Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 817

Shit, do you need a chance? I didn't want to stay in the Tang family.

Do you want to help the Tang family get the opportunity to cooperate with osville, so that you can make a lot of money?

Although you are not beautiful, you think very beautiful!

Hearing this, all the Tang family fell into a state of muddle.

My special Why is Li Feng so strong all of a sudden? Don't give him a chance to divorce Tang Qiong?

I don't know. I thought Tang Qiong was so ugly!

Even Tang Qiong, who helped Li Feng speak before, began to be a little angry. I don't deserve you. How do you feel that you dislike me so much?

Shit, it's clearly Miss Ben who wants to divorce you all the time!

Very angry!

On the throne, Tang Xiong was also angry: "Li Feng, you take yourself too seriously. Do you believe that you are nothing if you leave the Tang family?"

He has always played the role of a red face, Tang Fei and others how to scold Li Feng, ridicule Li Feng, the last moment is to help Li Feng speak.

Otherwise, Tang Jian and Wu Lin would have forced Tang Qiong to divorce Li Feng.

Now Li Feng doesn't even know his feelings. What important person is he really?

"Don't worry, I'll only get better after I leave the Tang family. I'm afraid you'll regret letting me leave the Tang family."

Li Feng said with a smile.

Tang Fei and others looked at each other for a long time. Then Qi Qi looked up at the sky and laughed. At last, his tears almost came down.

When they stopped laughing, Tang Fei snorted coldly: "who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have for us to regret?"

Tang Jian pointed to Li Feng's nose and said, "remember, you are a useless person who is well-known in Chinatown. We are too happy to leave the Tang family. How can we regret it?"

"Is it?" Li Feng's expression became more and more interesting.

Originally, he just said it casually and didn't want to make Tang Fei and others regret it, but now he has changed his mind.

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

"Check it out!"

"Task: repent the original"

"task objective: to make the Tang family feel regret for the departure of the host with practical actions. If the task fails, 10 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment."

"Mission reward: 1 million exp, 5 million system points, 20 conquest points."

"Sure enough." Li Feng's eyes flashed and whispered to himself.

He knew that the system would give such a task, otherwise the system would not be a system!

Shit, it looks like he's going to stay in country y for a while.

"Yes, put your heart back in your stomach. We will never regret it."

How contemptuous Tang Jianfeng is.

Tang Fei waved his hand and sneered: "OK, second brother, don't talk so much nonsense with this kind of rubbish. Since he wants to leave, let Xiaoqiong go through divorce procedures with him."

Qiu Rong nodded and said, "yes, after the divorce procedures, you can go to China again and have a good talk with Mr. Su. We must make sure that we can cooperate with oswelli, so that some people can know that the Tang family will still change without him!"

"Tang Qiong, now Y country can handle divorce procedures online. It's very simple." Tang Fei is pushing the way.

This is not Tang Fei's nonsense. Since 18 years ago, state y has launched an online divorce service. As long as both parties voluntarily divorce and comply with relevant laws, they can handle it online on their own.

"If you are so arrogant, I won't persuade you." At this time, Tang Xiong couldn't help saying: "Xiaoqiong, you go to my study and use my computer to divorce him."

He wanted to use relatively gentle means to come to Dan Fang from Li Feng. Since Li Feng wants to fall out with the Tang family, don't blame him for his ruthlessness!

Tang Qiong's face changed several times, and finally nodded: "OK, Li Feng, you come with me."

Tang Qiong walks to the study on the second floor.

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles. In the scornful eyes of the Tang family, he follows up to the second floor.

At the moment of entering the study, a system prompt tone sounded in Li Feng's mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the task of" Liwei "has been completed, and the task reward is being given..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 1 million experience points and 5 million system points."

"Well, is this task done? It's a little too simple. "

After hearing the system prompt tone, Li Feng murmured to himself.

In his prediction, this task is likely to be completed together with "regret for the original", but he didn't want to finish it now.

However, Li Feng turned to think about it. The "Liwei" task only required him to frighten Tang Fei and others through practical actions, so as to change Li Feng's weak position in the Tang family.

His performance just now has been very strong and has also played a deterrent role. It is reasonable to complete the task.Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 16.025 million

System score: 193 million

conquest points: 1267

skills: Shenwei, Xushen, stepping on the sky seven steps, chopping sky sword, empty space flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud finder ……

Tasks to be completed: regret the beginning

while Li Feng was checking his personal attributes, Tang Qiong suddenly said, "bring the door with you."

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and turned to take the door. Then he raised his feet and went to the desk: "are you coming or me?"

"Not even." Tang Qiong sat down on the chair and said in a deep voice.

Li Feng:

It's not What are you doing here?

Tang Qiong looked directly into Li Feng's eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Li Feng, tell me, did you disguise your previous arrogance and weakness?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "I don't understand what you mean."

Tang Qiong said expressionless: "it's easy to change one's original character, and one can't make such a great change suddenly, unless you are killed in a car accident as described in some novels, and a new soul enters your body."

Li Feng did not expect that Tang Qiong would make such a judgment, and his heart trembled for a moment.

Damn it, this woman almost guessed the truth!

At this time, Tang Qiong continued: "I don't care if you disguised before, at least now you let me have a little appreciation, so I don't want to divorce you for the time being."

Li Feng's eyes flashed and mocked, "you don't want me to contact osville's boss for you, do you? If this is the case, I advise you to die as soon as possible. "

Tang Qiong shook his head: "no, I just don't want to be treated as a commodity by my family and marry a person I don't like."

"So I hope the divorce will be delayed, at least until I can control my own destiny."

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, then play flavor: "how do you know I will cooperate with you? I am determined to divorce you

Tang Qiong suddenly stood up, went to Li Feng and said, "no, you will cooperate with me, because I will offer you an offer that you can't refuse."

Li Feng's eyes flashed: "for example?"

Tang Qiong leaned forward and leaned to Li Feng's ear and said, "I am."

Li Feng:

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