Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 732

Li Feng frowned slightly and murmured to himself, "is it because of the problem of painting fragrance between flowers that the task is released at this time?"

"Check it out!"

"Task: choice (1)"

"task objective: to answer the doubts of Huajian huilixiang."

"Task reward 1:500000 experience, 2 million system points."

"Task reward 2: 100000 experience, 400000 system points."

"Note: the host's answer will affect the reward of the task, and may lead to subsequent tasks. Please think twice before you act."

Li Feng:

It's not For such a long time, he is the first time to see the task that the system gives two reward schemes. I'll see you for a long time!

And Follow up tasks? This is very similar to his previous single player game, different choices will lead to different plots, inexplicably some back to childhood hurry up ah!

Now the question comes. How does the system expect him to answer? Is it to tell the truth or continue to hide it?

"If my question embarrasses the host, the host may not answer it."

Among the flowers, the fragrance of Li Feng's face was constantly changing, and he was suddenly a little frightened.

"No embarrassment." Li Feng sighed and said slowly, "what I said is true. You really got my daughter's seal."

According to Li Feng's understanding of the system, this task should be to tell the truth in order to get higher rewards and lead to follow-up tasks.

Even, Li Feng speculates that the follow-up task is related to the final outcome of his and Huajian huilixiang!

Of course, it doesn't matter how he says it. After all, the fragrance in Huajian's painting is also printed by a woman. Even if she knows, what can she do? As long as he does not remove the female seal, Huajian huilixiang will be extremely loyal to him, and it is impossible to betray him because he knows that he has been hit by his female seal.

Sure enough, as Li Feng guessed, Huajian huilixiang didn't have too many mood swings after listening to it. Instead, he held his chin with his hands crossed and said with a face of worship: "Oh, it's true. The master is so tired."

Li Feng's face was a little strange.

That is to say, if you know that Hua Jian's Hua Li Xiang is in his daughter's seal, otherwise Li Feng will treat her as a fool.

At this time, the system prompts the sound: "Ding, congratulations to the host, choose (1) the task is completed, the task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You've got 500000 experience points and 2 million system points."

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

Hearing this, Li Feng couldn't help clenching his fists and excitedly said, "it's true!"

Because he made the system expected answers, he got more rewards, and at the same time triggered follow-up tasks. This feeling is like playing a stand-alone game to clear customs in an hour!

Under the pressure of excitement, Li Feng said to himself, "check it out!"

"Task: choice (2)"

"task objective: choose to remove or maintain the slave seal of Huajian hualixiang."

"Task reward 1:200000 experience, 800000 system points."

"Task reward 2:500000 experience, 2 million system points."

"Note: the host's choice will affect the reward of the task, and may lead to subsequent tasks. Please think twice before you act."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng fell into a tangle.

If no matter how he answers the previous task, it will have a great impact on his relationship with lilixiang.

Because once the female seal is removed, he and Huajian lilixiang will become enemies directly!

After all, he controlled Huajian's lilixiang for such a long time, and killed Fujita and Kawashima. Can Huajian's lilixiang not hate him when he knows it?

However, according to Li Feng's understanding of the system, it is likely that he can get higher rewards and lead to follow-up tasks after he releases the female reprint.

"How to choose."

Li Feng felt his chin very tangled.

"What's the matter with you, master?"

The fragrance in the painting between the flowers saw Li Feng's entanglement, and could not help asking.

Li Feng took a look at Huajian Huili Xiang and then asked, "are you happy now?"

Huajian Huili Xiang was stunned at first, then nodded: "of course, I'm happy. It's the happiest thing in my life to be with the master."

Li Feng body a shock, only feel the heart has been touched.

Is it true that a person whose mind is completely controlled by him is happy? It's just an illusion, isn't it?

After this period of time together, Li Feng had no intention of killing or hating Huajian huilixiang, but sometimes he felt pity for Huajian huilixiang.

Of course, Li Feng doesn't deny that it has something to do with the beauty of Huajian huilixiang. If a woman with an ordinary appearance, Li Feng might not have these strange ideas.

So Li Feng is really seriously considering whether to remove the female seal on Huajian hulixiang. After all, Huajian hulixiang has no threat to him or even his family.After a long time, Li Feng said with a smile, "Huajian, you said that I have lifted your female seal again. Will you become my enemy?"

Huajian painted incense is a Leng, and then said: "master do not want me, is the flower where do not do well?"

At the same time, there are tears in the beautiful eyes of the fragrant flowers, and they can cry at any time.

"No, it's just that I think it's unfair for you to be a puppet without thinking all the time."

Li Feng touched the hair between the flowers and painted the fragrance and said with a smile.

"But the flower room likes this kind of feeling very much, the host does not want to spend a room, OK?"

Huajian huilixiang wants to pull Li Feng's arm to be coquettish, and is afraid that Li Feng will get angry because of it. For a while, she stands in the same place and is at a loss.

Li Feng sighed and didn't know what to say.

After a long time, his eyes suddenly became firm: "Hua Jian, thank you for being with me all the time. Maybe you and I will become enemies later, but I must return your freedom."

Then Li Feng did not wait for Huajian to make any response, he raised his hand and pressed it on the forehead of Huajian huilixiang.

A bright light flashed in her mind, and countless memory fragments appeared and reorganized. Then she felt a sharp pain in her mind and fainted.

Li Feng quickly reported her to live, gently put her on the bed.

After doing this, the system prompt tone suddenly rings: "Ding, congratulations to the host, choose (2) task completed, task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You've got 500000 experience points and 2 million system points."

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

"It seems that my choice is right." Li Feng's eyes lit up, and then silently read: "check!"

Task: to serve the goddess Huajian huilixiang

task objective: to serve Huajian lilixiang by conventional means, and let her accept you from the bottom of her heart.

Task reward: 2 million experience value and 10 million system points.

"Conventional means?"

Li Feng's eyebrow is pointed, is that not to let him use the female seal?

When Li Feng was wondering secretly, Hua Jian Hui Li Xiang suddenly opened her eyes.

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