Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 568

An hour later, Huang Rui posted such a micro blog.

"Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar?

Two friends came to my house this morning. As you may have guessed, they are Miss Song Xuemei, the young singer, and Ms. Feng Li, the agent of Miss Song Xuemei.

I really appreciate the singing level of Miss Song Xuemei. In my opinion, she is very hopeful to become the flag bearer of Chinese music in the next ten years.

I am also a songwriter. It's my responsibility to dig out good voices. Therefore, I specially invited her and her agent to visit my house.

In order to help Miss Song Xuemei grow up as soon as possible, I decided to write three songs for her. After writing these three songs, I will temporarily close my pen this year. "

At the bottom of the microblog, there is a group photo of Huang Rui, song Xuemei and Feng Li in Huang Rui's living room.

In the end, Huang Rui is still afraid of the barefoot song Xuemei.

Soon after this micro blog was sent out, song Xuemei also sent a clarification microblog.

"I was too excited and thoughtless before that microblog made everyone misunderstood.

I have great respect for Mr. Huang Rui. In my eyes, Mr. Huang Rui is like a teacher like a father. So please don't think too much about children's shoes. Thank you. "

At the bottom of the microblog, there is also a group photo of the three of them.

Once the two microblogs were sent out, the discussion on the relationship between the two people on the Internet was cooled.

"I'll tell you, Mr. Huang Rui is an old artist, and his character can stand the test."

"In broad daylight, it is a gathering of three people. It should be innocent between Mr. Huang Rui and song Xuemei."

"Mr. Huang Rui has proved his innocence. Let's go. Let's all go."

"Mr. Huang Rui is going to write three songs for song Xuemei. After that, we will close this year. What about Xiaoxue's new album?"

Huang Rui's fans came out to help him speak.

"Mr. Huang Rui said that song Xuemei would be the banner bearer in the next ten years. Where did he put Xiaoxue in our house?"

"In terms of ability, achievement and potential, the ten song Xuemei are not our Xiaoxue's rivals."

"Song Xuemei is just a singer of the third line, which is far behind Xiaoxue in our family."

Mu Rongxue's fans couldn't sit still and left messages to refute Huang Rui.

"Cut, that is our family Xuemei didn't get a good chance. If she got as many opportunities as murongxue, she would be even more angry than Murong Xue!"

"You're jealous. It's not because Mr. Huang Rui wrote her two songs that make murongxue so angry? Now Mr. Huang Rui is going to write three songs for Xuemei in our family. Our Xuemei will soon be more popular than Murong Xue! "

What can I do for you? This year, the popularity of Xuemei will surpass murongxue! "

Although song Xuemei has few fans, there are also some fans. Soon, fans from both sides quarreled.

As time went on, the ranking of this matter in the hot search list slowly rose, and soon song Xuemei was on the top 10 of the hot search list.

A third line singer, suddenly entered the top ten of microblog hot search list, which is more effective than song Xuemei's popular variety show!

Originally, song Xuemei only had more than 1 million fans. After a few hours, song Xuemei's fans exceeded 3 million. With the ferment of the event, the number of her fans continued to soar.

Not only fans from both sides pay attention to this matter, but also entertainers and singers in the music industry.

Some singers who have long been envious of Murong Xue secretly enjoy themselves, including some artists who have a good relationship with Murong Xue.

There is a saying that men of letters despise men of letters. This sentence is also applicable in the entertainment industry. On the surface, they call each other sisters, and behind their backs, They stab each other. What about plastic sister flowers?

Without Huang Rui's support, everyone felt Murong Xue would be cold.

In the entertainment of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, several female artists without notice were whispering in the artists' special rest room.

The rest room is built a bit like a bar. There are semi enclosed private rooms, card seats, and a bar counter. There are professional bartenders behind the bar.

The light is soft and the music is soft.

This is a place for artists to rest and relax. There is no need to say more about private surnames. Artists under the entertainment banner of the Tang Dynasty will come here as long as they return to the company.

"Murong Xue is going to be hit."

"She's had a good journey since she came out, and it's good to have a little bit of a loss."

"In this way, the company should give us more resources?"

Although we are all artists of a company, there are so many resources. If Mu Rongxue's popularity declines, the company will not be able to continue to tilt resources toward her.

Then they will have the opportunity to use the resources saved by the company. Of course, this is also based on their own abilities.

At the moment, they will fight for resources in order to make a difference.At this time, Murong snow pushed the door and came in.

"Hello, sister Xiaoxue."

"Isn't sister Xiaoxue working today?"

"Wow, sister Xiaoxue, you are beautiful again, and your skin is good."

several female artists who just sang about Murong Xue's failure have turned into Mu Rongxue's good sisters. They flatter and flatter murongxue.

No matter how Murong Xue will be in the future, at least she is one of the two pillars of entertainment in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. These artists who are behind the third line still want to flatter Murong Xue.

After dealing with these little sisters, Murong snow came to the bar alone and sat down and asked for a cocktail.

Usually Murong snow does not drink much, but somehow, she suddenly wants to drink.

After this scene was seen by those little sisters, they were more determined to see the bad Murong snow.

This all ran to the rest room alone to drink, it seems that Murong snow also realized that he was going down the road.

But where do they know that murongxue doesn't care about the rumors on Weibo, and she doesn't drink to worry about her downhill road.

In the hearts of these female artists, the door of the lounge was pushed open again.

"Ah, it's Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li, how did you come to the lounge?"

"Mr. Li..."

After seeing that Li Feng was the visitor, these female artists were stunned and then left their seats to welcome them.

They are not senior managers of the company. A few days ago, they were not in the crowd welcoming Li Feng. However, they had observed Li Feng from a distance, so they recognized Li Feng as soon as he entered the door.

All of a sudden, Li Feng felt a strong aroma, and then, these female artists took Li Feng's arm.

For a time, the warbler, the swallow, the fat swallow, the taste can not be expressed.

Murong Xue, who was drinking in front of the bar, immediately looked back.

Coincidentally, Li Feng also to her, a time four eyes relative, there is an invisible electric current flickering between the two.

After a long time, Murong Snow's eyes dodged and twisted her head to one side.

But then Murong Xue thought, "why don't I look at him? I didn't do anything wrong. Instead, it was Li Feng, who had girlfriends. It's good to let these little fox spirits arm in arm."?

Think of here, Murong snow again meet Li Feng's eyes.

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