Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 915

Brad yoel's pupils shrank: "are you Li Feng?"

After two days of investigation, he has learned that isanya has been working as an assistant to a Chinese medicine doctor named Li Feng in this Chinese Medicine Museum.

In order to find out what happened to Dylan Austen, he took Avril to come here. He didn't want to meet Li Feng.

"Zong Boss, what did he say Luo Tianzheng and others can't speak English, so they are confused.

Li Feng, in order to take care of them, spoke Chinese when talking to Brad youer.

"He asked me if I was Li Feng." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and then sighed: "you can learn English when you are free. It is very simple to learn a language with your ability."

It is not only the body but also the memory that makes the semi divine strong. It can not forget the past and the ears. It can be said that learning a foreign language with this kind of memory can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Luo Tianzheng and others nodded wildly. They also realized how important it is to master a foreign language. At least when they can understand what the other side says, they can organize the language back to spray back.

"Do you have a grudge against him, boss?" Luo Tianzheng asked.

Li Feng spread his hands and said, "isn't this a very obvious thing, otherwise I can say that he is my lost son for many years?"

On hearing this, Luo Tianzheng and others knew what to do. At the moment, Luo Tianzheng stepped forward and said in a cold voice, "shit, how can we talk to our boss?"

Feng Dehai pressed his finger and his knuckles clattered: "I'll give you another chance to reorganize your language!"

Wang Yuanliang, Wei bin and other people are also fragrant, eager to try to teach Brad youer how to be a man.

Although they speak Chinese, and Brad youl may not understand them, their momentum is in place. If their momentum is in place, the rest is not a problem.

Li Feng only felt comfortable.

Why did those dandies in ancient times like to lead their servants to the streets? Five words, so cool!

If you don't like it, you don't have to do it yourself. The servant can do it for you!

As it is now, if there is no Luo Tianzheng and others, he will fight with Brad youl in person, and then go to war. It is very likely that he will not be able to fight.

But when Luo Tianzheng and others are here, the situation is very different. Without him talking, Brad youl can be killed by a word.

It's more exciting to fight. Aren't you a demigod peak? It doesn't matter. I also have a half body top player, two semi divine later stage players and four semi divine mid stage players.

I'm afraid to ask you!

At this moment, Li Feng really wanted to put his hands on his hips and laugh for a minute.

Avril stepped forward and coldly glanced at Luo Tianzheng and others: "you are so brave. How dare you talk to senior senator Brad like this!"

She speaks exactly Chinese and is fluent!

Luo Tianzheng and other people's eyes immediately bright, can understand is very good, their language attack can omni-directional have no dead corner!

"Master shentema, I'm still an elder. If you don't accept it, come and fight with me. I won't call you dad!"

"Ha ha, what's wrong with the elder? You can't scare me even if you're a Pharaon. Come on, I'll fight you for 300 rounds first, and then I'll fight you for ten rounds."

"Damn it, fourth, why do you have to fight this woman for 300 rounds? She looks very weak. She can be knocked down with one punch!"

"Shit, am I talking about fighting? I'm talking about What! You are willing to beat such a delicate beauty? "

"Crouch, old four, you are shameless! But I like it. Hahaha, when you fight her, I'll fight her for 600 rounds! "

"Shit, why do you have to be twice as much as me to prove that you are better than me?"

Listening to the dialogue between Feng Dehai and others, Li Feng couldn't help but sniff.

What kind of people are these people? With a little No, Avril looks about 30 years old, but she is of blood. Who knows her actual age?

If Feng Dehai and others know that Avril is actually a blood clan who has lived for hundreds of years, they don't know if there is still leisure in fighting hundreds of rounds

"You Shameless

Avril has never been humiliated in this way. Her own breath burst out in her fury, and a breath belonging to the supreme peak rises.

On the other hand, Brad youer didn't mean to stop her, even if it was on the street, even though their mutual spray had attracted many people's attention, but Luo Tianzheng and others' behavior had already angered him.

If we don't give these Chinese people a profound lesson, then how can the face of the old blood clan exist?!

On the other side, Luo Tianzheng and others stopped laughing and became suspicious.

Lying trough, no wonder this woman has such a big voice. She turned out to be the top player, but

"Little girl, do you really want to fight with us? Don't regret it. "Feng Dehai's Yinyin smile, the breath of the late demigod rises, and suddenly, a towering virtual God appears behind him.

Avril's face changed dramatically: "Damn, how can you be a demigod level strong one?"

Brad yoel's pupil shrinks, quickly pulls Avril to his back, the face coagulates heavy way: "who are you on earth?"

He spoke the same Chinese language. It is very common for the blood clan with a long life span to master one more language. Most of them can master more than two or three languages.

Feng Dehai is in the later period of demigod. What is the realm of his companion? If they are all semi gods, then the combat power is too terrible!

"We are under the boss." Feng Dehai shrugged his shoulders and played with the smell: "are you crazy now?"

"Hum! Don't think you are a demigod, and you can be arrogant here later! " Brad yoel snorted coldly, releasing the breath of the demigod summit.

From the beginning, it was Feng Dehai who was more aggressive, but he couldn't see through the breath of Luo Tianzheng and others. Therefore, among these people, Feng Dehai was the only one who was semi divine.

It's the best to win a bet. Even if you lose, it doesn't matter. As long as there is no half body top level strong person in these people, he can completely retreat.

Brad yoel has this confidence.

"Lying trough?"

Feng Dehai wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to perform in front of Li Feng, but he never thought Brad youer was a demigod.

This is very embarrassing.

"Are you crazy now?" Brad huel said with a smile of pride

He has not met such interesting people and things for a long time. I hope they can stick to it for a while and provide him with more fun


just at this moment, a breath belonging to the peak of the demigods burst out from Luo Tianzheng.


Boom, boom, boom

Wan Zidao, Wang Yuanliang and other people's breath are also released one by one, looking at Brad youer covetously.

One demigod peak, two demigods later, four demigods in the middle!


"That If I said it was just a misunderstanding, would you believe it? "

Brad yoel said cautiously, holding back his breath.

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