Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 560

Li Feng had already prepared for this, so he was just shocked and settled down.

However, Murong hele and others in the living room were scared to death. The three people directly kicked the door and burst in. It seemed that the newcomers were not good.

What's more, their breath is not weaker than that of Li Feng, and two of them are even above Li Feng who has not used secret skills. Is that not to say that these three people are all strong at Saint level, and two of them are at least in the middle stage of entering the holy state?

Lying trough, what did they do wrong? How can they cause such a disaster?

For a moment, Murong and le's family were worried and uneasy.

"Are you Li Feng?"

The old man standing on the far left of the three looked at Li Feng and asked.

Who is Li Fengjian again

At one time, there were three high-level saints, two of them in the middle and one in the early stage, which brought great pressure to Li Feng.

Listening to the old man's tone, they came for themselves. Their intuition told Li Feng that the three people came here was related to sun Xixiang.

However, there are only two strong men in the sun family, and there will be only one sun Xixiang when he dies. Are the other two reinforcements from the sun family?

"It's you." On the left, the old man's pupil shrank, and his murderous spirit burst out.

The other two also broke out the murderous spirit, but their killing intention was much lighter than the old man on the left.

Seeing this situation, Li Feng probably guessed the identity of the old man on the left: "what is the relationship between you and sun Xixiang?"

In the living room, Murong and Le stare at the old man on the left for a while. After a while, he exclaimed, "I know. He is sun Xixiang's younger brother, sun Xiyi."

When Murong hele and sun Xixiang discussed the marriage of the two families, sun Xixiang once showed him a picture of the whole family of the sun family, including sun Xiyi.

However, Murong and Le just took a look at it at the beginning, but he was not very impressed. When Li Feng asked about it, he was reminded.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, Murong and Le said coincided with his guess, but who are the other two old people?

Sun Xiyi turned his head and looked at Murong hele: "hum, Murong old dog, it's the honor of your family that our family still thinks Murong Xue is the honor of your family. As a result, you not only don't cherish it, but also cooperate with outsiders to trap Zhishang and my elder brother!"

"If you do not seize the time to run away from them and dare to stay here, do you think that our Sun family will willingly swallow this evil spirit?"

The old man in the middle said with a sneer: "brother sun, what can we do with them? Let's get rid of Li Feng first, and then clean up the Murong old dog family!"

The old man standing on the right side of the three people looked up at the sky with a smile, and then said, "yes, brother sun, I'm still waiting to take down Murong Xue But then again, I've robbed your wife of Zhishang. Don't you blame me? "

As soon as he said this, Murong Xue's face changed dramatically and his whole body was chilly.

Murong Yuzhi scolded a shameless, quickly walked to Murong snow, will protect her behind.

Li Feng's eyebrow was sharp, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He wanted to fight Murong Xue in front of him. No matter who the old man was, he would die!

Sun Xiyi gave a ha ha and said with a smile, "brother Qin, please don't worry. If you can avenge our Sun family, it's just a woman. How can it affect our feelings?"

"Surname Qin?" Li Feng's face changed slightly and he blurted out: "are you the Qin family?"

The reason why Murong Hefeng betrothed Murong Xue to sun Zhishang was to unite with the sun family to fight against the Qin family. Now, the two people invited by sun Xiyi are surnamed Qin. Are they the Qin family where Qin Lang is located?

Not only Li Feng thought of this possibility, but also Murong and Le father and son.

If these two people are really the elder of Qin Lang, the conflict between Murong Qing and Qin Lang is not so simple as an accident!

"Nonsense, we are all surnamed Qin, not Qin family, is it your Li family?" The old man standing in the middle sneered.

His name is Qin Chengji. He is the leader of the Qin family. He is a strong man in the middle of his life.

"Are you thinking about what we have to do with Qin Lang?" The old man standing on the right mocked.

His name is Qin Chengye. He is Qin Chengji's younger brother. He was in the early stage of his holiness.

Qin Chengye has always liked neodymium astringency. Before he came here, he wanted to take murongxue down. Now he can't wait.

"So you are really the elder of Qin Lang?" Li Feng frowned slightly, then looked at Sun Xiyi and said, "you sun family and Qin family set up a bureau for Murong family, in order to let Sun Zhishang marry Xiaoxue?"

As soon as this word came out, Murong and le's faces changed again.

If things are as Li Feng guessed, then the sun family's means are too insidious!

"Ha ha, you're not stupid." Sun Xiyi sneered and said in a cold voice: "yes, from the beginning, this is the strategy set by my elder brother and brother Qin in order to let Zhishang successfully marry murongxue."

Sun Zhishang liked murongxue, and was almost possessed. In order to improve the success rate of sun Zhishang's marriage to murongxue, sun Xixiang came up with such a way to surround Wei and save Zhao.Never thought that man's calculation was inferior to that of heaven. Murong Xue took Li Feng back to his home. Not only did he fail to let Sun Zhishang marry murongxue, but also took his own life into it. Sun Zhishang was also abandoned by Li Feng.

Yesterday, after sun Zhishang took sun Xixiang's body home, it caused a shock in the sun family.

That night, sun Xiyi called Qin Jiye brothers and asked them to help him revenge. For this, sun Xiyi paid a great price.

The relationship between Qin and sun was good. Sun Xiyi gave them the conditions that made them excited. In addition, the three-on-one situation was sure to win. The Qin brothers agreed to help him revenge.

"You seem proud?" Li Feng looked at Sun Xiyi and sneered.

Sun Xiyi was stunned: "what?"

Li Feng continued to sneer: "think your big brother and surname Qin's scheme is very great?"

Sun Xiyi stopped talking and his face became gloomy.

At the beginning, he was really proud, because the scheme was really good. Ordinary people could not design it at all. Even if it was designed, it would be difficult to implement it.

But now he found that his behavior was a bit silly. 13. No matter how good the design was, he had to succeed. His elder brother not only failed to let Sun Zhishang marry murongxue, but also took his own life and sun Zhishang's Dantian. The failure was thorough.

Then he is proud of himself!

At this time, Li Feng mocked: "do you think you are a little silly 13?"

As soon as he said this, sun Xiyi was completely angry: "shit, if you think you can defeat my elder brother, you can not put me and two Qin brothers in the eye? Don't be childish. You won yesterday because you used a trick! And secret skills are weak

"Now, 24 hours have not passed since you killed my brother yesterday. You must still be in a weak period. Not only can you use your secret skills, but also your realm will decline to a certain extent. We are fighting three against one. Today, you will surely die!"

Hearing this, Murong and Le all changed their faces!

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