Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 555

When sun Zhishang's fist was about to blow on Li Feng's face, a torrent of weather broke out from Li Feng!

The moment the breath appeared, sun Zhishang's face changed dramatically, and he tried his best to recover his fist.

In the distance, sun Xixiang's face changed dramatically. He rushed to Li Feng with his toes and a blow to Li Feng's chest.

But although his reaction is fast, Li Feng's action is faster. Before sun Zhishang takes back his fist, Li Feng raises his hand like lightning and clasps his wrist, and then pulls back hard!

In an instant, sun Zhishang was pulled to the body by Li Feng!

At the same time, sun Xixiang's punch was just about to blow out. Seeing this, he ignored the risk of the real Qi and forcefully cancelled the blow.

On one side, Murong and le and other people's mouths are open into "O" shape!

All this is said to be extremely slow, but in fact, it happened in a flash. From sun Zhishang to Li Feng catching him, not a second passed!

"Damn it, you How can you be a strongman in the holy land? "

Even if he was controlled by Li Feng, sun Zhishang was most concerned about Li Feng's realm.

Entering the holy land is a big level higher than him. The key is that Li Feng looks much younger than him. It's too magical. It's not scientific at all!

Now think about what he said before. Sun Zhishang only thinks that he is a special joke!

Shentemo has few talents stronger than him. Shentemo is a demon genius. In front of Li Feng, his talent is scum!

Face pain, face really special pain!

If the two words on Sun Zhishang's face were Niu 13 before, what he wrote on his face was "silly 13"!

in the same way, sun Xixiang felt no better. Before he thought his grandson was Niu 13, now he suddenly felt that his grandson was a little silly 13

But Sun Zhishang is no longer stupid. He is also his grandson. He can't help him when he is dying.

Thinking of this, sun Xixiang took a deep breath, clasped his fist at Li Feng and said, "Mr. Li, before the ambition, there are still many offenses, please Mr. Li adults do not remember villains, let go of Zhishang once."

"As long as you let go of Zhishang, we will leave immediately, and we will never affect your love with Miss Murong Xue again!"

Hearing this, Murong Xue immediately beamed. If there was no conflict between the two sides and the matter was settled peacefully, it would be great!

On one side, Murong and Feng yesun changed their faces slightly.

What they want is not this result. If sun Xixiang doesn't kill Li Feng this time, it will be the three of them!

On the contrary, Murong hele and others are quite happy to see such a result. From their heart, they hope that Xiaoxue will be happy rather than become the victim of interest marriage.

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "is this really true?"

"Seriously, I can swear it!" Sun Xixiang pointed to the sky and said solemnly: "I, sun Xixiang, swear here that if Mr. Li releases Zhishang, I will immediately take Zhishang away from here. If I violate this oath, I will hit the sky with five thunder blasts, and I will not die easily!"

Sun Xixiang's words are sincere and his manner is serious. He doesn't seem to be faking at all.

Li Feng's eyes flashed: "Sun Zhishang, are you willing?"

Sun Zhishang's face changed several times, and finally said dejectedly, "I'm willing, I'm convinced!"

"Good! In that case, go back. " Li Feng really released sun Zhishang.

Sun Zhishang looked at Li Feng with a complicated complexion, and then walked quickly to sun Xixiang and stood in front of him: "grandfather, I'm sorry, I've disgraced you."

At the same time, he turned his back to Li fengchong and sun Xixiang winked.

He suffered such a big loss in Li Feng's hand, where was he willing to leave? Now that he is out of danger, he wants sun Xixiang to kill Li Feng.

Who knows sun Xixiang just like did not see sun Zhishang's small action, sighed, patted sun Zhishang's shoulder and said: "eat a pit, gain wisdom, from now on, you should remember this truth - there are heaven outside, there are people outside, don't be arrogant."

Although sun Zhishang did not understand, he still bowed his head and said, "yes, Zhishang remembers my grandfather's instruction!"

Sun Xi Xiang nodded with satisfaction, then swept over Murong and Feng's faces one by one. He clasped his fist and said, "good bye, everyone."

The voice fell to the ground, sun Xixiang turned and walked out.

Although sun Zhishang was discontented in his heart, he was not Li Feng's opponent. He could only grit his teeth and lift his feet to follow him.

As soon as they left, the pressure all came to Murong and Feng yesun.

"That Li Shao, if I say this is just a misunderstanding, do you believe it? "

Murong and the wind said with a bitter face.

What is stealing chicken is not eating rice, this special is called stealing chicken is not eating rice!

Originally, he was going to invite sun Xixiang to clean up Li Feng, but Li Feng used a little tricks to get rid of sun Xixiang and sun.

The key is that his purpose is too obvious. Can Li Feng spare him easily?Murong and wind behind, Murong Yubo, Murong Qing father and son look uneasy, calf stomach are shaking.

If Li Feng doesn't believe Murong and Feng's explanation, they will have no chance to resist!

If I had known that there would be such a result, they said nothing to sun Xixiang!

Li Feng's eyebrows pointed and kept sweeping around them, which made them more and more nervous.

When Murong and Feng yesun San were so nervous that they were about to suffocate, Li Feng said with a smile: "I believe..."

Murong and the wind Lord and sun suddenly showed joy.

“…… You GUI Li Feng continued.

Murong and Fengye sun's faces collapsed in an instant!

Murong hele: "it is

It's not He was worried that the Li summit would let Murong and Feng yesun San go. He did not want Li Feng to breathe heavily.

As I said before, Murong hele and Murong Hefeng are brothers, but Murong and LeLe are always dissatisfied with Murong Hefeng. Murong hele wants to take this opportunity to let Li Feng clean up Murong Hefeng.

of course, after all, they are brothers. Murong hele doesn't want Li Feng to kill Murong Hefeng, but it's better to scrap Murong Hefeng's Dantian After that, in this way, he will not be suppressed everywhere in Murong's house!

Among the rich families, the brother Yan wall is not just a legend.

"Li Shao, it's my fault this time. Please spare me this time. I promise I won't add any more jam to Li Shao!"

Murong and the wind said with a cry.

Li Feng sneered: "do you think I will believe your lies again?"

"Li Shao..." Murong and the wind body a shock, we have to find a way to escape here.

However, Li Feng shook his head and laughed, "but now is not the time to clean up you. Stand aside and wait for me to clean up sun Xixiang's old dog, and then I will clean you up."

As soon as he said this, Murong and Feng yesun were confused.

Not only are they confused, Murong and le and others are stunned. Isn't sun Xixiang gone? Why does Li Feng still say this?

What's more, sun Xixiang is a strong man in the middle period of entering the holy land, while Li Feng is only in the early stage of entering the saint. How can we deal with sun Xixiang?

When they were puzzled, a figure suddenly rushed into the villa!

"Li Feng, you little bastard, take your life!"

It's sun Xixiang!

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