Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 918

"As you can see, in such a short time, you can get 110 million pounds."

Li Feng came out from behind the table, playing with the bank card.

Luo Tianzheng and others all thumbed up: "patriarch Niu forced (broken sound)! ~"

" if you can't force me, you should put it aside. I just want to tell you that I can not only live longer with the Lord, but also have meat to eat and wine to drink. "

"Here's your bank card. I'll put 10 million pounds into your account first. You can spend whatever you like."

Speaking, Li Feng took out seven bank cards from his arms and handed them to Luo Tianzheng and others with a playful look.

Luo Tianzheng and others are excited to smoke!

They have never had so much cash, so every time they come out to "buy" daily necessities, they have to rob them. Now, the patriarch's hand is 10 million pounds, nearly 100 million Chinese dollars. They can finally buy freely!

Just as Luo Tianzheng and others were overjoyed, a Mercedes Benz nanny car stopped at the gate of the traditional Chinese medicine hall, and then a young man dressed in fancy clothes stepped out of the car.

Why do you say he's so flashy? First of all, one of his ponytails was dyed with colorful colors, and then his dressing style was like wearing pants as a little sun damaging skirt. It felt like it ' s a long story!

After observing the surrounding situation nervously, the man went to the back row and led a graceful woman down.

The woman was covered from head to toe with a mask, cap and sunglasses.

If she was not in good shape, she would not be able to tell whether she was a man or a woman.

"Lord, business is coming. Is this what we need to do?"

Luo Tianzheng and others rubbed their hands and asked excitedly.

"Every patient deserves to be taken seriously, so don't say it's business." Li Feng said with compassion and went back to the sitting table.

Luo Tianzheng and others are in awe. This is their patriarch. They cherish the whole world, show compassion for the world, and cherish the lofty mountains Well, I don't have enough education. I can't think of any other flattering words. Let's do it first.

After the colorful young man came in, he quickly swept Luo Tianzheng and other people's faces one by one, and then asked with his nostrils in the air: "who is Dr. Li among you people? Our young lady wants to see you and come out quickly."

Luo Tianzheng and others looked at each other. Although they could not understand what the man said, their expression and tone were not like saying good words at all.

"Boss, what does this man mean?" Feng Dehai asked with a confused face.

Li Feng's mouth a puff, slightly depressed.

The servants behind the dandies can understand what others say, but his subordinates can't understand what others say. It's very painful.

"Learn English for me after work and do simple daily communication for me in three days. Do you hear me?"

Li Feng hate iron is not steel said.

Luo Tianzheng and others responded in a loud voice. Ten million pounds already made them full of energy. In addition, they realized the importance of mastering a foreign language. Without Li Feng's mobilization, their enthusiasm rose.

"I am the doctor of this hospital. What's wrong with your lady?"

Li Feng looked at the colorful young man and asked in a deep voice.

"Let them all go out." The young man took a look at Luo Tianzheng and others and ordered him to say.

"They are all my employees." Li Feng frowned slightly.

"That's not good. You can only see our young lady's illness alone. Others need to avoid it." The young man said with a straight face.

Li Feng frowned more tightly: "why?"

"Why so much? Why, when we get money to see a doctor, you have to do what I say, understand?" The young man glanced at Li Feng obliquely, and said that I was a client and I was a bull.

Li Feng was stunned at first, then said without expression: "Oh Then I won't see her. You go. "

The young man was stunned: "what do you say?"

Li Feng rolled his eyes and didn't even pay attention to him.

Shit, I give people to see a doctor depends on the mood, you are so drag, I really don't serve!

"Boy, do you know who I am?" The young man was angry and strode to the sitting table and said angrily.

"Ha ha." Li Feng smile, word by word said: "I specially care who you are, Lao Luo, send off the guest!"

Listen to a confused Luo Tianzheng is first a Leng, then don't understand: "boss, you don't say every patient should take seriously?"

Feng Dehai and others nodded wildly. Just now they thought that the boss was compassionate. How could they suddenly make a 180 ° turn.

This bend is too fast. It's flashing my waist!

Li Feng's mouth a draw: "that also depends on the situation, ah, forget, you don't understand what he said, do as I say, other less asked.""Yes, boss!" Luo Tian just nodded, grinned grimly and said, "boy, fake Oufu!"

"Watt?" The young man is a little confused. What's the matter?

Of course, Luo Tianzheng's pronunciation is not standard, but he is not aware of this. He is also a little complacent. Chong Wanzi Dao and others wink at each other, and their eyebrows are vivid: "see, Lao Tzu also can speak English. How about envy?"

After all, he was an old brother of many years. Wan Zi Dao and others immediately understood his meaning and gave Luo Tianzheng a thumbs up.

The key point is that they don't understand the meaning of "Fa Ke Ao Fu". Can we not admire it?

"My special Lao Luo, do you still have this? " Li Feng was amused.

"Well, when I went to the secular world to buy daily necessities, I happened to see a news report. A football player yelled at the head coach," Fa Ke Ao Fu ", and I remembered it Luo Tianzheng felt his scalp and said with embarrassment.

"Yes, it's good to learn and use it flexibly." Li Feng also gave Luo Tianzheng a thumbs up.

The young man is confused. It's not What's the situation? Is it really good to ignore me?


the young man directly took a check on the doctor's desk and said in a cold voice, "as long as you cure the young lady, you can fill in this check at will."

"It's not about money, understand?" Li Feng laughed. Don't say it's a limited check. The maximum amount is 100000 pounds. Even if it's unlimited, he doesn't look up to it.

"Go away, get out of here, don't make our boss angry."

Luo Tianzheng stepped forward and pushed the young man out.

The young man wanted to push back, but when he really tried, he found that The old man is so strong that he can't resist!

In shame and anger, the young man called out: "fake, you dare to push me, contrary to the sky, do you believe me a phone call to close your traditional Chinese medicine hall?"

"Enough, Amy!" The woman with the cap said, "Dr. Li, I'm Tiffany Elsie. You should know me, right?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, slightly surprised said: "you are that has the world's first supermodel Tiffany Elsie?"

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