Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 806

There are tens of thousands of horses galloping from the heart of the medical staff in the ambulance.

It's not You are so hurt that we don't want us to touch you. Do you want to die more happily?

"Sir, you look badly hurt and need emergency treatment. If you continue to delay, your life will be in danger."

make complaints about the Tucao, and make complaints about the spirit of saving the sick and the sick.

"No, you may not know that this gentleman's grandfather is a miracle doctor, and the pills left by his grandfather may really save his life."

At this time, Tang Qiong said.

At that time, Mr. Tang had a serious car accident. He happened to be met by Mr. Li. He gave him a life-saving medicine.

After that, master Tang recovered miraculously without any sequelae.

However, Mr. Li once said that it was the last one of the Li family to take the life-saving elixir for Mr. Tang. Did he lie at that time?

It can be understood that it's a crime to be guilty.

Medical staff:

What kind of miracle doctor? Wool lifesaving pill, what are you talking about!

At the moment when the medical staff were stunned, Tang Qiong did not care about the bloodstains on Li Feng's clothes and reached into his coat pocket.

Soon, a longan size, red pills were in her hands.

"Is this one?" Tang Qiong asked with pills.

She just heard from her grandfather, but she didn't really see her, so she was not sure.

"Yes, it is It. " Li Feng said feebly.

"Open your mouth." Tang Qiong took the pill and sent it to Li Feng's mouth.

Medical staff:

Ouch, longan size pills so into the mouth of a seriously injured person, she is not afraid to choke him to death?

"Get the water."

"Get the ventilator ready!"

There was a flurry of medical staff.

Just as they were preparing to rescue Li Feng, Li Feng suddenly sat up and said, "fortunately, I have this pill with me, otherwise I will die this time."

Medical staff:

It's not A second ago, I was so weak. Now I'm talking to you again. Are you playing for us?!

Tang Qiong was more calm: "do you still need to go to the hospital?"

Li Feng shook his head: "no, I feel better."

At the same time, Li Feng also moved his hands and feet, which seemed to be running smoothly.

"What is the situation?"

"It's amazing."

"Are you playing a prank? I can warn you that ambulances are public resources and can't be used as pranks! "

Some of the medical staff couldn't believe the scene.

"Explain it to them."

Tang Qiong rubbed her temple and said with some headache.

"Well, give it to me." Li Feng showed a proud look on his face and glanced at all the medical staff. Then he said, "our Li family is a famous family of doctors. This pill is a life-saving medicine handed down from my ancestors. No matter how many injuries or diseases you have, you will recover immediately after taking it."

What he had just taken was not a life-saving medicine, but an energy pill.

Although Li Feng can use the system to modify other people's memory, it is too troublesome to do so. It is far more direct and effective to cover it up with a life-saving medicine that Tang Qiong knows. Otherwise, when the doctor sees that there is no trauma on his body, he will be exposed?


Medical staff looked at each other, obviously did not believe what Li Feng said.

"I don't believe it, do you? That's because you didn't see it. " Li Feng sneered and said sarcastically.

Li Feng didn't really want to ridicule these medical staff, but he was so angry with his brother that he had the same name. If he didn't do so, he would help out.

"Li Feng, that's enough. They mean it well!" Tang Qiong couldn't look down and began to scold.

Li Feng curled his lips. Though dissatisfied, he did not continue to say anything.

Shit, I'm tired too, OK? Anyway His friends with the same name have no real skills, but they are proud of them. No wonder they are not liked by Tang Qiong.

Although the medical staff felt that they could not accept it, they had seen the scene of the accident and the traffic police came. It was really not like a prank. They had to stop to let Li Feng and Tang Qiong go down.

"You go to the hotel first and send me a message when you check in."

Tang Qiong looked at Li Feng with a complicated look, and then she was about to return to the original place.

"Wait a minute!" Li Feng quickly stopped him and said in embarrassment, "I don't have much money with me. You Can you give me some money to buy a new dress

Tang qiongxiu frowned slightly. Then he took out his wallet, took out a stack of money and handed it to Li Feng. He turned around and left without saying anything.

"a thousand pounds, this girl is very generous, but I'm very upset by pretending to be this guy. When can I be myself? In terms of character, it's OK to be yourself. "Li Feng looked at Tang Qiong's back and whispered to himself.

According to this friend's memory, Li Feng knows that he is a soft potato, and in the Tang family is extremely unpopular of that kind.

Besides being polite to him, other members of the Tang family would yell at him and treat him as a dog.

The key guy is quite conceited. He thinks that he is bearing the humiliation. One day, he will be able to convince Tang Qiong by his own means, defeat other members of the Tang family and become the leader of Youlan group, leading Youlan group to become the world's largest cosmetics agency.

Ah Q's spirit is very smooth, but he has no real ability

If Li Feng has been allowed to pretend to go on in accordance with the man's makeup of this friend, Li Feng is expected to go crazy.

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

Li Feng frowned slightly: "check it out!"

"Mission: save the goddess Tang Qiong (1)"

"mission objective: to help the goddess Tang Qiong get an interview with Su Tong and initially gain the trust of Tang Qiong."

"Mission reward: 100000 exp, 500000 system points, 10 conquest points."

"Note: the host doesn't have to stick to the current setup. It can create a scene of prodigal son turning back and waking up in front of acquaintances, and gradually reflect its real strength, which is conducive to the host's next action."

"What's next?" Li Feng frowned slightly and murmured to himself, "is it true that Tang Qiong has been completely subdued? In other words, Tang Qiong's appearance is very good. "

Although Tang Qiong has not taken off his sunglasses, Li Feng can learn from the memory that Tang Qiong is as beautiful as Wei Bingqing and Xu man.

And Tang Qiong's figure is good enough to foul

"It seems that I have to be serious."

Thinking like this, Li Feng got up and went to the distance.

When Tang Qiong returned to osville gate, the traffic police were still investigating the scene, and the truck driver had been taken back to the police station for investigation.

"Mr. Tang, how did you come back, Li Feng?"

Xu Shuang, who stayed at the scene, asked in doubt.

"He's OK." Tang Qiong shook his head and without too much explanation went straight to the security guard.

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