Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 567

The next afternoon, in Huaxia, on an urban expressway leading to the International Airport, a sharing car was speeding.

The driver was Li Feng, while the co pilot was Beethoven.

"When you arrive in Tianfu City, contact Xu man and she will take you to the studio.

This mobile phone has my contact information with Xu man and Meng Chao. You can call me at any time when you have problems that you can't make up your mind or can't solve.

This bank card has 20 million Chinese dollars. I have sent the password to your mobile phone by SMS. Remember it and delete it.

You are a star. You should act with discretion. In a few days, I will choose an agent from Shengtang entertainment to take charge of your daily affairs. "

Along the way, Li Feng told Beethoven some things to pay attention to, and then sent him on the plane.

Beethoven, after all, is a super Internet celebrity with more than 30 million fans on Weibo. This trip to Tianfu city will surely cause the media reporters' madness.

Fortunately, he has a high level of artificial intelligence, behavior, behavior and even thinking ability, communication ability, similar to adults.

Beethoven's learning and computing ability is simply terrible, and it is not too much to describe him with a walking supercomputer.

In addition, his body is a biochemical machine, his defense is amazing, and he has no problem dealing with some unexpected situations. Therefore, Li Feng can rest assured that Beethoven can act alone outside.

"Beethoven and Xu man play a male and female," awesome man "this movie's gimmick is certainly enough, so long as the script gives the strength, the special effect to keep up with, this movie returns to be supposed to be no problem.

Xu man is already a strong person in the early stage. Although she has not learned any powerful martial arts skills, she is still enough to frighten ordinary curfews. I can rest assured that she is alone in Tianfu city.

The next step is to help Mu Rongxue make albums and help Bingqing improve their strength. "

On the way back, Li Feng secretly planned the specific action in the future.

After breaking through to the early days of entering the holy land, Li Feng only helped Xu man become a super strong man due to the time. This is definitely not possible. He needs quotations to be accounted for.

What Li Feng didn't know was that when he sent Beethoven to the plane, something no small happened on the microblog.

Small, because the person who led to the event is only a third tier female singer, and big is because it concerns two big figures in the entertainment industry, Huang Rui and Murong Xue.

At noon today, song Xuemei sent a micro blog, which is mainly for showing off, and secretly belittled Murong Xue.

"My God, @ Mr. Huang Rui finally agreed to write songs for me, and he wrote three songs for me once. I was so happy and excited.

If I remember correctly, one of the predecessors is relying on the two songs written by Mr. Huang Rui, hoping that he will live up to his cultivation and keep up with that elder.

Oh, by the way, I'm sorry, because Mr. Huang Rui is going to write three songs for me, so the song that I promised to help you write may have to be postponed for a period of time, won't it affect your new album? "

Here are nine photos of song Xuemei's family name in a room.

At first, this microblog didn't set off much waves. For various reasons, the Chinese music world is no longer prosperous ten years ago. Now it is like a pool of stagnant water, far less concerned by the film and television circles.

What's more, song Xuemei is only a third tier singer, with only one million fans following her. Most of them are zombie fans bought

The situation changed with the forwarding of a loyal fan of Murong Xue.

"The elder? It's not our Xiaoxue, is it? If I remember correctly, Mr. Huang Rui has indeed written two main songs for our family Xiaoxue, and our family Xiaoxue has indeed invited songs to Mr. Huang Rui some time ago.

So song Xuemei, what do you mean? Do you think you've put a lot of pressure on Xiaoxue in our family? If you really think so, I advise you to buy a mirror to look after yourself

After the fans forwarded the comments, they sent the screenshots to the fans group, which immediately attracted the forwarding and attention of many Murong Xue fans, and the popularity gradually rose.

On the other hand, Huang Rui also has a lot of fans. Soon, some sharp eyed fans found that the background of song Xuemei's self portrait was familiar.

"I'll go. Isn't this the living room of Mr. Huang Rui's? I remember this sofa so clearly!"

A fan of Huang Rui found out a photo that Huang Rui had sent before and pasted it on it.

as like as two peas, Song Xuemei found the sofa on the sofa exactly the same as that of Huang's living room.

At this time, song Xuemei's microblog was deleted, but some netizens had already taken a screenshot of the microblog, so the microblog is still circulating on the Internet.

Under the investigation of a number of sharp eyed netizens, it was soon confirmed that song Xuemei was indeed photographed in Huang Rui's living room.

For a while, people speculated about the relationship between Song Xuemei and Huang Rui.

What do you mean, you want to stink me

Mingzhu, in that villa, Huang Rui pushed song Xuemei down on the sofa and scolded fiercely.Last night, he took some medicine and struggled until three or four in the morning before he fell asleep, so it was noon when he woke up.

After he has finished his meal with song Xuemei's help, he wakes up completely. He receives a phone call from a friend and learns about the microblog song Xuemei sent.

At that time, Huang Rui was angry and almost lifted the table!

When he pressed his anger to persuade song Xuemei to delete the microblog, he could no longer suppress his anger and moved his hand to song Xuemei.

"Brother Huang, don't be so fierce. People are so excited that they can't hold back for a while."

Song Xuemei said with an indifferent face. Anyway, things have happened. Does Huang Rui dare to kill her?

"Not for a moment? I think you're dying! Make a statement and say you are coming to my house with your agent. Hurry up

Huang Rui pinches song Xuemei's wrist and says maliciously.

"Does brother Huang want me to lie? You didn't say that last night, and I didn't do it either ~

but it doesn't matter. As long as brother Huang is willing to help me write three songs and announce to me that I'm better than murongxue, I can do what brother Huang says. "

Song Xuemei lets Huang Rui pinch her hands and says with a playful look.

Huang ruidun's face sank: "are you threatening me?"

Huang Rui is not a fool. He guesses song Xuemei's purpose after a moment's thinking.

Huang Rui is married, his wife and children are all abroad, and now the network is guessing whether there is a py transaction between him and song Xuemei.

As soon as this kind of news is exposed, his position in the music world will be destroyed!

To clarify this matter, he and song Xuemei must make a statement at the same time. If song Xuemei doesn't care about her reputation, and if she doesn't make a statement, then Huang Rui's reputation will be completely bad.

What about song Xuemei? She's just a third tier singer. If she's destroyed, it's no big deal. Compared with Huang Rui, song Xuemei pays a much smaller price.

"It's not a threat. I really like brother Huang. If brother Huang is willing, I can go back to the mountains with you."

Song Xuemei's eyes twinkle with the vision of success in strategy and says triumphantly.

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