Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 561

As sun Xiyi said, any secret skill to improve combat effectiveness in a battle has a weak period.

The weak period of high-quality secret skills is shorter, and the level of decline is less, but no less than 24 hours. The falling state is at least a small stage.

According to the high-quality secret skills, Li Feng must still be in a weak stage at the moment. Even if the realm is still in the early stage of entering the holy, his combat power must be reduced a lot.

If sun Zhishang didn't say that Li Feng was extremely terrible after returning home, in order to prevent accidents, sun Xiyi would dare to kill him. Why pay a huge price to ask the two brothers of Qin family to help him?

Now, two of them are in the middle of their entering the holy season, and one of them is still in full swing in the early stage of entering the holy land. Once they meet, who will win and who will lose? You can also think with your toes that Li Feng will surely fail!

Obviously, Murong hele and others also expected this result. What will happen to them once Li Feng is defeated?

Others don't know, murongxue's fate will be very miserable, but Qin Chengye said he would take murongxue

But now it's too late to say anything. Sun Xixiang is dead, and sun Zhishang has been abolished. They and sun Xiyi either die of you or I. they can only pray for a miracle

Li Feng was expressionless and did not even frown.

Secret skill? Weak period? Oh There is no such thing as

"Grandfather Murong, don't you say that there are two powerful people in the sun family, one of them is a saint, and the other is a saint at the beginning. How come this old dog surnamed sun is also in the middle stage of entering the holy land?"

Li Feng head also does not return to ask a way.

"I I don't know. " Murong hele looked at a loss: "this news or sun Xixiang told me personally, can it be sun Xiyi just break through?"

On the other side, sun Xiyi looked up and laughed: "Murong old dog, your brain is still very good, yes, I really just broke through! Speaking of this, I would like to thank you

With this, Murong and Le became more confused.

What does it have to do with them? They didn't protect sun Xiyi's Dharma, let alone cheer him on.

"Can't you guess?" Sun Xiyi sneered and said, "I was stuck in the early years of entering the holy land for many years, but I was not allowed to enter."

"Yesterday, I was enraged to learn that my elder brother was dead and his ambition was still abandoned. The bottleneck of entering the holy period was actually loosened! I take this opportunity to rush through the pass at one stroke and successfully enter the middle stage of entering the Holy Land! "

The higher the level of martial arts, the more difficult it is to break through. The breakthrough depends not only on talent, but also on luck. Some people have enough talent, but they are stuck in a certain realm all their lives, and they can't make a step to death.

Just like sun Xiyi, if he had not heard the news of his elder brother's death, he did not know how long it would take for him to successfully break through to the middle of the saint.

It's time and life.

"So Your brother's death is actually a good thing for you, isn't it? " Li Feng looks strange said.

Sun Xiyi:

It's not I didn't have this idea. How can I let Li Feng say it? I think it's reasonable?

But then sun Xiyi reacted and said in a cold voice, "good, you sharp mouthed boy. My big brother is dead, and you still want to destroy the relationship between our two brothers!"

"Come on, brother sun, don't talk nonsense to this boy. Kill him first."

Qin Chengye has been staring at Murong Xue. The more he looks at him, the more he can't wait. So he doesn't want to hear sun Xiyi compare here.

"Good!" Sun Xiyi also found that he had a bit of a look. What did he say to a dying man?

"Boy, keep your good teeth and go to hell to talk to the king of hell!"

Sun Xiyi is the first to kill Li Feng.

"Li Feng, be careful!" Murong snow only had time to say this sentence, she was pushed inside by her father.

Murong hele also pushed Yuan Zhen and Luo Caiping inside.

It's not fun to play with the strong players entering the saint level. They'd better stay away from them.

This is also sun Xiyi three people did not pay attention to them, if sun Xiyi three people have the intention to clean them up, how can they have the opportunity to withdraw?

Of course, they can only retreat in order to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the fight between the four. It is impossible for them to escape from here. It is impossible for sun Xiyi to give them a chance to escape!

Qin Chengji and Qin Chengye looked at each other with a smile and attacked Li Feng from left to right.

"Brother sun, don't worry and dare to take revenge. Our two brothers will plunder the array for you."

"Don't let me down, brother sun. I still want to save my strength to clean up Murong Xue, ha ha."

The voice falls, Qin Chengye's smile reverberates in the villa.

Murong Xue's pretty face turned pale again. She couldn't imagine the consequences of Li Feng's defeat. If Li Feng was defeated, she would commit suicide at the first time and not give Qin Chengye any chance!

In the face of the three people's siege, Li Feng's expression is very calm: "think three dozen one win? ChildishVoice landing, Li Feng will open all the cards!


"Run away!"

"Invincible Aura!"

Time hourglass

"Boom" and "boom"

the breath on Li Feng's body soared one after another, directly touching the threshold of the later period of entering the Holy Land!

At the same time, a faint golden light appeared on Li Feng!

This scene of change shocked Murong hele and others in the distance, and even more shocked the three of sun Xiyi!

"Damn it, why is your breath so..."

"Why can he still use the secret..."

"His realm has not been lowered, he has not been weak, we have been..."

Before sun Xiyi also vowed that Li Feng was in a weak period. As a result, Li Feng was not only not weak, but his breath was extremely strong, which was a little stronger than them.

It's not just a matter of slapping, it's panic!

Just as the three people exclaimed, Li Feng used the immortal trace step, and then disappeared from the original place. When he reappeared, he had already come to sun Xiyi.

"Heaven and earth strike!"

When Li Feng blows out his fist, sun Xiyi hasn't finished speaking. Now sun Xiyi can't finish speaking. He raises his hand to resist Li Feng's fist.

But for sun Xiyi, the speed of Li Feng's fist is like lightning, which flashed by. Before his right hand was raised, Li Feng's fist had already hit his face!


Like a hammer hit watermelon, sun Xiyi's head exploded on the spot!

Under the effect of inertia, sun Xiyi's hand finally lifted up, and Li Feng's figure had already disappeared in place.

Not far from sun Xiyi, the two brothers of the Qin family only felt their hair stand up, so they quickly withdrew.

Lying trough, this young man's speed is too fast, fast like a flash of lightning.

In their perception, Li Feng's speed has exceeded the scope of the middle and even the late period of entering the holy, so fast that they can't cope with it at all!

If Li Feng attacked the two of them, their fate would be the same as sun Xiyi!

When the two brothers of the Qin family were afraid, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Qin Chengji.

It's Li Feng!

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