Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 667

"Xiang Longtou, what do you think brother Lei will make?"

Wang Sun Hong said solemnly.

"It's hard to say." Sighed to Tianya: "I'm worried about their sudden attack on Li Feng."

Wang Sun Hong raised his eyebrows and said, "you mean They go back to Li Feng directly? No, they're not afraid to fight us? "

"If Li Feng dies, he will lose his value. At that time, will we still be determined to fight against these three families for the sake of a dead man?" Said to the end of the world with deep meaning.

As soon as he said this, Wang Sun Hong understood.

Why did he risk breaking up with Zheng, Lei and Xiao to protect Li Feng? Was it not because Li Feng had infinite potential?

Li Feng has such potential only when he is alive. If he dies, he will not have any value. At that time, will he be determined to fight with Zheng, Lei and Xiao for Li Feng?

"I think we need to find Li Feng and protect him first."

Sigh to the end of the world, some helpless.

He didn't expect that things would develop to this extent. He thought that by uniting with Wang Sun Hong, Xiao Yu's three would give up chasing Li Feng. Unexpectedly, he underestimated Xiao Yu's determination to kill Li Feng.

It's just that he has to hold on, even if the result will be very bad, because once he gives in, the dignity of the dragon soul will be lost. How will the dragon soul manage the ancient Chinese martial arts world in the future?

Wang Sun Hong nodded. Just like Xiang Tianya, Wang Sun Hong just let out his cruel words. If Xiao Yu and others were allowed to kill Li Feng, where would his face go?

The next time, Xiang Tianya learned from Shen Zixuan where Li Feng had settled down, and took Mo Wentian to catch up with them.

On the other side, Wang Sun Hong returns to Wang sun's house and takes all the most powerful people in the family to murongxue's residence.

Let's talk about Xiao Yu.

After coming out of the Dragon Spirit headquarters, Lei Yunfeng and Zheng Tao were discontented and asked, "brother Xiao, why did you pull us away just now?"

"Brother Xiao, are you afraid of them?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and laughed: "brother Lei and brother Zheng, I'm such a coward in your eyes?"

Lei Yunfeng and Zheng Tao looked at each other and shook their heads together.

"That's it." Xiao Yu thought about it with a smile, and then said, "I'm a dragger. We certainly can't stop here, but it's not rational to face Wang sun's family and dragon soul."

Lei Yunfeng's eyes brightened: "you mean..."

"It's better to start first?" Zheng Tao is not stupid. He guessed Xiao Yu's idea immediately.

"Yes, I said that the purpose of my discussion is to buy time for killing Li Feng. As long as Li Feng is killed, Wang Sun Hong or Tianya will fight us to the end for a dead man?" Xiao Yu said triumphantly.


"That's a good idea!"

Lei Yunfeng two people clapped in praise.

Xiao Yu waved his hand: "let's go back now, take the most powerful person in our family and kill Li Feng with lightning power. After that, we'll have a good talk with Xiang Tianya and Wang Sunhong."

"Well, this time we must kill Li Feng and avenge Xiao Jinxian's nephews!" Lei Yunfeng's eyes twinkled with hatred and said in a cold voice.

Zheng Tao nodded, then frowned: "now our first problem is to find Li Feng first, if we can't find him, everything is empty talk."

Xiao Yu agreed and said, "well, mobilize everyone to look for Li Feng's whereabouts!"

Zheng, Xiao and Lei, the three top-level ancient martial arts families, worked together. What's more, Li Feng was originally in Shangjing and didn't do any disguise. Soon they knew that Li Feng lived in murongxue's villa.

At 4:00 a.m., Xiao Yu, Lei Yunfeng and Zheng Tao led their four masters to murongxue villa.

Just surrounded by the villa, Wang sun's family and the most powerful dragon soul came out of their hiding place.

There are six supreme strongmen in Wang sun's family, and four in dragon soul. Compared with the 15 supreme strong men in Xiao Yu's side, there are five less in their side.

Even with Shen Zixuan sleeping in the car, they still lost four.

The moment the two groups met, the atmosphere became tense, and the faces of Xiao Yu, Lei Yunfeng and Zheng Tao became a little ugly.

They didn't expect Wang Sun Hong and Xiang Tianya to guard here in advance. It seems that their ideas have been guessed.

"Brother Wang sun, I really don't want a war between us."

Xiao Yu said with a sigh.

He really didn't expect that things would develop to such a degree. It would be terrible to fight with Wang Sun family and dragon soul. If it was not good, the Xiao family would be destroyed.

"I don't want a war between us. Let's put it down. When will it be?"

Wang Sun Hong sighed.

"When things get to this point, it's so easy to give up."

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.They are all forced by the situation. When they are in this position, who will willingly admit defeat?

"Yeah, it's not that easy to give up."

Wang Sun Hong sighed again.

"Why do you say so much? Since you are determined to protect Li Feng, we will have a win or a lose!"

Lei Yunfeng is a violent temper, can not help but curse.

"Yes, we have a lot of people. You are definitely not our opponents in the fight!"

Zheng Tao roared fiercely.

"If you fight, you'll be afraid." Don't ask the sky is also a violent temper, roll up your sleeves and scold.

"Don't think you can do anything with too many people. I've experienced many battles. It's not unheard of to have more than one enemy. It's not good." Ren cangsheng's temper is not small, his nostrils are facing the sky.

All of us are the most powerful. The pride in our hearts is not comparable to that of ordinary people. If both sides talk well with each other, the situation may not be so bad.

But when the abuse began, the situation could never be reversed.

"Well, since you want to fight, fight!"

After his words fell to the ground, Xiao Yu led his people to rush to Mo Wentian and others.

Lei Yunfeng and Zheng Tao are not willing to be outdone, and they also lead their clansmen to Wang Sunhong and others.

War broke out!

At the same time, Li Feng heard the news outside and quickly stopped practicing with Murong Xue: "Xiaoxue, the situation is not right, let's leave this place first."

Because there is a real gas barrier around, the sound of speaking to Tianya and others is blocked, but the vibration of the ground can not be blocked.

More than 20 of the most powerful people joined hands. It's like the Temo earthquake. If Li Feng doesn't feel it again, don't mix it up.

Murong snow also felt, not from pretty face micro White said: "what happened?"

Li Feng did not explain too much: "clean up first, I will take you out of here again."

Li Feng is going to use teleportation to bring Murong Xue to the Pearl, and then escape from the encirclement.

Soon, the two people were ready, Li Feng took Murong Xue's hand and started the space transmission. Just as they were about to transfer away from here, a graceful figure suddenly rushed in.

It is Shen Zixuan who is waiting outside!

Li Feng's face changed slightly. He wanted to stop the space transmission, but it was too late. He and Murong Xue had already lit up white light.

Shen Zixuan was a little confused when she saw this behind the scenes, but then she came to Li Feng and grabbed his hand and said, "Xiao Yu, they brought people to kill us. Let's get out of here quickly."

Voice landing, a white light flash, three people disappear from the bedroom.

Several violent energy boom in the villa, the entire villa was razed to the ground!

After the dust dissipated, a huge pit appeared in the ground.

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