Elsie. Needless to say, the world's No. 1 supermodel. This is a recognized thing, and we don't accept refutation.

The poison of straight man is the nickname given to her by some male fans in Huaxia. Maybe her face is not the most perfect, but her figure is definitely the most lethal for straight man.

Whether it is three-dimensional or leg shape or other indicators, straight men are impeccable, the lethality of each part is the existence of explosive surface.

Of course, her face is also extremely beautiful, which is beyond doubt, otherwise her attraction will be greatly reduced, and she will not be named the world's first supermodel.

As for the humanoid self-propelled money printing machine The origin of this title is also supported by data, that is, every step she takes on the T-stage, she gets 500000 US dollars, which is crazy!

You know, most people in the world can't make half a million dollars in a lifetime, and she can make these money by walking on the T-stage. What else can a money printing machine be if she doesn't walk by herself?

Li Feng was also a straight man for a long time, so he knew Tiffany Elsie very well. After she reported to her family, Li Feng was so surprised.

Now the question is Why did Tiffany Elsie come to see him if he was sick? Has his reputation spread to BX?

If Li Feng remembers correctly, Tiffany Elsie is from BX

"Good. You know me." Tiffany Elsie put on her sunglasses with a charming arc around her mouth and said, "I need to keep my privacy, so would you please ask your staff out and see me a doctor?"

"If you started talking to me like this, I would probably do what you asked, but it's a pity that time can't be reversed."

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said mildly.

"What do you say?" Tiffany Elsie doubted whether she had heard wrong. She showed her identity. The Chinese even refused her. Did he know what he was doing?

"I said You've behaved impolitely, so I won't see you. "

"Of course, for the sake of being my favorite model, I'd like to give you a chance to reorganize your language, as long as the guy apologizes to me, OK?"

Li Feng leaned on the back of the chair and put his feet on the sitting table and said with great relaxation.

Tiffany Elsie's face suddenly turned ugly.

No matter where she goes, she will get the most warm reception. However, she was rejected by a Chinese traditional medicine doctor in a small Chinese Medicine Museum. She was once a model he liked?

Aike Siki pomelo honey?

Is Miss Ben just a model? Miss Ben is the first in the world Supermodel!

"Miss, this Chinese is too presumptuous. I'll call Mr. Norton now and ask him to find someone to seal down the traditional Chinese medicine hall."

Amy roared as she was pushed to the door.

"Boss, what did he say?" Luo Tianzheng asked with a tangled face.

From the tone of the other party, we can see that this person certainly didn't say anything good, but he couldn't understand what the other side said, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Lao Luo, please step back." Li Feng sighed and then said, "man, you can call me at will to stop you, but..."

"Miss Tiffany's skin disease is not very easy to treat. If you go to the hospital for treatment, it won't be cured for ten days and a half months, but I can get rid of it."

"You're so eager. It's supposed to be a big show these days? Do you want to drag the sick onto the runway? I admire your professionalism, but you should also be responsible for the employer's checks, right? "

"What?" Tiffany Elsie and Amy Ziqi were stunned on the spot.

Li Feng knew what disease she had? How did he know?

Tiffany Elsie wrapped herself up so tightly that it was impossible to reveal the trouble!

Because of Li Feng's words, Amy's hand was frozen in the air. It was either to pull out or not to pull out. It looked very embarrassing.

"Dr. Li, can you really cure my skin disease?" Tiffany Elsie asked eagerly.

Two days ago, she went out to shoot a series of blockbusters. When she got back, she began to itch, and then she had some rashes.

Although Tiffany Elsie first went to the hospital for examination and treatment, doctors said it would take 10 to 15 days for the skin disease caused by the allergy to subside completely.

But she will participate in an annual show held in LD three days later. If she fails to cure her illness at that time, she can only reject the show, which will cause her great losses, such as liquidated damages and exposure.

In her eagerness, she just saw the magic introduction about this traditional Chinese medicine hall on INS, and then she arrived here.Now Li Feng's words let her see the hope!

"I never talk big." Li Feng shrugged and said with a smile.

"Amy, apologize to Dr. Li!" Tiffany Elsie took a deep breath and turned to assistant Amy.

Amy's face changed slightly: "Miss, I think he's bragging..."

"Amy, your behavior just now is not polite. Even if Dr. Li can't cure my illness, you should apologize to him, shouldn't you?" Tiffany Elsie sighed and said gently.

"I All right Although Amy doesn't want to apologize to Li Feng from the bottom of her heart, Tiffany Elsie has to listen to her when she says something. Who let her be her own boss?

"Sorry, Dr. Li. I was so impulsive just now. Please forgive me." Amy went to the table and said.

"Well, my adults don't remember villains, so I won't care about you this time. I just hope you will be more polite to people in the future, and don't look like your second son. There are many people in the world that you can't afford."

Li Feng sat up straight and said with a smile.

Amy nodded, but her heart was scornful.

Yes, he admits that there are many people in the world that he can't afford to annoy, but Li Feng is definitely not included in these people.

Just a little traditional Chinese medicine, no matter how magical the medical skills are, still can't change his Chinese identity!

"Doctor Li, Amy has already apologized to you. Can you treat me now?"

Tiffany Elsie asked expectantly.

"Of course, but before treatment, let's make an agreement. The medical fee is 1 million pounds. If you accept it, I'll treat you now. If you don't accept it, you can ask for another expert." Li Feng looks playfully said.

"A million pounds? Why don't you grab it? " Amy roared with excitement. It was a little broken.

Tiffany Elsie's face is also a little ugly. Did Li Feng treat her as an injustice?

"Is that not acceptable?" Li Feng sighed and gave Luo Tianzheng a wink: "Lao Luo, send off the guest."

Luo Tianzheng was just about to come over when Tiffany Elsie suddenly said, "OK, I'll take it."

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