Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 624

Gao Jie closed the door after she came to the restaurant. There must be some unspeakable communication between Miss Gao and Li Feng later. She'd better not hear it.

But she can cook lunch at this time. The battle was so fierce that everyone must be hungry.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared at the dining room window.

This figure appears so suddenly that Gao Jie is shocked. When she finds out that the person coming is Ren Xiaolei, the whole person falls into a muddled state.

It's not Didn't my wife enter the bedroom on the second floor just now? Why did she appear outside the dining room again?

At this time, Ren Xiaolei winked at Gao Jie and hooked her finger.

Gao Jie is more and more confused. Madam, is this an evil spirit? What are you doing at the window? This is, jumping God?

"Look at my mouth!" Ren Xiaolei pointed to his mouth and said silently, "you, quietly come out, don't shoot."

Speaking at the same time, Ren Xiaolei is constantly gesticulating.

Finally Gao Jie understood Ren Xiaolei's meaning. She put a real gas barrier around her body, then opened the window and jumped out gently.

"Shit, I'm so anxious." Seeing Gao Jie come out, Ren Xiaolei said with a sigh of relief.

Gao Jie gave a wry smile: "madam, are you calling me out for..."

"Shh!" Ren Xiaolei made a silent gesture, then looked around and made sure that no one was following him. Then he put a real gas barrier around him. Then he said, "how much do you know about Li Feng?"

Gao Jie was stunned at first, and then told all the information he knew about Li Feng. Among them, there were many women around Li Feng.

After listening to Gao Jie's story, Ren Xiaolei's face changed several times. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Ma De, you can't judge a person's appearance. I thought he was a kind of infatuation, but I didn't think he was a big radish!"

Gao Jie smiles bitterly on her face. If she hadn't known that Li Feng had other women, she would have been cheated by Li Feng's performance today.

To say that cheating may not be accurate, it should be said to be moved.

In order to protect concubine Xiao Ling, she has been protecting her in secret. When she is in danger, she comes forward to save her

Which woman should be moved by Li Feng?

It's just that her husband entrusted her to Li Feng. Now she knows that Li Feng is a flower radish. What will she do? Before you take it back?

At the moment of Gao Jie's wild thoughts, Ren Xiaolei sighed: "although Li Feng is a bit of a flower, he still has a conscience. A man, there are a few unruly. As long as he is good to Ling Fei and willing to die for Ling Fei, I, who is a mother, is willing to entrust Ling Fei to him."

Gao Jie:

It's not This is a little different from the lady she knows. Is she serious?

When Xiao Ling Fei was young, Ren Xiaolei instilled in her the idea that men do not have a good thing. Because of this, Xiao Ling Fei set a rule not to let female artists in stormy buildings fall in love.

Not only does not let the female artists in the wind and rain building fall in love, but Xiao Ling Fei has always claimed that she will die alone.

Now the young lady seems to have been attracted to Li Feng. How can my wife change her mind?

Li Feng is poisonous!

"I can't help being a woman." Ren Xiaolei shook his head and sighed, then said, "at least Li Feng can protect Ling Fei's safety, can't he?"

Gao Jie pointed her eyebrows and nodded clearly.

Although Xiao Ye retreats, more troubles are still waiting. The identity of his wife and miss means that they can't get help from others. Li Feng is an X factor.

With the improvement of Li Feng's realm, he will return to the family tree of Wang and sun, and his wife and miss will have a chance to walk in this world with dignity!

In order to achieve this goal, Li Feng can also protect the young lady. In addition to Li Feng, Gao Jie did not expect another person with such ability!

"But we can't place our hope entirely on Li Feng We can't live here. Clean up and stop eating. Let's move to another place

Ren Xiaolei thought about it and finally decided to move.

As long as they live in another place, they will not be found by the Xiao family in a short time.

Gao Jie nodded, and she would turn to the living room to inform Xiao Ling Fei.

Just then, an "ah" came from the living room.

After hearing the news, Ren Xiaolei and Gao Jie's faces became strange.

After a long time, Ren Xiaolei said strangely, "this girl, how can I be so impatient? My mother is still here. Ah, I am so ashamed of her as a mother!"

Shaking his head, Ren Xiaolei said: "it is estimated that they will be finished in two and a half hours. Let's wait outside first."

Gao Jie:

It's not Ma'am, is it really good for you to drive a lady's car like this?

Time back to a minute ago.

In the dilapidated living room, the debris of all kinds of things, the environment is very bad, at least this is not a good place to fall in love.What makes Li Feng feel more tired is that Xiao Lingfei has been staring at him coldly. It is not like facing a life-saving benefactor, but like facing an enemy.

"Cough..." Li Feng coughed, ready to take the initiative to open up the situation.

"Cough what, pretend to be mature." Concubine Xiao Ling snorted coldly and accepted Li Feng.

Li Feng's mouth was drawn, and three black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Girl, tiger doesn't get angry. This girl is Hello Kitty, isn't she?

"Concubine Xiao Ling, I saved you just now. Last time, I have saved you for the second time. Is that how you treat your Savior?"

Li Feng's face was flat and asked in a cold voice.

Xiao Ling Fei sneered: "Oh, did I beg you to save me?"

Li Feng: My special It's heart piercing

How could he forget this move? Last time he saved Xiao Ling Fei, Xiao Ling Fei also said so!

If Xiao Ling Fei was not hurt heavily, he would not have moved back to this game.

Now Xiao Ling Fei is fine. It's hard for him to move back to this game.

"No more words?" Xiao Ling Fei is very proud, there is a saying that people will not fall in the same place, but Li Feng fell down twice in the same way. What does this mean?

Li Feng is certainly not stupid, that can only show that she is too powerful ah, ha ha ha ha.

In Xiao Ling Fei proud, Li Feng speechless, a mouse suddenly rushed in from the broken door.

When the mouse came in, he saw Li Feng and Xiao Ling Fei. Both of them were sluggish for a moment. Then


Concubine Xiao Ling let out a scream and jumped into Li Feng's arms.

The mouse was also frightened, ran out in a hurry and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Feng subconsciously reaches out to catch Xiao Lingfei, and the whole person falls into a sluggish state:

The owner of the wind and rain building, the super strong man in the later period, was afraid of a small mouse? You can even kill a tiger! Shame not shame!

Of course, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that concubine Xiao Ling sent her home. If he doesn't seize the opportunity to find the court, how can he live up to the chance?

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