Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 799

Li Feng didn't mean to keep his voice down. In addition, when Lin Hai and Zheng Yutai were fighting, no one else spoke, so everyone close to him heard this sentence.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little strange

After a long time, Lin Yunpeng said with a dry smile, "Li Feng, you must be joking?"

Yes, I admit that your shooting is against the sky, but this is more than fighting, not better than shooting. Didn't you see that Shangguan Yunhai clipped a 2 cm thick solid iron bar with only two fingers?

If even Shangguan Yunhai is not the match of that middle-aged man, aren't you going to deliver food?

At this moment, Lin Yunpeng suddenly regretted bringing Li Feng over.

"I'm not kidding. Shangguan Yunhai is really no match for that man."

Li Feng's expression is very serious, just like expounding a truth.

Just a glance, Li Feng can see that the middle-aged man in white is a super strong man.

If he is defeated by the superior officer in the sea, he will not be defeated.

Shangguan Yunhai was amused by Li Feng's serious expression: "boy, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know what the martial arts master means? "

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, just about to open his mouth to speak, Shangguan Yunhai sneered: "no, you don't know, you don't know anything, you're just a gun master who knows nothing about martial arts strong men, that's all."

Shangguan Yunhai's words caused a burst of agreement: "that is, you don't know anything, just talk nonsense here, what kind of evil intention does it contain?"

"Two hundred million, please. Are you crazy about money?"

"I don't think you are the undercover of Zheng Yutai's invitation?"

"Yunpeng, you'd better cut off contact with him, or you will be harmed in the end."

"Enough!" Lin Hai snorted angrily. Then he looked at Li Feng and said, "for the sake of your fight with my son's friend, I can ask Shangguan to not blame you for your rudeness. Now you go."

He is well aware of the terror of Shangguan Yunhai. If Li Feng does not leave, he is afraid that his life will be in danger.

Shangguan cloud sea mouth a hook, ridiculed: "wait, I didn't say let him go. Didn't you say I'm not the man's opponent? Then you can stand here and see how I can win easily

After finishing this sentence, Shangguan Yunhai flew to the high platform.

This scene caused the onlookers to send out a burst of exclamations again, and the female partners were even more excited and screamed.

"Well, young man, do it yourself!" Lin Hai sighed and looked at Li Feng with pity.

After all, Li Feng was brought here by Lin Yunpeng. If Li Feng had an accident here, Lin Yunpeng would be very guilty. For the sake of his son, he wanted to leave Li Feng away.

But who knows Shangguan cloud sea iron heart want to let Li Feng ugly, and he has to ask for Shangguan cloud sea, naturally can't say anything.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Li Feng for being too insightful and provoking people who can't!

"Li Feng, you go quickly. I'll fight if there's anything I can do!"

Lin Yunpeng also saw the seriousness of the matter and whispered.

Although letting Li Feng go would infuriate Shangguan Yunhai, Lin Yunpeng couldn't have watched Li Feng bullied by Shangguan Yunhai, or what kind of friend was he?

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "if I go, I won't have a chance to earn those two hundred million?"

Previously, Lin Yunpeng said that there will be a total of three fighting competitions, and the mining rights of the three state-owned large mines will be determined by the results of the competition.

Although Zheng and Lin each invited a person, they want to play three games with one person. Once one of them is defeated, it means that they lose all three games, unless there is a substitute.

Originally, Li Feng didn't want to meddle in his affairs, but Shangguan Yunhai pretended to be forced and Lin Yunpeng was so righteous. Li Feng must do something.

Of course, his appearance fee is indispensable

Lin Yunpeng:

It's not Li Feng is going to come. Really!

"Stubborn!" Lin Hai snorted coldly, then turned his head: "Zheng Yutai, are you ready to admit defeat?"

"You're the one to give up, right?" Zheng Yutai came to the high platform, turned to the man in white, arched his hand and said, "brother Ma, please let these earth bumpkins see what is an expert!"

Ma Hui looked proud and nodded, turned to find the steps, step by step on the high platform.

Seeing this, all the people on the side of Linhai scoffed: "most of the officials in other people are flying up directly, but the man surnamed Ma has to climb up layer by layer. Is the gap too big?"

"I don't have to look down and I know that Shangguan will win at all times!"

"Hello, Ma, you should admit defeat quickly, so as not to be beaten down by Shangguan later. The medical expenses are very expensive!"

On the platform, Ma Hui glanced at the crowd coldly and said, "noisy!"

Thunder from the ground!

Everyone felt that a thunderbolt exploded in the ear, which made the eardrum ache. For a time, Lin Hai and others were shocked!On the high platform, Shangguan Yunhai only felt the Qi and blood in his body float for a while, and his face suddenly changed and said, "what state are you?"

"You deserve to ask me what I am?" Ma Hui sneers and blows a punch across the air.


a fist condensed by true Qi ran straight to Shangguan Yunhai's chest. Shangguan Yunhai only had time to raise his hands, and the fist made of genuine Qi hit him.


a dull sound!

"Click" "click"

two sounds of bone fracture!

Shangguan Yunhai body off the ground, fly out!

In mid air, Shangguan cloud sea even spits out several mouthfuls of blood. After flying out for more than ten meters, Shangguan cloud sea fell to the ground!

Lin Hai and others are directly forced!

It's not Two fingers clip off the iron bar, jump up to the high platform Shangguan Yunhai unexpectedly by Ma Hui a blow fly?

And it's space?!

Nima, the script is reversed!

On the ground, Shangguan Yunhai spat out a mouthful of blood again, and then forced himself to look at Ma Hui on the challenge arena: "you Are you a super strong one? "

"Well, it's a bit eye-catching." Ma Hui's hands fell behind him and said haughtily, "yes, I'm at the early stage of transcendence. Can you be convinced if I lose in my hands?"

Shangguan Yunhai clenches his teeth and looks extremely ugly!

Well, he said before that he would win as long as he played, and Li Feng wanted to see how he won easily.

As a result, he met a super strong man. He was blown down without insisting on it for a minute. His face hurt!

In front of the platform, Zheng Yutai laughed wildly: "ha ha ha, Lin Hai, are the experts you invited too useless? But it doesn't matter. There are two more games. You can't lose three games. How shameless you are! "

Lin Hai clenched his fists and said nothing.

He spent 100 million high price invited Shangguan Yunhai are defeated, where can he go to invite experts?

Shit, if I knew Shangguan Yunhai was such a waste, he would not spend that 100 million!

At this time, Lin Yunpeng suddenly whispered a warning: "Dad, don't let Li Feng try it?"

As soon as the words were said, the audience was silent!

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