Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 802

Half an hour later, Li Feng declined Lin Hai's father and son's kindness to invite him to have a snack, and took Ren Xiaolei out of the club.

"They're all looking forward to your staying. How sad they are to leave like this."

Ren Lei came out and joked.

After showing his real strength, Li Feng has become the thigh that Lin Hai dreams of reporting, which naturally flatters Li Feng and Linhai.

The first moment did not look up to Li Feng, the next moment became almost kneeling sweet, the ups and downs of life is like this?

Li Feng shook his head and laughed: "Lin Yunpeng is OK, but his father Lin Hai is too utilitarian. He can talk to Lin Yunpeng alone next time when he has a chance."

"That's true." Ren Xiaolei nodded.

Now Lin Hai only knows that Li Feng is a semi God level strong man, so he is already so enthusiastic. If Lin Hai knew Li Feng's other identities, he would not have to offer up Li Feng as his ancestor?

Whether it's oswelli's boss or the fierce people of Megatron's four top-level guwu families, taking any one of them alone can shock Lin Hai into a mess.

The communication between people, once the identity gap is too large, there will be many problems. It is not unreasonable that birds of a feather flock together.

Li Feng smile, did not continue this topic: "time is still early, how about we go directly to the airport?"

Ren Xiaolei's face changed a little. Then she looked down at her watch and frowned: "when is it still early? It's more than 8 o'clock now."

Li Feng:

It's not If he remembers correctly, it was almost midnight when he was in the mountain city last time. Ren Xiaolei had to take him to the bar to play.

It's only 8 o'clock in the evening. Is Ren Xiaolei too late?

"I don't care. I'm tired anyway. I'm going to the hotel and I'll go to the airport after a night's rest."

Ren Xiaolei yawned and said with exhaustion.

Li Feng looked strange at Ren Xiaolei: "then you go to stay in the hotel, I go to the airport?"

"No way!" Ren Xiaolei directly took Li Feng's arm, half coquettish and half threatening and said, "you have to stay with me. I'm afraid alone."

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said with a bitter smile: "you are a strong man at the top level of the saint. Who can scare you?"

Ren Xiaolei frowned: "you don't say I can't think of this. I'm just entering the holy peak. Which of the enemies appeared in these two days is not demigod level? The worst is the supreme realm! Do you think I should improve my lower realm and enhance my self-protection ability? "

Li Feng:

It's not What does she mean? Do you want me to help improve her strength?

Ren Xiaolei continued: "you are my son-in-law. There is no way to help me improve my level. Is it a little selfish?"

Li Feng drew from the corner of his mouth Auntie, you should know how I helped Ling Fei improve her realm? "

The wool is selfish. Are you selfish? Wei Bingqing, they are promoted to the supreme realm by me. If I am selfish, can their realm be promoted so fast?

The key is your identity!

If I help you to improve your realm, what will Xiao Ling Fei say?

Ren Xiaolei nodded, a face indifferent said: "know ah, then how, do not care about the process, to pay attention to the results!"

Li Feng spread both hands: "no process, where is the result?"

Ren Xiaolei imitated his appearance and said with both hands: "as long as the desired result is achieved, how important is the process?"

Li Feng sighed: "not important?"

"Is it important?" Ren Xiaolei took a step forward, almost sticking to Li Feng's eyes.

"Stop!" Li Feng stepped back, raised his hands and said, "can we not talk about this topic? It's really late. Let's find a hotel to have a night's rest, and we'll find another time to talk about the rest, OK? "

He had made up his mind to sneak away when he got to the hotel.

Depend on, feel Ren Xiaolei want to play with him really, can't carry, can't carry, slip for respect first.

Ren Xiaolei looked at him for a while. At last, she said with a smile: "OK, it's just that the gambling at noon has not been completed."

"What bets?" Li Feng is puzzled.

"Horses kill chickens." Ren Xiaolei stretched out her hands and made the action of playing the piano and said with a smile.

Li Feng:

It's not This is playing the piano, not horse killing chicken, auntie, are you sure you have learned how to kill chicken by horse?

"Well, go to the hotel first."

Li Feng spits out a bad breath, and decides to go to the hotel first, and then find a chance to sneak away, so as not to lose his mind and cause irreparable consequences.

Ren Xiaolei smiles and takes Li Feng's arm to the side of the road ready to take a taxi.

Half an hour later, they walked into the gate of a five-star hotel.

"Sir and girl, do you have a reservation?" The front desk girl squeezed out a professional smile and asked."No Li Feng shook his head, took out his ID card and said, "open two suites for us."

The front desk girl looked at Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei strangely, then apologized and said with a smile: "sorry, sir, there is only one room left in our shop."

Li Feng frowns slightly: "not a suite can also."

"I'm sorry, sir. Maybe you didn't understand what I mean. At present, there is only one room left in our shop, not a suite. It's a standard room." The front desk sister explained patiently.

Li Feng:

It's not So coincidentally, there's only one room left, and it's a standard room?

"Oh, that's fine." Li Feng shook his head and was about to change his hotel.

However, Ren Xiaolei took out his ID card directly and said, "OK, one is a room. I don't feel aggrieved any more."

Li Feng's mouth was slightly open, and he was about to say no. however, Ren Xiaolei, as if he had expected that he would object, raised his hand to cover his mouth directly, and then said with a smile to the front desk girl, "would you please register for us?"

Front desk girl:

She has worked in the hotel industry for so many years, and it is the first time that she has seen this kind of situation?

These two people That's strange!

A few minutes later, the front desk sister went through the registration procedures for the two people. Ren Xiaolei picked up the room card and took Li Feng's arm into the elevator.

"Auntie, you're not coming for real, are you?" In the elevator, Li Feng said in a complex mood.

"Really, I don't understand what you mean." Ren Xiaolei blushed and bowed her head.

When Li Feng didn't know how to answer, the elevator door opened and Ren Xiaolei pulled him out of the elevator.

When he came to the door of the room, Li Feng said, "if we change to another hotel, a room is always inconvenient."

"I didn't say it was inconvenient." Ren Xiaolei snorted coldly, then opened the door and said, "no matter what, I must step into the supreme realm tonight!"

The voice fell to the ground, and Ren Xiaolei pushed Li Feng into the room.

Ren Xiaolei's Fox Tail finally came out at this moment!

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