Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 800

Everyone in the field looked at Lin Yunpeng with a strange look, just like looking at a madman.

Even Lin Hai looks at Lin Yunpeng with a kind of love for a fool.

Even Shangguan Yunhai is defeated. Is Li Feng dead?

Nima, this is really a descendant of Laozi. Why didn't he inherit Lao Tzu's intelligence at all?

"Dad, don't look at me like that. Just now Li Feng could see that Shangguan Yunhai was not that man's opponent. Besides Li Feng, who else could have this insight?"

Lin took a deep breath and tried to control his voice from shaking.

In fact, he is also very nervous. This is not a small matter, but a major event related to more than one billion profits in the coming year.

He didn't know why he believed Li Feng. Maybe he was Intuition? But in any case, now can only fight a fight, or there is only a way to admit defeat.

Hearing this, Lin Hai fell into deep thought.

Before, he thought that Li Feng was making angry remarks and deliberately provoking Shangguan Yunhai. Now he thinks Li Feng's eyesight is so poisonous!

Just eyesight is one thing, ability is another. Why Li Feng beat Ma Hui?

"Ha ha, let him go up? Lin Yunpeng, do you have a hole in your head

At this time, Shangguan Yunhai laughed.

Gao Yishao asked, "how can I pick up my eyebrows?"

Even if Shangguan Yunhai is defeated, Lin Hai still needs to maintain enough respect for him. After all, there is a strong family behind Shangguan Yunhai.

If Shangguan Yunhai's family was not in Yuantai City, Lin Hai would certainly let Shangguan Yunhai's elders come to help.

"Hum, this man is a super strong man. No one here can deal with him unless my grandfather comes in person! Mr. Lin, you'd better give up. "

Shangguan Yunhai said with a sneer.

Lin Hai:

It's not You nag for a long time, you want me to admit defeat? I believe in your evil!

"There's no other way but to admit defeat?"

"Shangguan said so, and there must be no other way."

"Ah, Lao Lin, if you don't suffer from the immediate loss, you will have to admit defeat. You can prepare well for the coming year and pull back a game."

Lin Hai's friends began to persuade.

"Hello, Lin Hai, do you want to fight or not? If you don't, you'd better give up. I'd like to invite Mr. Ma to have a snack!"

Opposite, Zheng Yutai mocked.

Lin Hai's face changed several times. Finally, he looked at Li Feng and said, "Mr. Li, if you make a move, how sure are you to defeat the other party?"

Li Feng smiles and holds out a finger.

Lin Hai's mouth opened slightly: "10%

It's not Only 10% sure you say you do!

"Poof, man, don't you want to go up and get a punch, and then go down with 200 million? The abacus is beating

"I can do this job too. It's just a punch. If I go to the hospital for half a year, I can earn 200 million yuan."

When the voice of ridicule intensified, Li Feng laughed: "I said that a finger can crush him."

As soon as the words were said, the audience was silent!

Then, Shangguan Yunhai was the first to laugh: "ha ha, what did I hear? Can one finger crush a super strong person? Ha ha, ridiculous, arrogant and ignorant

"You don't know what a super strong person stands for. You don't know anything about a strong man in martial arts."

"Boss Lin, do you want to waste time with such ignorant people? Just give up. "

Originally, Shangguan Yunhai thought that he was quite shameful, but compared with Li Feng, his defeat just now was nothing.

On the platform, Ma Hui was also stimulated by Li Feng's arrogance: "arrogant boy, do you want to die? Believe it or not, I'll blow you up with one blow

Li Feng ignored Ma Hui directly, looked at Lin Hai and said, "boss Lin, I want to help you because you are Lin Yunpeng's father. However, my patience is limited. I will give you 10 seconds to think about it. Once 10 seconds arrive, I will leave."

Hearing this, people have more understanding of Li Feng's arrogance.

"If you lose, 200 million is not a small amount." Lin Hai's pupil shrinks and asks.

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles: "this kind of possibility does not exist, that 200 million I want to decide."

"Lao Lin, don't listen to him. He just wants to pit your money."

"If you don't believe him, you can save 200 million yuan. If you believe him, you will lose a lot of money."

Lin Hai's friends repeatedly advised.

Li Feng had a good laugh and started the countdown: "5, 4, 3..."

Lin Hai was struggling. When Li Feng was about to count down to 1, he gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll give you 200 million!"

"Lao Lin!"

"Boss Lin!"

Some people can't believe Lin Hai's decision.Lying on the ground, Shangguan Yunhai was even more crazy and yelled: "Linhai, you are so stupid 13, you are so crazy that you believe a liar, you will regret it!"

"Lying trough!" Where can Lin Yunpeng hear other people scold his father, and now he will go over and beat Shangguan Yunhai.

Zhu Hao and Jia Fei hold him in a hurry, and Lin Hai keeps winking at Lin Yunpeng.

Although Shangguan Yunhai was defeated, he was not the existence that the Lin family could offend.

"You should be glad that you made the right decision."

Li Feng Chong Lin Hai had a good laugh, and then he went to Lin Yunpeng and stood still: "when I come to the stage, you will go and beat Shangguan Yunhai, and beat him to death. If something happens, I will carry it!"

Lin Yunpeng:

When he was in a daze, Li Feng jumped onto the platform.

Ma Hui chuckled wildly. He hooked his finger at Li Feng: "boy, you are crazy under the stage. Come on, let me see how you crush me with one finger."

Ma De, he is a super strong man. How dare this boy look down on him? Do you really think he dare not kill people?!

All the people under the stage looked at Li Feng with pity in their eyes.

It can be seen that Ma Hui was excited by Li Feng. He will be cruel to Li Feng later. Li Feng will be disabled if he is not dead.

Some people just want money but not life!

"Master, he insulted you just now. You must kill him

Shangguan Yunhai hated Li Feng so much that he wanted to get rid of Li Feng by Ma Hui's hand.

At this time, Lin Yunpeng suddenly rushed to him, raised his foot and stepped on his face: "shit, you silly 13, I kick you to death!"


with a dull sound, Shangguan Yunhai only felt the burning pain on his face, and he was kicked unconscious!

Lying trough, he was actually kicked in the face by Lin Yunpeng?

"Yunpeng!" Before Lin Hai's attention was all on Li Feng, he didn't find that Lin Yunpeng ran to Shangguan Yunhai. It was too late for him to stop him when he heard Lin Yunpeng's fury.

At this moment, Lin Hai only felt that the sky was falling down!

"Lin Yunpeng, how dare you kick me? I'm going to kill your family! Your whole family, young and old, will die! "

Shangguan Yunhai wiped his face and said with a grim smile at Lin Yunpeng.

Lin Yunpeng's heart is tight, suddenly some regret, listen to Li Feng's words.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly stretched out a finger to Ma Hui.

With this action of Li Feng, time seems to be still at this moment, and all hold their breath!

The next moment, a violent breath appeared from this finger, turning into a mountain to Ma Hui.

Ma Hui didn't have time to react, so he was crushed to the ground by this mountain!


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