Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 803

The next day was near noon.

The door opened and Ren Xiaolei came out of the room with Li Feng's arm on her face.

Ren Xiaolei's complexion was originally very good, but now compared with last night, her complexion has increased by nearly 50%, and her face is radiant.

Li Feng, on the contrary, does not say that his face is pale, how much has so little weak meaning.

12 hours, 10 times of practice, and the result is that Ren Xiaolei successfully entered the early days of supreme.

Li Feng is not without harvest, 100 conquest points with the right suit Ren Xiaolei progress to 100% is his harvest.

"Li Feng, stay with me a few more days."

After lunch, Ren Xiaolei is half coquettish and half reluctant to give up.

Before practicing last night, Li Feng said that he would return to the Pearl today, but where is Ren Xiaolei willing to let him go?

"Auntie, I've been out for a long time." Li Feng said helplessly.

"Forget it again? Don't call me aunt, call me Xiaolei. You can call me Auntie when Ling Fei is here. " Ren Xiaolei white Li Feng one eye, remind way.

Li Feng touched his nose and didn't make a sound.

Shit, can he say that it's better to call aunt Ren Xiaolei? Certainly not. It's better not to expose the bad taste.

"Why don't you go back when you help me to the top of my life?"

Ren Xiaolei said with a smile.

Li Feng's eyes flashed and moved.

"After dinner, you will accompany me to Vimy to pick out some clothes and choose what you like."

Ren Xiaolei said with a slight red face.

Li Feng eyes a bright, spit out a muddy airway: "good!"

Seven days later

In a five-star hotel in Yuantai city.

"It's the supreme peak at last, but I'm not willing to let you go."

Ren Xiaolei vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas, and said with some reluctance.

"It's not that I won't see you again." Li Feng said playfully.

Ren Xiaolei's eyes brightened: "then I'll look for you later. You can't refuse me."

"Don't worry, I can't bear to refuse you." Li Feng said with a smile.

After getting Li Feng's affirmative answer, Ren Xiaolei was very satisfied. Then she turned her eyes and said with a smile, "before going back, you can help me consolidate my realm."

Li Feng:

Finally, the next day, Li Feng returned to the Pearl.

Li Feng has only one task left to help Wei Bingqing and others to improve their realm.

On this day, Li Feng had just finished his practice with Liu Shihan when a system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

"At this time, who is it related to when the task is released?" Li Feng frowned slightly, then recited "check".

"Task: Li daitaojian"

"task objective: to replace Li Feng, doctor of country y, and become the husband of Tang Qiong, business manager of Youlan group of state y

"Mission reward: 1 million exp, 5 million system points, 10 conquest points."

"Note 1: Tang Qiong will arrive at Mingzhu International Airport at 2 p.m. and then she will go to oswelli headquarters in Dachang city to meet Su Tong and discuss business. Tang Qiong's husband Li Feng will accompany her throughout the journey."

"At that time, there will be a killer who will make an accident and assassinate Tang Qiong's husband Li Feng. The host needs to disguise as Tang Qiong's husband after the accident and return to country y with Tang Qiong. "

"Note 2: when completing this task, the real identity of the host should not be exposed. Once exposed, the task will fail. 10 million system points of the host will be deducted for punishment, and there will be no follow-up tasks related to the goddess Tang Qiong."

Li Feng:

It's not What is Tang Qiong's husband Li Feng? What is the situation of this task? Do you want to go around like this!

"Well, let's do it again Tang Qiong should be a goddess in the state of Y selected by the system, and the system now asks me to save her. "

"The goddess Tang Qiong is married, my husband and I have the same name..."

"No System, your special taste is getting heavier and heavier now, and you only choose married people? "

Li Feng make complaints about Tucao.

Ren Xiaolei doesn't say that. At least she and Xiao ran have been separated for a long time. Tang Qiong is a real woman with a husband. The system has even selected her as the goddess to be saved

Nima, love master is only worthy of saving married goddess, right? Or is there no single goddess in this world?

System, your taste is getting lower and lower now!

"What are you muttering about here?"

On the other hand, Liu Shihan, who is experiencing the level of realm improvement, asks in a puzzled way.

"Nothing. How are you feeling?"

Li Feng quit the system and asked with a smile.

"It's not far from the supreme peak. If you practice one or two more times, you can break through." Liu Shihan pondered.Li Feng nodded and said with a smile, "what are you waiting for? Practice quickly."

According to the task tips, he will go to country y. before he goes, he should try his best to help all women to reach the highest level.

Fortunately, after this period of hard work, except Xue Qing, who is far away from HL, Jiang Yunzhu and murongxue who are often not in the Pearl, and Liu Shihan, who is one step away from the supreme peak, all other women have been promoted to the supreme peak with his efforts.

At 2 p.m., Pearl International Airport.

A flight from LD city of Y country landed on the runway of the airport. When the plane stopped steadily, the gangway was lowered, and the passengers filed out and entered the terminal.

A woman in a beige windbreaker and large Sunglasses walked with the crowd and looked out of the terminal glass from time to time.

Because the large Sunglasses almost covered one third of her face, it was difficult to determine the beauty of the woman. The generous windbreaker also covered her figure, but the shins exposed under the windbreaker were very thin and straight, white to light.

Behind the sunglasses woman was a man and a woman. The man looked twenty-five or six years old, with a black suit, a white shirt and a gold tie. He was about 180 and his face was pretty handsome.

The woman looks in her early twenties, wearing a black professional dress, giving people a very capable feeling.

They are Tang Qiong, Li Feng and Xu Shuang, Tang Qiong's assistant, who flew to China from country y.

"Huaxia is developing well. This airport looks more impressive than LD airport." Li Feng looked at the imposing architecture in front of him and said with emotion.

Tang Qiong and Xu Shuang were silent.

"Cough." Li Feng gave a dry cough, then shook his head and said, "I think these are some face projects. In terms of the details, China will not be as developed as country y for another 50 years."

As soon as the words came out, Tang Qiong immediately stopped and looked back at Li Feng.

Even through the sunglasses, Li Feng felt the chill in Tang Qiong's eyes. At the moment, he said with a dry smile: "er What's the matter? Did I say something wrong? "

"Although you and I are not Chinese nationality, but we are flowing all the blood of Yanhuang. I hope you don't belittle your mother next time."

With that, Tang Qiong turned and left.

Xu Shuang looked at Li Feng in disgust and quickly followed up.

"Damn it, cow what cow? In the final analysis, you are my wife. How dare you reprimand your husband in public? Hateful! Wait, don Qiong, one day I will make you my real wife

Li Feng secretly cold hum, and then sorted out the next expression, quickly followed up.

When Tang Qiong and the others walked out of the airport terminal, a man in black who was hiding in the crowd grabbed his collar and whispered, "the target appears, get ready for action!"

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