Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 689

Li Feng can also guess who called Shen Zixuan with his toes. It's either Ren cangsheng or special mo. don't ask the sky!

He can more guess what that person said to Shen Zixuan on the phone. It must be "Shen Zixuan is my woman"!

Ma De, I was trying to stimulate you. Why did you take it seriously?

It's all right. I asked Shen Zixuan about it. It's miserable. It's going to be torn down. It's a shame

When Li Feng was worried, Shen Zixuan suddenly said with a smile, "he is right. He is my man. Didn't I say that before?"

Li Feng:

It's not Why did Shen Zixuan admit it? He's not hallucinating, is he?

He had practiced mutual benefit with Shen Zixuan, but Shen Zixuan never showed any sign of wanting to be his woman!

Even after that, Shen Zixuan deliberately drew a line with him!

Now Shen Zixuan admits that she is her man again. Does she regard him as a shield?

One side, Murong snow eyebrows a pick, but there is not much surprise color on the face.

Through the chat just now, she can see that Shen Zixuan is interested in Li Feng. Although it is very deep, women know women better. She can see through what Shen Zixuan tries to hide.

"I don't mean to annoy you. It's just a co-operative relationship between us. Is it necessary for me to take such a thing against you?"

"Now I ask you what Li Feng did just now. Tell me the truth."

Shen Zixuan withdrew her eyes and said in a deep voice.

In the next minute or more, Shen Zixuan's face changed constantly, from initial doubt to shock and then to expressionless face.

After that, Shen Zixuan hung up the phone and looked at Li Feng again.

Li Feng was seen some hair: "cough, do I have something on my face?"

The corner of Shen Zixuan's mouth raised a sneering smile: "do you say I'm your woman in front of Ren's people?"

Li Feng's old face is red: "cough, I'm trying to stimulate them."

"Did you get my permission?" Shen Zixuan put aside the sarcasm and asked with a pretty face.

"Er..." Li Feng tone a stagnation, then face strange way: "you also did not agree to say that I am your man."

Shen Zixuan sneered: "I am a woman, you are a man, I say you can't say, such a simple truth you don't understand?"

Li Feng:

It's not She is only allowed to set fire to the state officials and not allow people to light lamps. Is this unreasonable?

Shen Zixuan sneered and continued, "if my aunt can't find a boyfriend, are you in charge?"

"I'm in charge, I'm fully responsible!" Li Feng blurted out.

Damn, he doesn't catch up with this kind of good thing. Should he leave the opportunity to others? What a fuss!

Shen Zixuan smile, and then spit out two words: "ha ha."

Li Feng:

It's not What do you think you despise me? If it wasn't for you, could you step into the supreme peak so quickly?

What's more, I'm a strong man in the early days of demigod, not the weak one who can be lifted up by one hand!

Hehe, I will use puppet skill to you!

"Let's talk about the early days when you became a demigod. I'm really curious. When you're in a different dimensional space, you're still in the late supreme stage. How can you directly cross the supreme peak and become the early demigod

Even if he knew that Ren cangsheng would not lie to himself, Shen Zixuan still didn't believe that Li Feng had stepped into the demigod realm.

"Well I'm not sure. I suddenly fell into a special state when I was just out of the dimensional space, just like the ethereal realm described in the novel

Li Feng knew that this could not be concealed, so he just let go of the brain hole and made it up.

Anyway, Shen Zixuan can't beat him, so what can he say?

Shen Zixuan frowned slightly and whispered in a low voice: "is it the enlightenment in the legend?"

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "understanding the way?"

"Well, it's a very mysterious realm. After entering this realm, the realm will improve rapidly. Cross border upgrading is also possible. You should have entered this realm."

"Sister, how can you meet all the good things?"

Speaking of later, Shen Zixuan was discontented.

It is said that the ancestors of Wang sun, Xiao, Zheng and Lei once entered the realm of enlightenment.

The ancestors here are not Xiao Zhen, Zheng Shanhai and Lei Dong, but the ancestors who established the status of the four schools.

Li Feng coughed and didn't say anything. Shen Zixuan thought about it. Anyway, he gave it to him.

"No, I have to borrow it for a few more days." Speaking of this, Shen Zixuan looked at Murong Xue: "do you mind?"

"I..." Murong snow mouth slightly open, do not know how to answer."Then you just don't mind." Shen Zixuan pulled Li Feng around and left. At the same time, she said, "go, let's continue to practice, and I will also step into the semi divine state."

Li Feng:

It's not It really occurred to her that she did not ask for my opinion!

"That I have something else to do. Can you wait for me... "

Before Li Feng finished speaking, Shen Zixuan interrupted directly: "what can improve the realm of importance?"

"Er..." Li Feng's tone was stagnant, and he said with a bitter smile, "do I have to see my mother first? Why don't you go to the Pearl with me, and we can practice after meeting my mother? "

Shen Zixuan's face changed slightly. After a while, she released Li Feng's hand and said, "hum, do you want to cheat me to see my parents? you must be dreaming! I'll give you three days to deal with your own affairs, and come to me as soon as you've finished

With that, she waved to Murong snow, then turned and flew away from here.

Looking at Shen Zixuan's far away back, Li Feng puts down his hand in the air.

Younger sister, is this the attitude to cultivate with me? Don't even say hello to me before leaving!

At this time, Murong Xue suddenly said, "Li Feng, I May I see my aunt

Although she has established a relationship with Li Feng, she has not met Li Yuan. What if Liyuan doesn't like her?

Even if Murong snow is a big star, it is hard to avoid some uneasiness at this time.

Li Feng's eyes brightened and said with a smile, "of course, we'll go to buy tickets now and return to the Pearl."

After that, Li Feng took out his mobile phone and reported to Li Yuan that he was safe. Then he asked about taking Murong Xue back. After that, they took a taxi to the airport.

Although there are many flights to Beijing to the Pearl, Li Feng and Murong Xue had to wait two hours for the earliest flight this morning.

At 10 a.m., the two arrived at the Pearl International Airport.

Because of this experience, Li Feng decided to buy a private plane. He could leave whenever he wanted, and he could also guarantee his privacy.

When Li Feng and Murong Xue went to Xinghui District, Wei Bingqing's villa had already ushered in several special guests.

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