Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 571

"Mr. Huang Rui, what are you talking about? You have eaten me inside and outside.

In my eyes, you are always so elegant, handsome and powerful... "

Song Xuemei's five younger sisters smile, and her eyes are a little confused. Huang Rui moves her fingers and can't help but scold "xiaoyaojing".

Apart from other things, at least in terms of hooking up with men, song Xuemei definitely wants to dump murongxue's 18 streets.

Murong Xue is really pure, pure face, pure temperament, heart is also very pure.

What about song Xuemei? A face is full of five younger sister strength, temperament is also can be pure five younger sister, as for the heart, not to mention more.

She is a man as a ladder to climb up, do not choose all means to hook up with men.

Huang Rui even suspected that song Xuemei had been trained before he started his career Set by set!

When Huang Rui considers whether to punish song Xuemei again, song Xuemei suddenly screams: "what, how can this be possible?"

The astringent soul and Huang Rui, who was taught by him, was frightened and excited. After settling down, he asked, "what happened? Was it a surprise?"

"Mu Murongxue invited Beethoven Song Xuemei puts her mobile phone in front of Huang Rui and almost screams.

Huang Rui's face changed dramatically!

Who is Beethoven? A musical genius who has just emerged recently? After he made a hit with a poem to Liu, he successively released symphony of destiny and Rhapsody of Croatia. A few days ago, he wrote a Blue Danube.

"To Liu Shi Han" has won the world piano Golden Melody Award last year, and this year's Golden Melody Award will also be selected from his other three piano pieces.

This kind of achievement is unprecedented in the field of classical music. As for whether there will be a successor That's not what people can predict.

In a word, although Beethoven is not very popular, his position in the Chinese music industry has been firmly in the first place, at least better than Huang Rui.

This can be seen from the number of fans on their microblogs that Beethoven now has nearly 40 million fans, including some popular movie and television stars, singers and well-known music producers.

These stars and Beethoven are not mutual powder, but really take Beethoven as an idol.

And Huang Rui? It's only a few million, and most of the stars who cross with him are people who have interests with him, such as song Xuemei.

If Beethoven is a first-line star, then Huang Rui is the second line behind, the gap between the two is self-evident.

Now Murong snow found Beethoven to help write new songs, that bigg directly rose a level ah!

In this way, it is impossible for Murong Xue to visit again and ask him to help write songs! Then his wishful thinking will be defeated!

"Damn it, how could murongxue let Beethoven write a song? It's not true. It must be her hype

Song Xuemei looks ugly and takes back her mobile phone. She points into Beethoven's microblog in a hurry.

What does Beethoven mean by helping to write songs? It's a sign that her plan is dead! On behalf of Murong snow will always be red! It means that once they launch a new album together, the sales of Murong snow will still beat her!

Song Xuemei has planned such a long strategy, but suddenly a Beethoven jumps out, which makes her unable to accept!

So she now hopes that this is just murongxue's unilateral hype. As long as Beethoven doesn't respond or post a clarification microblog, it will be her who laughs to the end!

Huang Rui nodded his head: "yes, yes, it must be murongxue's self speculation. Beethoven can't see the end of his head. How could he suddenly write a song to murongxue?"

He also does not want Murong snow to ask Beethoven to help write songs, so that his layout for more than two years will be destroyed once, and he probably will not have a chance to contact murongxue in the future.

Two people hold their breath to enter Beethoven's microblog home page to check, found that Beethoven did not make a response, at the moment Qi Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll tell you, the great master of classical music, why do you want to write songs for murongxue, a little singer? This is not self degradation." Song Xuemei said triumphantly.

Huang Rui:

It's not What do you mean? I eat by writing songs for singers. You look down on me, don't you?

"Brother Huang, don't be excited. I don't mean to look down on you..."

Song Xuemei also knew that she had said something wrong and was embarrassed for a moment.

Huang Rui sneered: "Song Xuemei, you make me angry. If you can't satisfy me later, I will..."

"What are you?" Song Xuemei looks five younger sisters and asks.

"I just Huang Rui has to do something with a smile.

Suddenly, song Xuemei's face changed dramatically: "look, Beethoven tweeted!"

Huang Rui quickly takes back his eyes and looks at the mobile phone screen.

"I'm very happy to cooperate with Ms. Murong Xue, and I hope that the songs we've created together can make you like it."In a simple sentence, the meaning of the expression can't be clearer - Beethoven really wants to help Mu Rongxue write songs!

"How could this happen..." Song Xuemei lost her face.

Huang Rui's face changed greatly, and he no longer wanted to "punish" Song Xuemei.

On the Internet, before clamoring Murong snow to cool water army directly silence.

Fans who complain for Murong Xue are as happy as Chinese New Year.

"I knew Xiaoxue was very popular. I didn't expect that even Mr. Beethoven would write songs for her."

"If you have Mr. Beethoven, what do you want, Huang Rui and song Xuemei? It depends on how you can do it."

"It's over. I feel it's not easy to buy Xiao Xue's new album. Will it be sold out? Be sure to send more. "

Not only fans are optimistic about Murong snow, but advertisers who are worried about her declining popularity also continue to be optimistic about her.

Of course, the emergency meeting initiated by them was not in vain. The original purpose of the meeting was to terminate the cooperation with Murong Xue. Now it is appropriate to renew the contract and increase the endorsement fee

Shangjing, Tang Dynasty entertainment, lounge.

Li Feng made a phone call to Beethoven in front of murongxue. In the phone call, he said that Beethoven would help Mu Rongxue write songs. Beethoven, who was completely obedient to Li Feng, naturally agreed.

When Mu Rongxue saw Beethoven's Micro blog, she finally believed that Li Feng and Beethoven had a deep friendship. For a time, her mood was quite strange.

Shortly after Beethoven launched his microblog, Li Feng heard the system prompt tone.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, rescue goddess murongxue (3) mission completed, task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 5000 experience points, 500000 system points and 20 conquest points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the conquering goddess murongxue's progress has been improved, and the current progress is 51% (Aimei Zhengnong)"

host: Li Feng

level: SS level

experience value: 35500100000

System score: 7967000

conquest point: 409

skills: kunyuangong, Qiankun Yiquan, Fangcun, Qingshan guardian, Tiangang three Sixteen forms, fury, cloud exploring hand

Tasks to be completed: all kinds of wind and rain are used by me

at this moment, Li Feng is very hot: "nearly 80% of the target of 10 million system points has been completed..."

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