Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 818

It's not What does Tang Qiong mean? She is the condition he can't refuse?

Don't you think of yourself as a commodity!

Li Feng pondered with a smile: "when will you fulfill your promise?"

Tang Qiong stepped back, gently raised her forehead, and said, "when I completely control my own destiny."

"This standard is not easy to master." Li Feng's face was more playful.

has the final say that it is a matter of lip service? Whether or not it is Tang Qiong's final fate to control her own fate? Li Feng will be paid for it. Tang Qiong will say, "I haven't completely controlled my fate."

"But it's an attractive condition, isn't it?" Tang Qiong said with a light smile.

Tang Qiong has always been the image of iceberg goddess in front of Li Feng. Has she ever laughed at him? Her smile, Li Feng has a kind of feeling of baimeisheng, the whole person is dull for a while.

After a long time, Li Feng secretly scolded a "goblin", and then said with a smile: "sorry, this condition has no attraction to me."

Naturally, it's true and false. It's impossible to say that there is no attraction. Tang Qiong's appearance and figure are excellent, which can be ranked in the front of all the women Li Feng knows.

But Li Feng is also not that kind only looks at the woman's appearance to her has no bottom line Leng tou Qing, can't everything according to Tang Qiong said.

Tang qiongxiu eyebrow a pick: "are you sure?"

"Of course." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and mocked, "I told you to divorce you in front of your Tang family, but I didn't leave. Isn't that a slap in the face?"

Tang Qiong said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. After we go out, we can tell them that they have submitted their divorce application and the court is processing it. If they ask again after a period of time, I will tell them that there are still several documents missing."

"In short, we can delay this matter, until I can completely control my own destiny."

As soon as this word came out, Li Feng's face was shocked.

All along, in the heart of that friend with his name, Tang Qiong is the pronoun of "pure" and has never seen her lie.

Tang Qiong is not a liar now, but she is a liar Very clever!

"And then, how do you control your own destiny?" Li Feng asked with great interest.

"It's simple." Tang Qiong went back to her chair and sat down again. She said in a deep voice, "make your own house."

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "as far as I know, you don't have a lot of savings in the small vault. Your relationship is also the relationship of the Tang family. If you don't have money, it doesn't matter. How can we talk about self-reliance?"

"I need your help." Tang Qiong exhibition Yan a smile: "you help me to meet oswelli's boss Li Feng. I'll try to get him to agree to let me be oswelli's agent in Europe."

"Once this cooperation is negotiated, countless investors will ask for a check."

Li Feng snapped his fingers, his eyes glowing and said, "by then, you can get rid of the Tang family and set up your own cosmetics sales agency, right?"

Tang Qiong gave Li Feng a look of approval and said with a smile: "yes, as long as the company gets on the right track, I can even completely control my own destiny."

If you want to get rid of the control of the family, you must first achieve economic poison. If you can't even do it, how can you control your own destiny?

If Tang Qiong is an ordinary person, she may be able to achieve economic independence by going out to find a job. However, she grew up in such a rich family as the Tang family when she was a child. Ordinary work simply can't satisfy her ambition.

Only if you start your own business and succeed, you can control your own destiny.

"When I get there, I'll be paid?" Li Feng glanced up and down at Tang Qiong and asked in a playful way.

Tang Qiong nodded seriously: "yes. Can you promise me now

Li Feng mouth a hook: "yes, why not, anyway, I have no loss."

"Will you make an appointment with Li Feng for me?" Tang Qiong's face was a little strange when he said "Li Feng". Who let him have the same name with the man in front of him.

"Yes, as to whether he can see you I can't promise. " Li Feng shrugged and said with a smile.

In fact, he doesn't dare to promise, but he doesn't want to see Tang Qiong. He can't separate himself.

What's more, if Tang Qiong is very simple, he will consider cooperating with her. Since he has found the deep thinking side of Tang Qiong, he can't cooperate with Tang Qiong.

And He wanted to make Tang Xiong and others regret it. Naturally, the assassin's mace should be reserved for himself.

Thinking of this, Li Feng took out his mobile phone to have a look, and then sent Tang Qiong a message in the past: "this is Li Feng's contact information, you will call him later."

"Did your friends tell him?" Tang Qiong was a little surprised.

"Well, they agreed on our way back." Li Feng said with a smile.

Tang Qiong didn't think much. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. After saving Li Feng's contact information, she stayed with Li Feng in the study for a while, and then took him back to the living room."Done?"

As soon as they came down, Wu Lin asked expectantly.

Tang Qiong recovered her cold image and nodded: "it's done, but it will take some time for the court to review."

Wu Lin and others nodded, which is also in their expectation.

Then, Wu Lin looked at Li Feng standing beside Tang Qiong and said with a sneer: "who, you are not our Tang family now, what are you still doing here? Hurry up."

"Well, don't you want to stay for dinner?"

"Make a big mistake, let's go and make a big mistake."

"You'd better take over the Youlan group, and then we'll all work for you, and then we'll regret it!"

Tang Fei and others made a mockery of Li Feng.

"Acquisition of Youlan group?" Li Feng's eyes brightened and he snapped his fingers and said, "this is a good idea. I didn't think of it before! Well, don't say anything. You'll have a good time here and wait for me to make you all regret. "

After putting down this sentence, Li fengchong, Tang Fei and others waved their hands and went out laughing.

Tang Fei and others looked at each other!

Then, Tang Xiong snorted coldly: "I don't know what to praise!"

"Dad, why get angry with such people? How worthless is it to be angry with such people?" Tang Jian persuasion, and then said to Tang Qiong: "Xiaoqiong, don't be dazzled. Continue to negotiate with oswelli. You must win the cooperation with oswelli as soon as possible."

Tang Qiong nodded and secretly clenched her mobile phone.

After coming out of the Tang family residence, it was already in the evening. Li Feng wanted to find a hotel nearby to stay.

When Li Feng was looking for a hotel, several cars suddenly stopped at Li Feng's side.

When the window of one of the Lamborghini bulls was lowered, a beautiful woman with delicate makeup and red lips showed her head and yelled to Li Feng: "Oh, isn't this the useless son-in-law of the Tang family? How can you hang out by yourself? Should not Tang Qiong drive him out?"

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