Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 585

After several hours of extreme speed sailing, 055 big drive came to the high seas.

The sun sets, the night falls, the moon is high, and the sea surface is sparkling.

On the boundless sea surface, 055 big drive and a battleship into the cloud class slowly approached, finally, the two sides stopped less than 100 meters apart.

Under the leadership of Shen Zixuan, the people went to the deck and looked at the cloud class battleship on the opposite side.

At first, there was no one on the deck. Then, a group of Japanese in Samurai uniform, led by a middle-aged man in white Samurai uniform, walked onto the deck.

"I didn't expect it was the purple dragon envoy who was responsible for this hostage exchange. I'm really lucky."

After seeing Shen Zixuan, the man in white Samurai clothes suddenly saw the evil light.

"Well, I didn't expect the shadow would send you, an old pervert. I suspect your purpose is not to exchange hostages, but to disgust me."

"You're disgusted to death without a single soldier. You're really good at calculating!"

Shen Zixuan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly and said in disgust.

The middle-aged man in white Samurai uniform opposite is named cangjing Xiangtai. He is one of the two shadow generals in the shadow. He is a strong SSS level man and the enemy of Dragon Spirit in Asia.

There are some abnormal rumors about Cang Jing Xiang Tai. For example, he will put on a human skin mask to make a cameo for Avril NuYou, and his performances are all heavy mouthed

So when she saw cangjing Xiangtai, Shen Zixuan felt disgusted.

In Asia, the only threat to the dragon soul is the Japanese shadow, and the two shadows of the Japanese shadow will be SSS level strong, with the strength comparable to the four Dragon envoys.

In addition, the spiritual leaders of the Japanese martial arts circle, the strong Japanese swordsman of SSS + level, are the most powerful force of shadow.

Because of the existence of these three people, the Japanese shadow can compete with the Chinese dragon soul for many years!

Before, Shen Zixuan thought that letting her take charge of this operation was to kill chickens with a knife. She never thought that shadow sent cangjing Xiangtai, which was good steel used on the blade.

"If you can really disgust you, that would be a great achievement, but I also want to develop a transnational relationship with the purple dragon envoy in my lifetime. Isn't it a pity that you die like this

Cangjing Xiang is too tranquil in the corner of his mouth and says with a smile.

Shen Zixuan is a world-famous strong woman, but also a world-famous beauty. Some people privately call her the most beautiful among the beautiful women and the most beautiful among the world's strong men.

What's more, she is directly described as the world's first beauty!

Cangjing Xiangtai is a man who is interested in making a cameo role in Ai Wei Nan you. Do you want to think about Shen Zixuan's beauty of this level?

"My special Do you really want to disgust me to death? Girl, do you have transnational love? Then I might as well fall in love with Mo Wentian and Ren cangsheng. At least those two guys don't make me feel sick. "

Shen Zixuan said with disgust.

Li Feng's mouth a puff, other people also show a strange color.

Is Shen Zixuan praising or belittling the two dragon envoys? Don't ask heaven and Ren cangsheng to hear this should want to cry without tears?

"Hum, it's said that the purple dragon emissary of the dragon soul is a smart mouth. Today I see it, it's really worthy of its reputation! Don't talk about it. Bring people up. We'll talk all night after we finish the exchange. "

Cangjing Xiang is too cold to hum.

"Well, you'll bring them up first and let me check the number of people."

Shen Zixuan put her hands around her. She said lazily.

"Why should I bring people up first? You should bring Fujita Xiang and Huajian lilixiang first, and then bring your people up after I'm sure it's OK."

Cang Jing Xiang too a face not to say.

"Well?" Shen Zixuan showed her eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "cangjing Xiangtai, you don't want to exchange, do you? Well, let's go

Shen Zixuan turned her head and left. After a short period of confusion, other dragon soul members also followed.

On the opposite side, cangjing Xiangtai and others said:

It's not After so many days of seesaw negotiation, Shen Zixuan said that the hostage exchange was cancelled? Is that stupid?

"Well, she must be just acting. I don't believe she really dares to go!"

Cangjing Xiangtai's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a cold voice.

As soon as Mrs. cangjing spoke, the shadow members on the deck calmed down.

Since Shen Zixuan dare not really leave, they have to see what excuse Shen Zixuan wants to use to turn back!

These shadow members are very excited at the thought that the dragon soul and the purple dragon envoy will have to fight their own faces later.

At the same time, members of the dragon soul also pinched the sweat for Shen Zixuan.

This action is decided by the leader himself. Does Zilong really want to give up like this?

If you go back to China like this, you will be punished by the leader, right?

Even Li Feng was forced by Shen Zixuan's work. He didn't buy vegetables in the market. If the price could not be negotiated, he could try to test the other party by turning around.This is a transaction between two special departments. Once the other side doesn't speak up, Shen Zixuan has to face down and walk back by himself, otherwise the transaction will break down.

Does Shen Zixuan really dare to stop the action?

When she was about to walk into the bridge, Shen Zixuan snapped her finger and said, "listen to my command, return home!"

Voice landing, 055 type big drive issued a few roars, it is about to leave here.

Cangjingxiang can see that Shen Zixuan really wants to go. This woman is too cruel to play cards according to common sense!

The key is that Fujida Xiang and Huajian huilixiang are masters of the sword master, and they must be exchanged back. Shen Zixuan just walked away. How can she do it?

At the moment, cangjing Xiangtai didn't care whether to lose face or not, and cried out: "Purple Dragon envoy, please wait a minute!"

Shen Zixuan's feet a meal, hit a ring finger to say: "stop!"

Then, Shen Zixuan turned her head and looked at cangjing Xiangtai: "why, the old pervert still wants to try to disgust me to death?"

Cangjing Xiangtai took a puff from the corner of her mouth and snorted coldly: "Shen Zixuan, you are cruel. I'll bring people up first!"

"Bring me the defeated general of dragon spirit!"

The words fell to the ground. Several warriors in black escorted four people in ragged clothes with shackles on their hands and feet to the deck.

The moment these four people appeared, Shen Zixuan's pupils shrank, and she had the intention to kill them: "did you torture them?"

Even at night, even if there was no light, even if it was a hundred or two meters away, Shen Zixuan saw the situation of these four people with the help of weak moonlight - their clothes were ragged and their bodies were covered with scars!

They were obviously tortured!

"Their mouths are too hard. If we want to know something, we have to torture them."

"But you can rest assured that they are not disabled, and they can be completely recovered after a period of cultivation."

Cangjing Xiang said with a playful look.

Wang Zhen's betrayal exposed the dragon soul members in Japan. It was because of Wang Zhen's betrayal that the four were caught by the shadow.

At this time, Li Feng also saw the tragic situation of these four people. For a moment, his heart was killing!

These Japanese people who killed thousands of swords are all damned!

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