Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 688

With incomparable expectation mood, Li Feng points into the conquest point mall.

Li Feng found that he had two new skills books on conquering points. After a careful look at the title of the book, Li Feng began to get excited.

Puppet art!

Time is still!

Although we can't see the content introduction of these two skill books, we can guess how much the two skills books are hanging just by looking at their names!

Is it possible to control others by learning puppetry, and to stop the flow of time after learning time stillness?

It's a blockhouse. OK!

Look at the price, each is 200 conquest points, which is not too cheap for Li Feng at the moment!


With a big wave of his hand, Li Feng bought all the skills of the two conquest points.

"Puppet skill": the system developer has a feeling of puppet show. He learned it in March after he closed his door at wudaoya. After learning this skill, the subject can move according to the wishes of the host. "

Note 1: This ability only works on enemies whose realm is lower than the host

"Note 2: this skill has an upper limit. At the same time, the host can only control three supreme masters or four saints. When the opponent's realm is lowered by one level, the host can control one more person, and the maximum number of people under control is eight."

"Note 3: once the subject suffers physical damage, he or she will immediately quit the puppet state. After leaving the puppet state, he will lose all memory of being a puppet."

"Note 4: each use of this skill costs 1 conquest point plus 1000 system points per person per minute."

Note 5: this skill costs 200 conquest points

"I can't control the strong at the same level. I'm not as powerful as I thought!" Li Feng was a little disappointed after reading the content introduction.

There are too many restrictions on this skill, such as realm limit, number limit, damage limit, and consumption of Conquest points and system points.

The most important thing is Li Feng can crush others by force. Why should he find another way to control others?

But then again, this skill is very practical in some special occasions. At least Li Feng can use it to control Shen Zixuan!

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles and whispers to himself: "cough, or don't provoke her, and then look at the effect of time stillness."

"Time stillness": one day, system developers observe the changes of heaven and earth, the alternation of the sun and the moon, and understand the rules of time in one day, thus creating several skills to control time. This book is one of them. "

"After learning this skill, the host will be able to quiesce for 10 seconds each time it is used."

Note 1: when time is still, the host cannot do harm to others

"Note 2: this skill costs 10 conquest points each time, and can only be used once in a natural day."

Note 3: this skill costs 200 conquest points

Li Feng:

It's not Each time you use it, you can only let the time stand still for 10 seconds, but you can't hurt others? This is too much!

Just now he imagined that as soon as the time was still, the enemy would become a living target. He was allowed to kill him and was beaten in the face.

Is the developer deliberately balancing the system?

It's very possible that, with the ability of the system developer, he can design a skill with great lethality but no restrictions, but he has put restrictions on these skills.

If the whole world is an online game, Li Feng is a player with plug-in, and the system developer is the one who designs this plug-in.

The system developer has the ability to design the plug-in as invincible, but only designed it as a plug-in to help Li Feng grow rapidly. Even if some skills seem very powerful, they also design many restrictions for it.

If the system developers want to conquer the world through Li Feng, they should let Li Feng become an invincible power as soon as possible. Why should we impose restrictions?

Is the purpose of system developers to maintain world peace?

Since I can't think about it, Li Feng will stop thinking about it. It's the most important thing to live a good life now!

After learning "puppet art" and "time pause", Li Feng looked at the upgraded system backpack again.

When SSS level is 128 grids, each grid is 100 cubic meters. When it is upgraded to demigod level, it becomes 256 grids and each grid is 500 cubic meters. It is a proper super large warehouse.

After that, Li Feng also flew to the sky of murongxue villa.

at the moment, the two women are sitting side by side on the ruins of the villa. Murongxue is singing Li Feng's "meet", and Shen Zixuan is listening carefully.

At the end of the song, Shen Zixuan was immersed in this song for a long time without being able to recover.

After the three people came out of the space of different dimensions, Li Feng said that he wanted to go to make it convenient. He asked the two women to wait for him for a while. Without much thought, they sat on the ruins waiting for Li Feng to come back.

Bored, the two women talked about Li Feng, said Murong snow on the matter of Li Feng writing songs for her.Shen Zixuan said, "Wow, can Li Feng write songs?"

Then Murong Xue sang the song "meet" written by Li Feng.

From this song, Li Zifeng felt sad when she wrote the song

It's really hard for her to imagine that Li Feng could write such a delicate song.

"Really, he didn't just write me this song. He wrote all ten songs on my new album."

Murong Snow said with pride.

"Isn't it Beethoven?"

Some time ago, Huang Rui wrote songs for song Xuemei. Even Shen Zixuan, who doesn't care much about the entertainment industry, has heard about it.

At that time, Murong Xue publicly said that she invited Beethoven to write songs for herself, and she was also recognized by Beethoven. How can she say it is Li Feng now?

"In fact, Li Feng and Mr. Beethoven are friends. In order to keep a low profile, Li Feng asked Mr. Beethoven to" carry the pot. " Speaking of this, Murong Xue couldn't help smiling.

Shen Zixuan:

What? Li Feng low profile? SHENTE Mo low-key, that bastard has been very arrogant, OK!

secretly make complaints about Li Feng, and Shen Zixuan frowned. "It's been more than 10 minutes. Why hasn't Li Feng returned yet?"

In mid air, Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and fell down in a hurry.

After hearing the sound of breaking the sky, Shen Zixuan looked up and said with a sneer, "come on, what did you do with us two just now?"

It's impossible to constipate. It takes more than ten minutes for convenience? Does Li Feng look like she's stupid?

"Well, it's a long story."

Li Feng is a little hesitant. How can he say that he can be unconventional and succeed in installing a 13 in front of Shen Zixuan?

At the time of Li Feng's organization of language, a burst of cell phone ringing suddenly rings on Shen Zixuan.

Shen Zixuan showed her eyebrows. She took out the phone and found it was Ren cangsheng. At the moment, she was going to hang up the phone, but then she guessed that the call might be related to Li Feng, and finally connected it.

"Hello, this is Shen Zixuan Well, I'm fine. Is that what you're calling about? Then I'll hang up what? Is that what he really said? "

Speaking of the end, Shen Zixuan's tone is straight up, and her eyes are like electricity to Li Feng. Her pretty face is full of evil spirits!

Opposite, Li Feng heart suddenly, had a kind of bad feeling!

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