Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 668

"Ha ha, brother Wang sun, Xiang Longtou, Li Feng is dead. Do you want to fight with us?"

Xiao Yu laughed and walked out of the battlefield.

Lei Yunfeng, Zheng Tao and the other two of their side's most powerful later period also retreated to the outside of the war circle with a look of amusement.

Xiao Yu, Lei Yunfeng, Zheng Tao and these two supreme late strongmen played those violent energy just now.

This opportunity was created for them by the other ten three families, so they tried to hit it with one shot, and everyone used the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box.

The five most powerful men in the later period put their hands together. They still used the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box. Its destructive power was self-evident. The hard concrete walls were blasted into powder.

Although the defense of the most powerful is not comparable to that of concrete, under the joint attack of Xiao Yu's five men, the supreme strong will be seriously injured or even killed.

Before, they sensed three breath of life in the villa. Now the breath of life has disappeared, which means that Li Feng, Mu Rongxue and the unknown third person have died.

The biggest purpose of this trip has been achieved, so they naturally have no need to continue fighting.

On the other side, Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya both said with ugly faces: "stop it first!"

The voice fell to the ground, and the wangsun family and Mo Wentian all withdrew from the battlefield.

For a moment, the field was quiet and the needle could be heard.

"That's right. We are all friends. How bad is it to fight and kill?" Xiao Yu said with a proud smile.

Xiang Tianya and Wang Sunhong look ugly and don't say a word.

Under the protection of both of them, Xiao Yu's five people were able to win. This is to hit them in the face!

At this time, Mo asked the sky flustered: "dragon head, purple Xuan is also here?"

Shen Zixuan said to protect Li Feng. After the meeting, she chased Li Feng out of the headquarters.

Just now they sensed that there were three people in the villa. Besides Li Feng and Murong Xue, was the third one Shen Zixuan?

"It should be." To the end of the world, gloomy as water said.

Mo asked the sky, his face turned pale: "that Is that not to say... "

Ren cangsheng burst out: "is xiaoxuanxuan dead? Killed by them? Ah!!! I'm going to take revenge on little Xuanxuan! "

After the speech, Ren cangsheng will rush to revenge Shen Zixuan.

"Calm down!" He pulled him to the end of the world and said in a deep voice: "things may not be what we imagined. Zixuan should be OK."

After the initial shock, to the horizon to detect something wrong.

Even if Xiao Yu's five men are fighting together, their attack area is too wide, which means that the attack power per unit area decreases.

Li Feng is in the early days of the supreme emperor, and may not be able to withstand such an attack. However, Zixuan is in the later stage of the supreme emperor. Under such an attack, she should not die.

Perhaps in that moment, Zixuan found that things can not be preempted to escape here?

Ren cangsheng also thought of this, and immediately calmed down: "but Li Feng he..."

"Li Feng has already..." Speaking of this, he sighed heavily to the end of the world.

He wanted to keep Li Feng and let him take over his duty in the future, but it just went against his wishes. Xiao Yu and others were too determined to kill Li Feng and their attacks were too fierce.

On the other hand, Wang Sun Hong was silent.

Why didn't he want to keep Li Feng? It's just that it's useless to say so much. He can't fight with Xiao Yu and others for the sake of a dead man.

The best result is that the four families continue to maintain their relationship as if it didn't happen.

Of course, the premise is that Li Feng is really dead.

At present, Wang Sun Hong ordered people to check the scene. Xiao Yu and Xiang Tianya also sent people to inspect the scene.

This kind of thing is still reliable.

Soon, these people turned over the ruins, and then they came to Wang Sun Hong and other people to report: "no body was found, not even flesh and blood."

As soon as the result came out, Wang Sun Hong and others were stunned.

There is no body and no flesh and blood. Isn't Li Feng dead? Should not ah, they clearly sensed that there are three breath of life in the villa.

Even if Shen Zixuan escapes, can Li Feng escape with Murong Xue?

Or Just now that wave of attack vaporized Li Feng and Murong Xue?

There may still be

But the fact that Li Feng's body was not found still made Xiao Yu and others feel uneasy.

"Don't think about it. He must be dead. I didn't see anyone escape from here just now." Lei Yunfeng comforts Xiao Yu, but also comforts himself.

"Well, I know he's not likely to survive, but I don't feel very well about not finding his body." Xiao Yu's face was overcast and sunny, and he said.

On the other side, Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya are also whispering something. Obviously, they are also guessing whether Li Feng is still alive.

Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng are also whispering. They don't care much about Li Feng's life and death, because there is something more important than Li Feng's life and death, that is, whether Shen Zixuan is still alive.It is reasonable to say that such an attack is not enough to threaten Shen Zixuan's life, but there is nothing on the scene that makes them feel a little uneasy.

When did Shen Zixuan escape from the villa ahead of time? Li Feng and Murong Xue also escaped?

Or are they bombarded with raging energy into gas, leaving no trace in the world?

It's as if there's a cloud of fog over here, and everyone can't see the truth.

After a long time, Xiao Yu said, "Li Feng's family is still there. If he doesn't die, he won't sit by and watch us deal with his family."

As soon as this word comes out, the eyes of Lei Yunfeng and Zheng Tao are bright.

On the other side, Wang Sun Hong's face changed slightly with Xiang Tianya!

"The three masters are not as bad as their families. I promised Li Feng to protect his family and asked them not to make it difficult for me to do so." Said to the end of the world.

Finish saying that he looked at Wang Sun Hong again, Wang Sun Hong's eyes flash, did not make a voice, this lets to the horizon some chill.

Xiao Yu hit a ha ha: "don't worry, xianglongtou, I have a sense of propriety."

This is just a scene word. What do they really do to Li Feng's family? What will Xiang Tianya do for a dead man? impossible!

Sure enough, to the end of the world silent nod, and then to Mo Wentian three people make a look, slightly lonely left here.

Next, Wang Sun Hong talked to Xiao Yu again, as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Yu's three did not mean to make Wang Sun Hong look ugly. In a flash, the four families were as good as ever.

Li Feng's "death" resulted in both gratitude and resentment.

People walk tea cool, but so it is.

At the same time, on an unknown desert island.

A whirlpool door that keeps rotating suddenly appears here. Then, Li Feng with a dazed face and Murong Xue with a blank face walk out of the whirlpool gate, followed by Shen Zixuan, who is confused.

Li Feng:

It's not I set the transmission location is clearly the Pearl, how to come here, this is a special place?

Looking at the desert island behind him and the boundless sea, Li Feng is more and more confused.

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