Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 584

I'll go. The purple dragon envoy saved Li Feng? It seems that the relationship between them is not simple!

And Li Feng looks so young. Is he a saint level strongman? Cow to cow!

The members who took part in the operation were all drawn from Shen Zixuan's staff, except Li Feng, so these people didn't know Li Feng.

Of course, Li Feng is not a nobody now. There are also people who have heard of him.

"Li Feng? Are you the super genius who made Wang Sun Zhong want to join the Wang family

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and nodded at the man.

Later, we should carry out the task together, and he should not be too cold, or let others see him unhappy and affect the progress of the task.

"Hiss, it's really you."

The man looked surprised and couldn't help looking at Li Feng.

"Lao Zheng, is this the fierce man you mentioned?"

"It was he who killed the king of the black dragon emissary, which caused the rage of the black dragon envoy?"

"He is oswelli's boss, and tongyanshui is his product?"

"Crouch, how do you all know him? It makes me look like I'm very ignorant. "

"Ha ha, Lao Wang, do you finally find yourself ignorant?"

"Get out of here. I'm just making fun of myself. You're serious."

"Ha ha, in fact, I learned about it by accident. The boy has done a good job in keeping his personal information secret. There are no photos of him on the Internet. I just heard about him. I really can't recognize him when I see him."

"Yes, it's only spread in a small circle, and few people know about it. After all, it's about two dragon envoys, and those two dragon envoys follow our dragon envoys..."

"Cough, it's a nice day today."

When someone said hi, he completely forgot that Shen Zixuan was there. He almost told me about her love triangle with the black dragon envoy and the green dragon envoy. Fortunately, she was interrupted in time.

In fact, it is the wishful thinking of the green dragon envoy and the black dragon envoy. Shen Zixuan does not mean them at all. Otherwise, could she sit and watch them fight for so many years?

Under the internal fight between the two, the dragon soul was in a bad state. Even the dragon head was not satisfied with this.

Shen Zixuan glared at the man. She was so scared that she looked pale. She did not dare to look at her.

"Well, if anyone talks about it again, I'll throw him into the sea to feed the shark. Don't worry, I'll tie his hands and feet with steel bars and seal his acupoints before throwing them away."

Shen Zixuan snorted and said.

As soon as he said this, the temperature in the room dropped suddenly. In addition to the man who was chewing his tongue, everyone else was pale with fear.

They know that Shen Zixuan is not just talking. If she hears her again, the speaker will be thrown into the sea to feed the shark.

Li Feng couldn't help but draw from the corner of his mouth. He knew more about Shen Zixuan's ferocity.

However, Shen Zixuan said that still makes him very happy, sister, let you chew my tongue again!

Talk about it Are you so famous in Dragon Spirit?

At this time, Shen Zixuan said, "Li Feng, are you interested in leaving Mo Wentian and joining me? If you want to come to me, you just need to take out a bottle of Tongyan water. I promise you, don't ask the sky and dare not trouble you. "

Li Feng:

It's not Just now, he thought Shen Zixuan was a talent of love, and he wanted to find no way out of the corner of the sky. So he wanted to lure him into "job hopping", but he never thought about Shen Zixuan asked him for a favor!

Love young master risks offending don't ask the sky, but also with you a bottle of Tong Yan Shui? What are you trying to do!

"Why do you look at me like this? Do you know how many people want to mix with me? Even if you have a chance to be my servant, you will come here without any hesitation. Do you believe it or not?"

Shen Zixuan stares at Li Feng fiercely and says with a displeased face.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and clasped his fist and said, "I believe that it's just that the green dragon envoy knows my situation well. I don't want to betray him."

"Of course, I have always admired the purple dragon envoy, and I also want to thank the purple dragon envoy for saving me in danger last time, so please accept this bottle of Tongyan water."

Li Feng took out a bottle of Tong Yan Shui from his arms and handed it to Shen Zixuan.

At this time, regardless of whether he believed it or not, Shen Zixuan made it clear that he had just said that to Tong Yanshui. If he didn't bow his hand to send tongyanshui out, what else could he do?


everyone at the scene could not help but take a breath of cool air. The 200 million worth of tongyanshui said to send it away? If the cattle criticize the cattle, they will not be provoked.

Wait Li Feng is out to carry out the task, why carry a bottle of tongyanshui, he is not afraid of accidents to break tongyanshui?

Or He's been trying to flatter Zilong for a long time?

Hiss, this boy is very treacherous!

Shen Zixuan showed her eyebrows and took a deep look at Li Feng and said, "little guy, you can do something. It's good."The voice falls to the ground, Shen Zixuan takes Tong Yan Shui and opens it and drinks it up.

Everyone held their breath and watched carefully.

Under the public's attention, Shen Zixuan's skin began to change, wrinkles rapidly reduced, a few dark spots also disappeared with the naked eye speed.

Soon, Shen Zixuan, who originally looked about 30 years old, had a sharp reduction in her skin age to her teens. If not for her excellent figure, mature and lazy temperament, she was believed to be a teenage girl!

"Tong Yan fruit is worthy of its reputation."

Shen Zixuan touched her face with emotion. Then she looked at Li Feng and said, "this can only be used with one bottle? After ten years and eight years, if I use another bottle, will it still work? "

People will always be old, even if the skin has been reduced in age, wrinkles will appear again in the next few years. It is inevitable that the beauty will grow old and the hero will grow old.

If only Tongyan water could be used repeatedly

"Er No, you can only use 20ml for one person. If it is too much, there will be no effect. "

Li Feng couldn't help explaining.

"Really?" Shen Zixuan frowned slightly, then patted Li Feng on the shoulder and said: "pay close attention to the development of a new generation of Tongyan water, whether I can be young depends on you."

Li Feng:

Just as they were talking, a graceful figure came in and immediately attracted the attention of all present.

The key to this woman wearing a kimono, but also called out to Li Feng master!

It's Huajian hualixiang!

The two came to blue island from different cities, so they couldn't arrive together. However, Li Feng didn't expect that Huajian hulixiang didn't wear a human skin mask, but also wore an eye-catching kimono.

"Don't look, that's what I mean. If you don't wear it, people in shadow will not exchange hostages with us."

Shen Zixuan took a look at them, and then said in a deep voice, "let's go

Soon, the 055 big drive left the port and headed for the deep sea

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