Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 636

Edwin Gullett and ray Ming were both a little gloomy and a little hot.

Just now they were talking in front of the guests. They took Murong Xue as a bag. In the twinkling of an eye, Murong Xue came in with a man's hand.

The face slapped and crackled.

So they all hate the man who was held by Murong snow. If the reason is still there, they are afraid that he has been blown to pieces.

On one side, Wei Yang, Huang Bin and others are like ghosts in the sky. Their mouths are wide open, and their faces are full of surprise.

I'll go. Isn't this Li Feng? He even got Murong Xue? Add in Wei Bingqing and Huajian huilixiang before that. Is this his third woman?

Cow to cow!

I admire you!

"It looks like a good show." Wei Yang's eyes flashed and he whispered.

Huang Bin turned his head to have a look, and his face also showed a playful smile.

Before the scene of Lei Ming ignoring them is still vivid, they certainly do not want to let it go.

With their ability, they can't compete with Lei Ming, but Li Feng can.

Moreover, no matter who Li Feng or Lei Ming wins, they both have no loss and can still watch a good show. This is called sitting and reaping the profits.

Now the question is, do they want to instigate properly? Although without their instigation, Lei Ming will probably have a conflict with Li Feng for the sake of murongxue, but if they instigate it, the battle between them will be more intense.

Wei Yang and Huang Bin have been friends for many years. After a look at each other, they understand each other's wishes and raise their feet to meet them.

"Li Shao, why are you here?"

"Li Shao, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are more elegant than before. I admire you."

Wei Yang, Huang Bin is like Li Feng's younger brother in general, 6 points hot Luo, 4 points compliment said.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, half smile looked up two people.

Although he completely awed them, he did not think that they would become their younger brothers because of this. After all, they were the top of the Pearl. Wei Yang and Huang Bin couldn't even want this kind of face.

Now two people, like his younger brother, come together. If you want to say that there is no fishiness in it, Li Feng will not believe it.

Li Feng didn't want to guess, so he directly used mind reading skills to Wei Yang. At the same time, he said, "Wei Shao, I'm still wondering whether you and Huang Shaohui will come here tonight. I didn't expect that you really came. It's really a surprise."

Wei Yang:

Huang Bin:

It's not What does Li Feng mean, looking forward to their coming? Mad, are you addicted to stepping on them?

They are really right. Li Feng just wants to have some fun from them

"Well, I didn't expect Li Shaohui to come here." Wei Yang coughed, then looked at Murong Xue and asked tentatively, "Li Shao, are you and miss Murong..."

Li Feng asked to look at Murong snow, he would like to say that he is Murong Snow's boyfriend, but whether Murong snow can agree or not is unknown.

If Mu Rongxue is upset now, is it not worth the loss?

"Li Shao is my boss." Murong Xue said with a smile and a smile: "as an entertainer in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, it's not too much for me to please our boss?"

At the same time, Murong Xue held Li Feng's arm more tightly.

There is a layer of window paper between her and Li Feng, and she will not say that she is Li Feng's girlfriend before piercing it.

This words a, Wei Yang, Huang Bin's facial expressions all become some strange.

So the reason why Li Feng bought Shengtang entertainment is for murongxue? I'll go. It's too big. How about spending billions on a woman?

However, Li Feng's acquisition not only did not lose money, but also made a lot of money. It was just a matter of money and money.

"You hear me? I'm just the boss of Miss Murong. If you have any ideas about Miss Murong... "

Li Feng was pinched by Murong Xue.

Immediately Li Feng knew that he would never forgive him if he dared to let Wei Yang and Huang Bin pursue Murong Xue.

Of course, Li Feng just wants to make Murong Xue have a sense of urgency. He can't really let people pursue Murong Xue. Isn't he wearing a hat for himself?

“…… I'll make you regret it. "

As soon as Li Feng turned, there was a cold light in his eyes.

Wei Yang:

Huang Bin:

They know that things are not so simple, what boss and subordinates, clearly is to love each other!

But this is better, they are more sure to let Li Feng and Lei Ming fight.

Not far away, Lei Ming's face has returned to normal, and Li Feng and other people's dialogue word after word into the ear.

"It turns out that he is the Li Feng who made a big fuss about the Wang family and made the wangsun family attach great importance to him?""When you buy entertainment in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, do you get a month first when you play near the water? It's dandy enough... "

"But after all, he has not really been included in the family tree of Wang and sun. I don't need to worry about him too much. If he dares to intervene in my pursuit of murongxue later, I will let him know what the real top-level descendants of the ancient Wu family are!"

Just a moment's thinking, Lei Ming's heart has a worry.

On the other side, Edwin Gullett is thinking about something

While Wei Yang and Huang Bin accompany Li Feng to laugh, Lei Ming strides to Murong Xue: "Hello, Miss Murong Xue. I'm Lei Ming. Nice to meet you."

Looking at the hand in front of him, Murong Xue showed his eyebrows and frowned slightly. After pondering for a while, he still held out his hand: "Hello, Mr. Lei. I'm glad to meet you."

Although the number of people who came was much beyond Murong Xue's expectation, this is the scene of the celebration banquet held for her. She is the protagonist of the evening. She should never turn a blind eye to the initiative of the other party to make friends with her.

On the other hand, all the people who can come here are the bright pearl. Murong Xue doesn't want to offend others easily.

Lei Ming didn't hold on to Murong Xue's hand either. After a gentle grip, he relaxed and said, "Miss Murong Xue, you are more beautiful than on the screen. I'm very satisfied."

As soon as this word comes out, Murong Snow's Xiu eyebrow will wrinkle gently.

It's not I am beautiful or ugly, what does it have to do with you? Why should I satisfy you?

Just as Murong Xue frowned, Lei Ming looked at Li Feng again: "I have something to tell Miss Murong. You can get out of the way."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "are you challenging me?"

At a glance, he can see that Lei Ming's possession of jade in Murong Xue's eyes, and that of those who eat fruits without any cover up.

And murongxue took his arm again, and it was reasonable for Lei Ming to challenge him.

It's just Does Lei Ming know what will happen if he is provoked?

At this time, Wei Yang on the side said: "Li Shao, you don't know. Lei Shao is aiming at Miss Murong tonight. Since you are not miss Murong's boyfriend, you'd better give Lei Shao a face."

Wei Yang's words are very good. When he points out Lei Ming's intention, he also advises Li Feng. On the surface, he reminds Li Feng not to conflict with Lei Ming. In fact, he is stimulating Li Feng.

Because he knows Li Feng's temper, eat soft not eat hard, the more let him back, he is more rigid!

Next, he can enjoy the fight between Li Feng and Lei Ming.

When Wei Yang was proud of himself, Li Feng glanced at him and said with a sneer: "what are you? What do I want to do? You can teach me?"

As soon as the words were said, the audience was silent!

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