Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 914

At noon the next day, Li Feng finally helped Wei Bingqing and others consolidate their realm.

Also living in the villa, Tang Qiong and aishaniya also understood the meaning of "consolidation realm".

It is reasonable to say that after knowing that Li Feng has so many women, the two women should be able to put Li Feng into the ranks of slag men, and then draw a line with him.

But Wei Bingqing and song Wanjun are so excellent. Although they don't make them feel ashamed, they can make them feel close to each other naturally.

The man who can take these women one by one adds a little charm

Maybe it's a fallacy for others, but this is the personal feeling of Tang Qiong and aishania, so they not only don't regard Li Feng as a slag man, but also worship Li Feng

If Li Feng knew the two women's concerns, I don't know whether to cry or to laugh.

"Well, don't frown. I'll be back soon. You wait for me at home."

After lunch, Luo Tianzheng and others came to Jiangnan Yipin No.1 villa. As soon as they arrived, Li Feng should take them to LD in Y country.

Li Feng had just come back and had to leave two days later, which made Wei Bingqing and others dissatisfied and worried. Li Feng could only comfort him with a soft voice.

"Well, we will take care of ourselves and wait for you to come back. You should come back safely as soon as possible, OK?"

Wei Bingqing, as the representative of the women's launch, kindly helped Li Feng tidy her collar, and said softly.

See this scene, Luo Tianzheng and others express real name envy.

He is worthy of being a man of Jiuyou sect. Even if he is powerful, the women around him are also very beautiful. If they can find a woman of this level to be a daughter-in-law, they should wake up laughing in their dreams.

When Luo Tianzheng and others secretly envied him, Wei Bingqing came to Li Feng's ear and said, "these people look very obscene. Don't learn from them."

Li Feng only said that Luo Tianzheng and others were his friends, but did not say their true identities.

Li Feng took a puff of his mouth and nodded in a hurry.

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It's not Madam suzerain, we are all good people. We are not obscene at all. Do you think it will hurt our conscience if you wronged us so much?

No matter whether Wei Bingqing's conscience is painful or not, Luo Tianzheng's heart is very painful, too much pricking heart!

"Well, Zong Mr. Li, have we got our tickets yet? By the way I heard that we need to apply for a visa to go abroad. Where is our visa? Can you show it to us first? "

Luo Tianzheng rubbed his hands, some excited incoherence.

After all, it is the first time to go abroad, and it is reasonable to get a little excited.

Li Feng raised a funny smile: "who said to fly, I will take you to fly."

"Take us to fly?" Luo Tianzheng and others are confused.

"Close your eyes later. Don't open them without my order." With that, Li Feng gave Tang Qiong and aishaniya a hint in their eyes.

The two women's faces suddenly became strange, some shy and a little dissatisfied.

It's just Li Feng's words. After all, I feel very good about him, plus a few old masters Where did they accept it!

Although Li Feng asked them to close their eyes, they were not puppets. What if they would open their eyes later?

"Don't worry. They dare not listen to me." Li Feng saw the two women's worries and comforted him at the moment.

Although Luo Tianzheng didn't know what Li Feng was going to do, he still nodded wildly for the first time: "yes, yes, Mr. Li's words are the rules of heaven. We can't dare not follow them!"

As soon as this was said, the women doubted the relationship between Luo Tianzheng and Li Feng. Were they subordinates of Li Feng?

No, there is no need to exaggerate the words of the subordinates. It's the rule of heaven and we can't refuse to obey


They all said their words on this, Tang Qiong, aishania also did not hesitate, let the fate of it

"Well, you can close your eyes."

Li Feng once again gave the girls a love after the embrace said.

Luo Tianzheng and others all closed their eyes. At the next moment, they just felt black in front of them, and then they felt cool

No, what's the ghost of a cool body? What does the Lord want to do? Won't that wretched uncle say it?

When Luo Tianzheng and others were confused, Li Feng threw out two sets of women's clothes: "we all close our eyes, you hurry to put on the clothes."

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What's going on? What's going on?

"Ah, have you returned to your apartment? Let's go back to the room first, and then you can open your eyes after the door is closed. "

Tang Qiong's voice sounded in the ears of Luo Tianzheng and others.

After a long time, "bang" the door closed, Li Feng said: "Luo Tianzheng, you can open your eyes."

Luo Tianzheng and others opened their eyes and

"I'm going?""Lying trough!"

"Zong Mr. Li, this What is the situation? "

Luo Tianzheng and others finally confirmed the conjecture in their hearts, and all of them were rude for a moment.

If you close your eyes and open your eyes again, your clothes will disappear. Can you believe it?

So Li Feng is a little bit biased in the direction as the obscene uncle said? Then they can't resist!

Ha ha, really special Chiji!

"Well, don't you put all your clothes in the storage ring? Take them out and change them. This picture It's too spicy. "

Li Feng is also a man who has been to the northern bathhouse. Although the picture is hot, he can accept it.

Luo Tianzheng and others are relieved, as long as the direction of the suzerain is not biased.

Soon they took out their clothes and put them on, and the picture was no longer hot.

"Wait Where is this? "

Luo Tianzheng and others found themselves in a strange place.

Li Feng pondered a smile: "Y country, LD Chinatown, Miss Tang Qiong's apartment."

Luo Tianzheng and others are all confused!

When you close your eyes and open your eyes, you go abroad? Do you want to be so casual!

How about the space transmission? A lot of cattle! It's so!

Li Feng didn't explain much, and called out, "I'll go to the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum." He took Luo Tianzheng and others out of the door.

More than ten minutes later, Li Feng took Luo Tianzheng and others to the gate of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Just at this time, a Rolls Royce phantom came from a distance and stopped steadily in front of Li Feng.

Then, a red haired beauty stepped out of the driver's seat, walked quickly to the right rear door to open the door, and escorted a young man to get out of the car.

It's Avril and Brad yoel!

"Have we met somewhere?"

At the moment of seeing Li Feng, Brad youer raised his eyebrows and asked.

Li Feng frowned slightly: "I also think you are a little familiar, you are not my lost son for many years?"


Brad Yule: "what are you doing

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The son of shentemo, who has been lost for many years, you are not even of the same race. Are you related by blood?

"Boy, you should know what happens when you talk nonsense?" Even if Brad youer was very deep in the city, he was still angry with Li Feng.

"Don't talk nonsense. Have you come to see ashaniya?" Li Feng embraces his shoulders and sneers.

Why did he bring Luo Tianzheng and others to the state of Y, not just to clean up Brad youer? With such a powerful thug following him, does he need to talk nonsense?

It's over!

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