Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 902

"Ding, congratulations to the host," repent of the original "task has been completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 1 million experience points, 5 million system points and 20 conquest points."

The sudden system prompt sound let Li Feng fall into a state of muddle.

It's not How can Tang Xiong and others suddenly regret that the task has been completed should not be too abrupt!

When Tang Lixiong took out a huge amount of compensation, he thought about it clearly!

With a market value of 30 billion pounds, what is the concept of 81% shares? 24.3 billion pounds!

With 10 real estate properties and 10 billion pounds of cash, the total value is nearly 40 billion pounds. The Tang family has only about 1 billion pounds of assets. He gets 40 times the compensation of the total assets of the Tang family. If Tang Xiong and others are not envious, Li Feng can screw off Tang Long's head and kick it as a ball!

Is envy related to repentance?

Yes, and it has a lot to do with it!

Think about it, if Li Feng is still the son-in-law of the Tang family, will there be a share of the Tang family in these compensations?

Of course, Li Feng will not give it to the Tang family, but Tang Xiong and others think they should get it. But because of what they have done, Li Feng turns against them, and Tang Qiong has cut off their relationship with them. The 40 billion pounds can only be seen but not touched by them.

It's just like ordinary people miss a hundred million yuan. Tang Xiong and others are almost regretful!

After figuring out this point, Li Feng entered the system to check the next personal attributes.

Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 21.525 million

System score: 31 million

conquest points: 1337

skills: divine power, empty spirit, stepping on the sky seven steps, Sky Sword technique, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploration Hands

Tasks to be completed: no more loading and showdown

"Whoa, I can go back to China after finishing the last task."

After sighing for a while, Li Feng quit the system, looked at Gino Gullit and said, "the conditions you have given are very attractive, but I have to add another one to make you all go back alive."

Gino Gullit did not intend to negotiate with Li Feng once and for all. He still understood the reason why he would pay back the money at the starting price: "as long as Mr. Li is willing to let us live, everything will be easy to talk about."

The rest of the Gullit family nodded in agreement.

Living is the most important thing. Fame, wealth and wealth are all things outside the body.

"With this awareness, it's easy to talk." Li Feng pondered with a smile and said, "I always don't like to leave hidden dangers when I do things. Your whole body of force is a hidden danger."

Hearing this, Gino Gullit and others couldn't help but feel nervous: "Mr. Li, we are not your opponents."

They are all smart people. Li Feng obviously wants to abolish them by saying this, but this is the biggest capital of the gulit family to stand on the top of the West. Once the force is abolished, the gulit family will have no confidence to stand up in the West.

"I know, you are not my opponent now, and you can't be my opponent in the future, but I'm not alone. It's a hidden danger to keep you."

"Of course, I'm talking to you, and you can refuse."

The smile on Li Feng's face became more and more interesting.

Gino Gullit is in pain. Discuss? Refuse? Ha ha, if they don't refuse, they can still keep their lives. If they refuse, they can't even keep their lives!

At this moment, all the members of the gulit family hated Kyle Gullit

A few minutes later, Li Feng abandoned the last member of the gulit family's "Dantian", and he happily received a transfer of 10 billion pounds from the gulit family and 10 land leases.

81% of the shares of Casley group were transferred to Li Feng as quickly as possible by Gino Gullit.

After finishing this, Li Feng will take Tang Qiong and ashaniya away from here.

However, Tang Xiong had the cheek to block his way: "Li Feng, your grandfather saved my life 26 years ago, and now you have saved our family again. The kindness of your father and grandson is unforgettable to our Tang family."

Tang Fei and others stand behind Tang Xiong with a flattering smile towards Li Feng.

Li Feng is a real big man now. Whether it is financial or military, it is the existence they need to look up to. Facing this kind of big man, they can't think of a second choice except flattery.

Li Feng couldn't help but feel chilly. Then he frowned and said, "Mr. Tang, do you misunderstand something?"

"What?" Tang Xiong asked subconsciously.

Li Feng sighed: "I didn't come here just to save you. Are you so amorous? And Don't mention my grandfather. I have cut off the relationship between my grandfather and grandson for a long time, so it's his business that he saved you. It has nothing to do with me. "Tang Xiong:

Tang Fei et al

Even Tang Qiong was stunned.

Li Feng in order not to get involved with the Tang family, even his grandfather did not recognize, do you want to be so overbearing?

"By the way, now that I am the absolute controller of Casley group, I have the right to choose who will become the agent of Casley. Do you have any interest in cooperating with Casley?"

When Tang Xiong and others are confused, Li Feng suddenly asks.

Tang Xiong thought Li Feng suddenly changed his mind. He nodded repeatedly and said, "I'm interested. Of course I'm interested. Li Feng, you don't know. After Youlan group lost Casley as a partner, its revenue dropped a lot."

"Now, if you become the largest shareholder of Casley, Youlan group will be able to show its great momentum and become the largest agent of country Y!"

Tang Fei and others have also begun to imagine the Tang family holding Li Feng's thigh and shaking up the scene.

"Oh, but I'm not interested in cooperating with you Lan group. Goodbye!"

After leaving this sentence, Li Feng leads Tang Qiong and aishaniya to leave here, leaving Tang Xiong and others in disorder in the wind.

So Li Feng asked him if he was interested in disgusting him, right? What kind of player is this?!

After a long time, Tang Fei asked with some melancholy: "master, what should we do now?"

Tang Jian and others are also looking at Tang Xiong, their expressions are a little confused.

Tang Xiong vomited out a turbid airway: "at all costs, repair the relationship with Li Feng and Xiao Qiong!"

With that, he went out first.

After the Tang family left, the members of the gulit family recovered a little bit.

"Master, are we going to swallow that tone?" Someone asked.

Gino Gullit looked at the man, and after a long time vomited out a dirty airway: "of course not. Our gulit family has stood on the top of the West for more than 200 years. Have we ever suffered such grievances? If this revenge is not revenged, what face will the gulit family have to survive? "

The other members of the Gullit family sighed, "but we are not rivals of the Chinese."

"I think we should be the children of a rich family and enjoy the glory and wealth."

"Stupid!" Gino gullet snorted coldly, glanced around the crowd and said, "have you forgotten? Both the old and the second ancestors are still alive. Now let's go back to BMH immediately, and ask the two ancestors to go out to avenge! "

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