Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 572

Pearl, future group building, President's office.

Li Xiang, also known as Huajian huilixiang after Yi Rong, is helping Wei Bingqing find an important document.

Wei Bingqing, President of Lengyan, sits in the boss's chair and works at his desk.

Just then, someone knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in, please." Wei Bingqing said without raising her head.

Hua Jian Hui Li Xiang did not stop her movements and continued to look for documents.

At this time, the office door was pushed open, and a beautiful woman in black professional dress came in: "Mr. Wei, general manager Chen from the distant group has arrived."

Yuanyuan group is a comprehensive large group in Huaxia. It has many industries, including real estate, finance, transportation, etc.

Among them, in the real estate sector, there is a cooperative relationship with the future group.

"Yes, please come in."

Wei Bingqing raised her head, put down her paper and pen, and said in a deep voice.

Recently, the two companies will cooperate to develop a large-scale project. For this reason, Chen Yuanyuan called Wei Bingqing yesterday and said that he would come to the future group to have a chat with Wei Bingqing.

In this regard, Wei Bingqing naturally agreed to come down, partners? It is very normal to meet and talk about the progress of the project.

At this time, Huajian hulixiang found the document, sent it to Wei Bingqing, and then left here.

"You can keep it." Wei Bingqing said with a smile.

I'll talk to Chen Yuanyuan later, and I'm sure I'll let Li Xiang do some tea and water work.

Until now, Wei Bingqing did not know that Li Xiang was just a pseudonym for Huajian huilixiang, and she did not know that Huajian huilixiang was not a member of the dragon soul, but Li Feng's daughter.

A few minutes later, Chen Yuanyuan came in, accompanied by a young man.

"Hello, Mr. Wei."

Chen Yuanyuan came to his desk and shook hands with Wei Bingqing.

"Hello, Mr. Chen. Welcome and welcome. Please have a seat."

Perhaps it is the Zi run who has got love. Wei Bingqing's smile on her face is much more than that. She is no longer a cold and cold person who refuses to accept people from thousands of miles away.

Wei Bingqing was already beautiful when she was taunting her face. This smile was even more beautiful. Chen Yuanyuan and the young man behind him were stunned.


Just at this time, the fragrance in the painting among the flowers snorted coldly.

Wei Bingqing is the master's woman. It's impolite for these two men to stare at Mr. Wei all the time. If Mr. Wei agrees, she will kill them!

Chen Yuanyuan and the young man suddenly wake up, and then Qi turns his head and looks at the flowers.

"Mr. Wei, this is..." Chen Yuanyuan asked.

"Her name is Li Xiang. She's my assistant." Wei Bingqing introduced with a smile and then said, "Li Xiang, go and make tea."

From Wei Bingqing's tone and manner, we can't see that she is angry because of Li Xiang's previous behavior.

"Yes, Mr. Wei." Li Xiang didn't look at Chen Yuanyuan again. She turned to the tea table and began to make Kung Fu tea.

What she didn't know was that after she turned around, a fine light flashed in the eyes of the young man behind Chen Yuanyuan.

Then, he poked Chen Yuanyuan without trace. When Chen Yuanyuan turned back, he gave Chen Yuanyuan a wink.

Chen Yuanyuan nodded knowingly, and then asked as if nothing happened: "Mr. Wei, I remember that your former assistant was Mr. Su of osville?"

"Yes, Mr. Su used to be my assistant." Wei Bingqing didn't hide it.

There are many people who know about this, not only because some people know that Su Tong was once Wei Bingqing's assistant, but also because Su Tong will say so when she introduces herself.

If you change to someone else, now you have become a director of an enterprise with nearly 100 billion yuan. I'm afraid that I won't mention the experience of working as an assistant for others before.

However, Su Tong worships Wei Bingqing, and the two women are Li Feng's women. They are like sisters, so they don't care about them.

"That is to say, Miss Li Xiang has become your assistant in the near future." Chen Yuanyuan asked with a smile.

Wei Bingqing showed her eyebrows: "Mr. Chen seems to care about my assistant?"

If she didn't care about their reaction before, Wei Bingqing also saw something wrong with Chen Yuanyuan's inquiry.

After they came here, their eyes were more focused on Li Xiang, and their questions were also related to Li Xiang. Did Chen Yuanyuan come today not to look for her, but to look for Li Xiang?

Li Xiang, who is making tea, frowns slightly and is alert.

"I don't care, it's curiosity."

Chen Yuanyuan made a ha ha, did not ask too much, but shifted the topic to the cooperation between the two sides.

An hour later, after the meeting, Wei Bingqing asked Li Xiang to send them out of the office.

After entering the elevator, the young man behind Chen Yuanyuan said in Japanese: "Huajian sauce."

Li Xiang's body trembled imperceptibly, and her expression on her face changed for a moment, but soon she returned to normal, as if she had not heard the man."Huajian sauce, I know it's you. Are you under threat? It doesn't matter. I've got a signal shield and a sound barrier around me. No one will see you talking to me

The man continued to whisper in Japanese.

Hua Jian finally looked back and frowned, "are you talking to me, sir?"

After a while, he shook his head and said, "no, I just use this time to practice Japanese. If there is any disturbance, please don't blame Miss Li."

Hua Jian Hui Li Xiang nodded as if she believed it. At the same time, she praised: "Sir, you are really hard-working. You will succeed. Come on."

The man smiles and says nothing more.

When they were sent to the parking lot and watched them drive away from here, Hua Jian painted Li Xiang said to herself, "who is that person? Why do you know my surname is Huajian? Are they enemies of the master

"No, that person's tone of voice seems to be acquainted with me, and the feelings are not general But why can the other party recognize me when I wear the mask given by my master? "

"Hoo I can't think of it. I can't think of it. I'd better tell the host about it. "

Thinking of this, Hua Jian Hui Li Xiang took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Feng's phone.

On the other side.

"Mr. Fujita, is she really your younger sister, Miss Huajian lilixiang?"

After the car left the future group building, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help asking.

If Wei Bingqing were here, she would be shocked by Chen Yuanyuan's attitude. She thought that this young man was Chen Yuanyuan's secretary. As a result, Chen Yuanyuan was very respectful to young people!

"No mistake. Although they are different in appearance and voice, they are exactly the same in body shape, walking posture and unique temperament

"The assistant Li Xiang who appears out of thin air is my younger martial sister Huajian huilixiang!"

Fujita is full and clear, a cold, deep voice said.

"Since Mr. Fujita is sure that she is your junior sister, why not take the opportunity to take her away?"

Chen Yuanyuan asked.

Fujida Xiang looked at Chen Yuanyuan with a look at an idiot's eyes, and then said, "this still needs to ask? She must have been banned. Go back first. Let me think about how to save the younger martial sister. "

His voice fell to the ground, and Fujida leaned on the back of his chair and closed his eyes.

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