Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 556

Sun Xixiang's breath was turbulent and his killing intention was fierce, which was in sharp contrast to his appearance of leaving peacefully before.

Murong he le and other people were shocked!

Murong and Fengye are overjoyed!

Although the reactions were different, they all had a question, that is, sun Xixiang had taken a poison oath just now. Why did he come back again? Isn't he afraid of five thunder blasts?

After the surprise, Murong and Feng rushed to sun Xixiang and roared with excitement: "Master Sun, kill this bastard!"

"Granddad sun, Li Feng is too arrogant. You must severely repair him!"

"Master Sun, Li Feng just wanted to kill us. Please make the decision for us!"

Sun Xixiang swept their three faces one by one, and finally said with a proud smile: "please don't worry, brother Murong, I came back to kill this little bastard. This little bastard dares to threaten me with Zhishang. How damned it is!"

The voice fell to the ground, sun Xixiang's eyes like electricity looked at Li Feng.

Li Feng looked at him without showing any weakness and sneered: "Lao Zamao, you are back as expected!"

There is an invisible spark flickering at the intersection of their eyes, and the atmosphere drops to freezing point in this moment!

On one side, Murong Xue's pretty face turned white. She thought that the matter had been settled peacefully. She never thought that sun Xixiang killed a gun!

The key point is that sun Xixiang's realm is above Li Feng. If we really want to fight, Li Feng is almost impossible to win. And listen to sun Xixiang's meaning, as long as Li Feng is defeated, he will die!

Thinking of this possibility, Murong Xue's heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly!

Sun Xixiang eyebrow tip a pick, surprised way: "you already guessed I want to come back?"

Murong hele and others remembered that Li Feng had just said that he would clean up sun Xixiang first and then go to clean up Murong and Fengye. That is to say, Li Feng had already guessed that sun Xixiang would come back.

Li Feng chuckled and said, "I was tired of your little tricks when I was three years old."

"Well?" Sun Xixiang eyebrow tip again pick, then sneer way: "that you pour is to say, I play what trick?"

Murong hele and others couldn't help nodding. They didn't expect sun Xixiang to kill him. So how did Li Feng guess and what tricks did sun Xixiang play?

Li Feng is no nonsense. He points out directly: "there is something wrong with the poisonous oath you just made."

As soon as this was said, Murong hele and others became more confused. They also heard sun Xixiang's oath, but they didn't realize what was wrong.

When people were puzzled, Li Feng continued: "in that oath, you just said you would take sun Zhishang away from here immediately, but you didn't say you would not come back. You did take sun Zhishang away from here just now, so your behavior is not against the oath."

Murong and le and others suddenly realized it!

Sun Xixiang's face changed slightly. After a while, he vomited out a turbid airway: "it's true that heroes are born into teenagers. You not only have a demon like talent for martial arts, but also have a far superior mind. If time goes by, you will certainly become a hero."

"But I don't know one thing. Since you know the trick in my poisoned oath, why don't you open it up and let me make a new one?"

Murong hele and others couldn't help nodding. Yes, since Li Feng knew it, why did he let Sun Xixiang leave? Didn't he put himself in danger?

Under the public's gaze, Li Feng plays the flavor: "very simple, I want to give myself a reason to kill you."

There is no love or hatred for no reason.

Before that, Li Feng and sun Xixiang had no enmity, but Sun Zhishang had threatened Li Feng, but Li Feng could not kill sun Xixiang because of this?

So Li Feng needs a reason to kill sun Xixiang. Now He has it!

Sun Xixiang:


It's not Where is Li Feng confident enough to kill sun Xixiang? Sun Xixiang's combat experience is certainly richer than that of Li Feng, and his realm is a little higher than that of Li Feng.

It can be said that sun Xixiang is all-round crush Li Feng, Li Feng want to defeat sun Xixiang almost impossible!

However, the expression and tone of Li Feng's speech are not deceptive

I can't think of it!

Sun Xixiang was said by Li Feng in the heart of some drum beating, but then this feeling made him a little shy and angry.

Well, he's the owner of a large ancient Wu family. How can he have this kind of emotion when facing a young man? Shame!

"Son of a bitch, you are too arrogant! I'm going to blow you to mud

Sun Xixiang no longer nonsense, mention the whole body breath and rushed to Li Feng.

Faced with a strong man whose realm is higher than his own in a small stage, Li Feng does not dare to be big.

"Invincible aura open!"


a faint golden light appeared on Li Feng's body surface.

"Time hourglass on!"


an invisible light wave spreads around Li Feng."Furious!"


Li Feng's breath soared to a large extent, and his realm came directly to the middle stage of entering the Holy Land!

"Run away!"


Li Feng's breath soared again, almost touching the threshold of the later period of entering the Holy Land!

These changes are slow to say, but in fact, they are only a matter of an instant. After the change, Murong Hefeng, Murong hele and others couldn't help but change their faces!

Sleeping trough!

Horizontal trough, horizontal trough!

Li Feng's realm has been promoted again. Is this too exaggerated?!

On the other side, sun Xixiang quickly stopped his body: "the secret skill of improving combat effectiveness in the battle? I have it too

Sun Xixiang is ready to use his secret skills to improve his combat power.

But at this time, Li Feng's figure suddenly disappeared from the original place!

Li Feng disappeared so fast that sun Xixiang didn't have time to react. When he reacted, Li Feng had come to him!

In the distance, Murong and Feng are shocked again!

"What a fast speed!"

"How can it be so fast?"

When they were shocked, Li Feng had already punched out: "heaven and earth one fist!"

At this time, sun Xixiang's arm was only half lifted!


hit sun Xixiang in the head directly!


with a loud bang, sun Xixiang's head was like a watermelon hit by a heavy hammer, and it exploded directly!

At the same time, sun Zhishang ran in from the door and just saw this scene.

All of a sudden, sun Zhishang, the whole person, seemed to be frozen in place like thunder!

Just after the two men had gone far away, sun Xixiang took the first step to turn back. Sun Zhishang waited for a minute or two to go back. This is also to prevent sun Zhishang from being taken hostage by Li Feng again.

In sun Zhishang's expectation, grandfather should press Li Feng to fight, but what he saw was that his grandfather was hit by Li Feng!

This is not true, this is absolutely not true, he must be dazzled!

In the distance, Murong and Fengye, the four members of the Murong hele family, were petrified. They stood in the same place, mouth slightly open, and the expression on their faces was inexpressibly shocked.

It's not The master of a large-scale ancient martial arts family, a strong man in the middle of his holiness, was hit by a young man who was inferior to him in a small stage? They're not dreaming, are they!

Where did they know that Li Feng could ignore all the attacks when his cards were fully open, and his speed was ten times faster than sun Xixiang. In addition, the domineering "Qian Kun Yi Quan" directly hit the weakest defense head

All sorts of factors add up, just caused Li Feng one punch to blow sun Xixiang's head.

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