Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 733

At this moment, countless memories of the past come to mind in Hua Jian's painting. She finally knows who she is.

Not only that, the memory of becoming Li Feng's daughter and daughter during this period of time has not been eliminated, and has been completely preserved.

When Huajian huilixiang knew that she had been controlled by Li Feng and became his daughter, she felt ashamed and angry and made her sit up on the bed, and then raised her hand to fight Li Feng.


Li Feng pinched her wrist and said with a bitter smile: "although I guess it will be such a result, I still feel a bit unacceptable when it really happens."

The woman who had been clinging to him and called him master all of a sudden beat him up. The contrast was really a little big.

"You are mean!"

Among the flowers, she struggled for a while and couldn't help but scold.

"It seems that you have not lost the memory of this period."

Li Feng sighed and then said with a smile, "I don't think I'm mean. You want to kill me, and more than once, I've left your life. Just let you become my daughter. Is that despicable?"

"What's more, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary for you when you were my daughter. I helped you repair the elixir field after you were abandoned by kawajima Ichio.

"Do you know how much that pill costs? One billion Chinese dollars! Although it's a bit vulgar to talk about money, sometimes money is a good measure. "

"When a man is willing to spend money for a woman, it means that the woman has a certain position in the man's heart, isn't it?"

The price of Dantian repair pill is 1 million system points. If 10 points are exchanged for 10000 Chinese currency, it is exactly 1 billion yuan. Therefore, Li Feng is not lying.

The face of Xiang changed slightly, and then he said angrily, "so what? You still can't cover up the fact that you have turned me into a woman. I hate you! I wish I could kill you

While speaking, she raised another hand to fight Li Feng.

But how could Li Feng be hit by her? Don't say that she is just an ordinary person now. Even if she is still a martial arts master, she can't beat a semi God level strong man who is fully alert.

"Huajian, I think you need to calm down now."

Li Feng directly pinched her wrist and said in a deep voice, "it was because I didn't want to kill you that I turned you into my daughter. And if I killed you, would you still have a chance to hate me?"

"Now that I have given you my freedom, you should not hate me even if you are not grateful? After all, you wanted to kill me first. "

As soon as this word comes out, there is some language barrier in the painting of fragrance among flowers.

Seeing this, Li Feng then said: "think about what I said. If you want to be friends with me, I'll welcome you with both hands. Of course, even if you don't want to be friends with me, it doesn't matter. As long as you don't hate me and don't hurt my family, you and I can get well water instead of river water."

With that, Li Fengsong turned to the door with her hands.

Just as Li Feng was about to walk to the door, Huajian huilixiang suddenly rushed out of the bedroom in front of him, and then rushed out of the villa in the puzzled eyes of Wei Bingqing and others.

Looking at the distant figure of the fragrant painting among the flowers, Li Feng couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Seeing this, Wei Bingqing couldn't help asking, "what's the situation? Have you bullied others?"

Song Wanjun and others also looked at Li Feng in doubt, wondering what they had done in the bedroom just now.

"No, just..." Li Feng hesitated for a moment, or said: "I have her daughter printed to lift."

The living room is quiet at first, and then the women do not understand the question: "why?"

"It was fine before. You even went to Japan to rescue her. Why did you lift it all of a sudden?"

"We were joking with you before. You didn't do it because you were angry with us, did you?"

Li Feng has some helplessness, and now he said his idea again.

"It's immoral to control people's mind all the time. I support you to give her freedom!"

"I support you too!"

"You did a great job!"

All the women are understanding people. After knowing the reason, they all understand Li Feng and are proud of Li Feng's decision.

Huajian hulixiang is a perfect woman in all aspects. If you change to other men, you will definitely have other ideas and put them into practice.

However, Li Feng kept his original intention and took the initiative to release the female who painted the fragrance between the flowers. His moral character is amazing!

If Li Feng knew the thoughts of the women, he would blush. Where is his moral character? He is clearly to complete the task of the system!

After coming out of Xinghui community, Huajian Huili Xiang ran all the way. When he was tired, he stopped walking for a while, and then ran again.

Fortunately, when she returned to the villa, because of the additional effect of space transmission, Wei Bingqing and others changed her into a professional suit. If she still wore the white kimono when she was married, it would have caused passers-by to watch.Nevertheless, her behavior caused some passers-by's curiosity, and even some malicious people followed her secretly.

She doesn't care about it. No, it's not that she doesn't care. She doesn't notice the situation around her.

At present, her mind is in a mess. For a while, her past in Japan, her experiences with Li Feng, and the ugly face of her master's abandoning her elixir field and Teng Tianxiang's ugly face appear at one time.

These pictures are constantly interwoven, almost tearing her head apart!

Later, when she was tired of running, her mind recovered a little calm, and then she found that she had nowhere to go.

She is from Japan. Her home is in Japan. Her master, senior brothers and sisters are all in Japan. Japan has everything she knows well. She doesn't belong here.

However, Li Feng said that her master was dead, and Fujita Xiang was also dead. She was rescued by Li Feng and returned to China, indirectly becoming Li Feng's accomplice. She could not go back to Japan.

"I can't go back..."

Among the flowers, she looked up at the dim sky and whispered.

Just then, a thunderbolt sounded from the sky, and then the rain poured down.

The rain came suddenly, more than the rain when Chinese fir leaves Daoming temple. All of a sudden, Huajian's clothes were soaked with rain.

"Oh, even heaven is playing with me."

Hua Jian Hui Li Xiang laughs at herself, turns to look at the shop on the street, and finds that there is a bar called Yanyu that is in business. Now she runs in without thinking.

As soon as she entered the bar, she immediately attracted the attention of customers in the bar. Before and after she sat at the bar, a middle-aged man came to chat up and said that she would be offered a drink.

Huajian Huili Xiang took a look at him and spit out a word: "go away!"

The middle-aged man was frightened by the momentum of Huajian hualixiang and left in a hurry.

"This girl is hot. I like it."

In a VIP box, a young man dressed in luxury saw this scene, his eyes lit up and went to the bar.

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