Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 805

After helping Liu Shihan reach the top, Li Feng rushed to the Pearl International Airport and found Tang Qiong with the help of the system.

Since then, Li Feng has been driving behind. In the process, Li Feng also bought a black suit and gold tie with the same name as his brother in the system mall. He is ready to pretend to be him.

After getting off the bus, Li Feng changed his clothes and disguised himself as Tang Qiong's husband Li Feng by changing his clothes.

Fortunately, there is no big difference in their figure. Even if Li Feng doesn't need body shape change technique, it doesn't matter.

At this time, the accident occurred, Li Feng opened the time is still, take advantage of the opportunity Li Dai taorigid.

"Li Feng, are you ok?"

Tang Qiong ran to Li Feng and leaned down to ask in a quick voice.

Li Feng, with his eyes closed and covered with blood, lay on the ground pretending to be dead.

He plays Li Feng, who has the same name as him. What can he do without pretending to be dead? This accident is too serious, ordinary people can survive is already a miracle, if he can speak as if nothing happened, it is strange.

Not only to pretend to be dead, Li Feng also wants to pretend to be amnesia.

Your sister's, the system only said that Li Dai would be stiff, but he didn't give him the information of the man who had the same name with him. It will be sooner or later for him to get along with him.

"Host, does it cost 10000 points to extract Li Feng's memory?"

Just then, a system tone suddenly sounded.

Li Feng moved in his heart and quickly chose to agree.

Damn, the system can extract the memory of the dead. This function is too bad! Other than to say, at least with the memory of this friend, he will not reveal the truth in the process of getting along with Tang Qiong.

"Ding, memory retrieval is complete, do you want to receive it immediately?"


At the moment of Li Feng's voice landing, a white light lights up in his mind, and then, a huge memory is crammed into Li Feng's mind by the system.

At this moment, Li Feng even felt some swelling and pain in his head, as if there were physical objects stuffed into his head.

But soon the feeling disappeared.

"Is this the man's life?"

Li Feng "looked" at the memories in his mind, and a wonderful feeling came into being.

This memory doesn't fit in with him as much as his own memory, but it's stored in an area of the brain like an image.

He can read these materials at will, but he can't use his fingers like he can retrieve his own memory. But at least later, when someone asks about the past, Li Feng can timely access the information to answer.

Without Li Feng's reply, Tang Qiong was more anxious. At the moment, she would reach out to test Li Feng's breath.

At this time, Xu Shuang suddenly pulled her: "Mr. Tang, I'll come."

As Tang Qiong's assistant, Xu Shuang worships Tang Qiong and understands Tang Qiong's attitude towards Li Feng, so Xu Shuang doesn't want Tang Qiong to touch Li Feng at this moment.

Li Feng, this kind of parasite, will die. If he dies, don't want to dirty Mr. Tang's hands!

Tang Qiong's face changed several times, and finally got out of the way.

Xu Shuang leaned down and tried Li Feng's breath with her hand. As a result, her hand was pulled back like an electric shock just before Li Feng's nostrils.

"Ah! He's still alive! " Xu Shuang exclaimed.

Tang Qiong is a Leng first, then surprise way: "really?"

"Really." Xu Shuang nodded with complicated complexion, and then frowned: "general manager Tang, shouldn't you feel disappointed?"

"What?" "Tang Qiong first call 120, I remember to call the hospital quickly

"This..." Xu Shuang looks hesitant.

"Come on, what are you doing Tang Qiong is a little angry.

Usually, Xu Shuang is very clever. How can she reduce her reaction speed at the critical moment?

"All right." Xu Shuang reluctantly took out his mobile phone and called 120 emergency call.

When Xu Shuang called, Tang Qiong began to look for the truck driver who caused the accident.

Tang qionglue was pleased that the truck driver did not drive away, but got off to run this way.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just jerked the steering wheel to avoid a van. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

The lorry driver came over and cried.

Tang Qiong looked at him for a while, and finally said: "don't worry, he still has breath. My colleague is calling 120. Please call the traffic police."

"What do you say, he He's not dead? " The truck driver was stunned at first, then pointed to Li Feng and said, looking a little excited.

Tang Qiong thought that the truck driver was so excited because he was happy and didn't think much about it. He nodded and said, "yes, he's not dead. Please call the traffic police immediately."

The truck driver's face changed several times, and finally forced to smile: "can I see him?"Tang qiongxiu eyebrow slightly wrinkled: "you'd better not touch him, the people who have a car accident can't move around, everything will wait for the doctor to come again."

"It's OK. I'll take a look and not touch him." The truck driver accompanied with a smile to Li Feng, and then took out a screwdriver in the position that Tang Qiong could not see.

Then, the truck driver slowly squat down, block his right hand with the body, and then to lift the screwdriver to stab Li Feng's heart.

At this time, Li Feng's fingers suddenly flicked slightly.


a genuine Qi like an embroidery needle burst out from Li Feng's fingertips and disappeared into the truck driver's chest the next moment.

The truck driver felt a sharp pain in his heart, and his strength dissipated like the ebb and flow of the tide. His right hand loosened the screwdriver and fell to the ground with a "clanging" sound.

"Well?" Tang qiongxiu eyebrows slightly wrinkled, surprised to see the truck driver: "what is this?"

At this time, Xu Shuang had already finished the phone call and ran to him: "what's the matter with Mr. Tang?"

"He He just had a screwdriver in his hand Tang Qiong pointed to the truck driver and said.

"Ah?" Xu frost is a Leng first, then pull Tang Qiong to retreat: "general manager Tang, this person is estimated to want to kill people, let's stay away from him."

Truck driver:

Nima He really wanted to kill people just now, but I don't know why he doesn't have any strength in his whole body. How can he deal with it?

At this time, osville security guard in the gate guard also noticed the situation here and ran to check the situation.

With the addition of security guards, Tang Qiong and Xu Shuang are more or less calm.

With the help of the security guard, Xu Shuang called the police, and soon the ambulance and traffic police arrived here to control the truck driver. At the same time, Li Feng was also sent to the ambulance.

As Li Feng's only family member in China, Tang Qiong naturally went to the ambulance with him.

Just when the medical staff were going to rescue Li Feng, Li Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ah, are you awake?" Tang Qiong was surprised.

No matter how she feels about Li Feng, Li Feng is all the people she knows. She is naturally surprised that Li Feng can wake up.

"I There is a pill in my coat pocket. It was left by my grandfather. You You help me get it out, and don't let them touch me until then. " Li Feng said feebly.

Medical staff:

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