Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 304

Oliver Morrison is a little confused.

According to intelligence, Li Feng is only 23 years old this year. Is he a 23-year-old S-class strong man? What a joke!

He is a genius of Morrison family. At the age of 26, he has become A-class strong man. This is a matter that makes him proud. But now think about it Compared with Li Feng, his talent is a scum!

Even Tony Fick frowned and looked surprised.

But he was just surprised. Although there was only a small difference between the S-level and the S-level, the combat power was quite different. He wanted to kill Li Feng It's not hard!

Wei Bingqing covered her mouth with her hand and was surprised.

Although she didn't understand the hierarchy of the world's strong, seeing that Li Feng was so confident and Oliver Morrison was so surprised, she knew that the situation had reversed.

"Bingqing, don't be happy too early. There is a big gap between S-class and S-class."

"Well, before, I thought Tony could kill Li Feng like a bug. Now, although there are some changes, it is no more difficult than killing a wild dog."

Oliver Morrison puffed out a foul breath and said with a cold smile.

Wei Bingqing only felt that a basin of cold water was poured down, and her surprise was gone, and her heart was again mentioned to her throat.


Li Feng burst out laughing.

This guy talks too much nonsense. He is too conceited. It's a pity not to talk about cross talk.

"What are you laughing at?"

Oliver Morrison frowned and hated.

Ma Dan, Li Feng's smile gives Oliver Morrison a feeling that he acts like a fool in front of a beautiful woman.

If it was not for the formula of tongyanshui, he would have asked Tony to kill Li Feng. How could Li Feng live till now?

"I laugh at you, idiot." Li Feng, with a look of Su, sneered: "do you know that there is an old saying in China that villains die of many words? You are a villain with a lot of nonsense. You can't live an episode in a TV series

"Shet, Tony, get rid of him!"

Oliver Morrison is fed up with Li Feng's composure and his constant ridicule.

He wants to turn Li Feng into a disabled person, and then torture and humiliate Li Feng. When Li Feng can't bear the torture and hand over the formula of Tong Yan Shui, he will whip Wei Bingqing in front of Li Feng!

"Yes, young master!"

Tony Fick grinned grimly, stepped on the ground with his feet, and rushed toward Li Feng like a meteor.

At the same time, Oliver Morrison, with both legs arched, rushed to Wei Bingqing from the side.

With Tony holding Li Feng in check, he can take the opportunity to control Wei Bingqing in his hands. Li Feng is already in a weak position. If he throws a mousetrap, he will soon be severely injured by Tony!

Wei Bingqing saw Oliver Morrison's plan, and her heart was in a mess!

"I can't drag Li Feng down!"

Between the electric light and flint, Wei Bingqing made a decision and threw the goblet on the tea table.


the goblet is broken!

Then, Wei Bingqing took the broken goblet and scratched it on the pink neck!

She chose to end her life in order to avoid dragging Li Feng down!

"Damn it!"

Oliver Morrison was shocked. He tried to control Wei Bingqing before he committed suicide.

At the same time, Tony Fick has rushed to Li Feng, big fist to Li Feng's chest!

"This silly woman."

Li Feng's heart is not only pity and moved, but also endless anger burning!

These two damn foreigners, even forced Lengyan president to commit suicide, unforgivable!

"Invincible aura, open it!"

Li Feng gave a low roar and turned to hold Wei Bingqing in his arms. He reached out and grabbed the goblet in the hands of Lengyan president

"boom!" "Bang"

Tony Fick's fist and Oliver Morris's hand knife hit Li Feng's back first and then, making two dull loud noises!

"Li Feng! Why are you so stupid? "

Wei Bingqing's body vibrates and cries out in pain!

Did Li Feng save her regardless of his life and death? He How could he be so stupid!

At this moment, Wei Bingqing's love for Li Feng is stronger, and her guilt is stronger!

"Well?" Oliver Morrison did not expect that Lee summit made such a choice, there was a moment of stupor.

Then, he laughed wildly: "Li Feng, thank you for saving Bing Qing for me, but you are really stupid to the extreme!"

"Do you think she'll be safe if you sacrifice yourself to save her? wrong! She will be a lamb without guard, let me play with it

"While you still have breath, hand over the formula of tongyanshui, I will let Bingqing leave safely, I can swear to the God of light!"

Li Feng's back to Oliver Morrison showed a bloodthirsty sneer.Hand over tongyanshui formula, let Lengyan president leave? Oh, Oliver Morrison is really a


Li Feng sends out a low roar, turn round is a blow out!

Tiangang thirty six move the 22nd move - Tian Sha Quan!


there was a big bang, and Oliver Morrison was sent out before he could even hum it!

In mid air, Oliver Morrison began to spit blood like a fountain!

Tiansha fist can break out twice the maximum damage of the current state. Li Feng is one level higher than Oliver Morrison. With such a fierce killing move, this fist will shatter Oliver Morrison's internal organs!

"Young master!"

Tony Fick let out a scream, the strength of his right hand emerged, turned into a bloody spear and stabbed Li Feng in the chest.

At this moment, when Li Feng's old force was gone and his new force was not born, he was almost unprepared. The bloody spear was stabbed in his chest!


Wei Bingqing let out a scream, tears instantly burst the bank!


with a dull sound, the point of the bloody spear was against Li Feng's chest, and he could not enter any more!

"How can it be?"

Tony Fick was terrified!

The bloody spear is his must kill skill, even if people of the same level dare not resist, but Li Feng not only carried it, but also did not get hurt?

It's not scientific!

"Because I will be invincible."

Li Feng grinned and growled: "furious! Run away

"Boom" and "boom"

there were two roars in succession, and Li Feng's momentum soared two times, directly from S-level to S-level!


"Tian Shang Quan!"

After upgrading to s level, the speed of Tian Shang Quan is faster. In less than 0.1 second, seven punches are put out in succession, and each punch hits Tony Fick's chest!

After seven fists, Li Feng used all his strength to blow out a fist again: "Tiansha fist!"

Double the combat power!


with a dull sound, Tony Fick's body inflated like a balloon.

"Ah, he He's going to run wild again. "

Wei Bingqing thought that this was Tony Fick's unique skill, and she was suddenly pale with fright.

But then


Tony Fick's body explodes just like a balloon blowing to the maximum extent!

The flesh and blood are scattered!

S-class crazy soldier, Morrison family housekeeper, fall!

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