Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 625

Xiao Ling Fei is also extremely ignorant at the moment.

Many people have a special fear. For example, some people are afraid of snakes, some people are afraid of cockroaches, some people are afraid of mice, some people are afraid of insects

To exaggerate, this is the devil of the human heart.

Even if you know that these things can't hurt you, you will be afraid when you see them. Xiao Lingfei is like this.

Now, it's meaningless to go to the villa to find out why mice run into the villa. Concubine Xiao Ling is more concerned about Did her performance have a devastating impact on her image?

Well, look at Li Feng to see his small eyes, her queen image is completely destroyed this time.

In fact, concubine Xiao Ling is a little worried. She has no image of queen in Li Feng's heart all the time, and some of them are just brave

"Concubine Xiao Ling, you jumped here by yourself this time."

Li Feng looked down at Xiao Ling Fei, and said with a playful arc.

Xiao Ling Fei blushed, then turned her head and said, "that's what. You can't control where you want to jump."

Li Feng, a fool, still wants to reason with her. Is her head funny?

The voice falls to the ground, Xiao Ling Fei is about to jump to the ground.

Li Feng's face smile more thick: "I can't control where you jump, but I can get my hands."

The voice falls to the ground, his hands then tightly will Xiao Ling imperial concubine restraint.

Xiao Ling Fei's face changed slightly. She tried to break free. However, Li Feng was so weak that she could not break free even though she struggled. Finally, she had to give up.

But the loser didn't lose the battle. Concubine Xiao Ling snorted coldly and said, "since you want to report it, you can report it. It happens that my aunt is tired, so you can make a sofa for your aunt."

Li Feng:

It's not This chick has a hard mouth. She even takes me as a sofa?

My husband is not very well!

Thinking of this, Li Feng got angry from his heart. He was so angry that he couldn't stop Xiao Ling Fei. He raised his right hand high, and then


a crisp sound!

Concubine Xiao Ling is confused!

What did Li Feng do to her just now?

She's not hallucinating, is she?

From childhood to adulthood, her mother has never beaten her Pigu. How dare Li Feng, this bastard, dare to beat her Pigu?!

"Li Feng, you..."

After muddled, Xiao Ling Fei is going to get angry.

At this moment, Li Feng's hands rise and fall!

"Pa", "pa", "pa"

In the living room, there was a lot of noise.

Outside the restaurant, Ren Xiaolei and Gao Jiemian look at each other.

If the previous "ah" is not enough to explain anything, then the movement at the moment is too obvious.

"Shifeng says," I think when I fell in love with Xiao ran at the beginning... "

Speaking of this, Ren Xiaolei took a look at Gao Jie, who secretly pricked up her ears. She said, "Gao Jie, you've been with us for so many years, and you haven't had time to find a partner. You've been wronged."

Gao Jie:

It's not Madam, don't change the topic so quickly. I also want to know how you and the master were at that time!

"After settling down, you go to Ling Fei for a bottle of Tong Yan Shui. After drinking it, you say that you are believed by people in your twenties. Then you go to find a little fresh meat to talk about love, get married and have children. It's worthwhile to have a walk in the world."

Ren Xiaolei continued.

Gao Jie blushed at first, then said in a quick voice: "since the master asked me to follow my wife, I haven't thought about these things. I..."

"Well, you don't have to say, I know you are loyal to us. You have done enough these years. We can't delay you any more."

Ren Xiaolei waved her hand and interrupted Gao Jie.

Gao Jie opened her mouth. After a long time, she said strangely, "madam, you have always warned us that men don't have a good thing..."

"It's just that I'm not lucky, woman. Sometimes I really need a man, otherwise it's meaningless to live."

Ren Xiaolei gently pulled the front of her forehead to her ears, and said with the color of reminiscence.

Gao Jie was silent.

Ren Xiaolei took Gao Jie's hand with a smile: "listen to me, drink Tongyan water, forge an identity information, find a little fresh meat, marry and have children Well, you should still be alive, right? "

Gao jiezheng was moved. When he heard this, he made a big red face.

As expected, solemnity is only an occasional phenomenon in his wife, and boldness is the normality of a lady

In the living room, Li Feng is still up and down.

Xiao Lingfei was very shy and angry, but slowly she began to look at this problem with an appreciative eye.

Who is she? The owner of the stormy building, the super strong in the later period.

In the wind and rain building, she is N0.1, the one and only Lord. Anyone who sees her must be respectful, even in front of Ren Xiaolei, she can also accept a few words.But what about Li Feng? She didn't take her seriously at all. She was trained and beaten as soon as she said it.


Most women need to be dressed, that man must be stronger than her, she can see, a weaker than her man can not attract her.

Just like a horse, it's impossible to tame it just by fawning on it. We must use tough means to tame it.

Xiao Lingfei is such a fierce horse, and what Li Feng does now is to tame!

I don't know how long after, Xiao Ling Fei said with a red face: "well, don't fight again, it will be swollen."

"Are you aware of your mistakes?" Li Feng couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't get up and down again.

"No one else is wrong. It's still you." Xiao Ling Fei's eyes turned and whispered.

Li Feng eyebrow pointed a pick, raised his hand to say: "good, then you tell me where I was wrong, if the explanation is not satisfied with me, then I will continue to play."

"Then I'll explain it to you." Xiao Ling Fei adjusted her posture and said slowly, "you are my man. It's reasonable to come to save me. But you put on the appearance that you are my Savior, which makes me very unhappy."

Li Feng:

It's not Did he hear that right? Xiao Lingfei even admitted that he was her man?

"Why, do you want to turn your back on people?" Seeing that Li Feng didn't speak, Xiao Ling Fei was anxious: "at the beginning, you put me..."

"What do you want?" Li Feng came back to his mind, and his mouth was full of fun.

"Hum! I can't say that. " Xiao Ling's face turned red, and then she said, "in a word, you are my man. You should come to save me. Not only can't you show your face in front of me, but also you have to be willing to continue to protect me, you Can it be done? "

Instead of listening to Li Feng's words, he played a very important role

Xiao Ling Fei stares at Li Feng for a while. After a while, she nods with satisfaction and says, "it's OK. I hope you don't let me down."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ling Fei is about to get down from Li Feng. Who knows Li Feng's strength has increased a little bit.

Xiao Ling Fei looks at Li Feng in doubt.

Li Feng's taste: "you all said that I am your man, then you as my woman, you need to accompany me to practice the" mutual benefit skill. "

"Reciprocal magic? What is that? " Xiao Ling Fei is puzzled.

Li Feng said with a narrow smile: "you will know later."

Li Feng tells Xiao Lingfei to go to the bedroom on the second floor

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