Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 303

After Li Feng and Wei Bingqing sat down, Oliver Morrison opened a bottle of red wine and poured it for them.

"System, check if there is any medicine in the drink."

Li Feng held a glass of wine and recited silently.

"Ding, the examination is over. There is no medicine in the drink."

Zhiling sister's charming voice sounded in Li Feng's ear.

"If you don't put medicine in the wine, it's in the food, right? Or Oliver Morrison is going to do it directly? "

There are time and distance limitations in mind reading, so Li Feng can't always use mind reading on Oliver Morrison, which leads to his failure to fully master Oliver Morrison's plan.

Thanks to the system, he can avoid being poisoned by Oliver Morrison.

"Li Feng, do you know that I pursued Bing Qing at Wharton Business School?"

Asked Oliver Morrison, shaking the goblet.

"Oliver, that was a long time ago. Please don't talk about it."

Wei Bingqing's face changed slightly, so she stopped the way.

"No, Bingqing, it hasn't been a long time, because I still like you now." Oliver Morrison looked at Wei Bingqing: "you know, I regret not having you at that time. I was too gentlemanly then."

At this point, Oliver Morrison's eyes were full of evil.

Meanwhile, Tony Fick stepped out of the kitchen and stood behind Oliver Morrison.

Wei Bingqing stood up and said, "Oliver, your words make me very uncomfortable. I'm angry! Li Feng, let's go back. "

Li Feng got up and took Wei Bingqing's catkin and said in a cold voice, "Oliver, apologize to Bingqing, immediately!"

"Sorry?" Oliver Morrison, with a wry smile on his lips, said, "I just said what I really thought. Why apologize?"

"Li Feng, forget it. Let's go back." Wei Bingqing was afraid of Li Feng's impulse to hurt Oliver Morrison, so she quickly advised her.

Although Oliver Morrison's words made her a little angry, she didn't want to break with Oliver Morrison. After all, she was a classmate of four years, and she was a person who valued friendship very much.

Maybe when Oliver Morrison calms down, he will realize his mistake and offer to apologize to her.

Oliver Morrison laughed, a little arrogant and a little wild.

"What are you laughing at?" Wei Bingqing finally realized that something was wrong. Oliver Morrison had been very polite and gentlemanly before. At the moment, he seemed to be a different person.

"He's laughing at his own stupidity." Li Feng raised a sneering smile and said.

“……” Wei Bingqing is a little speechless. Li Feng can still make jokes at such a time.

But think about it, she and Li Feng have faced many crises together, and they all passed through smoothly. Even if Oliver Morrison has bad ideas about her, what should she be afraid of with Li Feng?

"There is an idiom in China called sharp teeth and sharp lips, which means people like you?"

Oliver Morrison is not angry, looking at Li Feng slowly said.

Li Feng shook his head and scoffed, "that's an old story. Now when it comes to saying that a person's mouth is powerful, he always uses" mouth strong king ", but this is just one of my many advantages

"Oh?" Oliver Morrison raised his eyebrows and then said with a smile, "do you still want to say that you are good at fighting?"

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "you know?"

"Ha ha, there's an old saying in China, that is, know yourself and know your enemy. How dare I invite you home if I don't make a thorough investigation of you?"

Oliver Morrison looked up at the sky and laughed wildly. Then he snorted, "you are A-class strong man. You killed garrio. Am I right?"

Li Feng's face changed slightly and he was silent.

Hearing this, Wei Bingqing found that the matter was more serious than she imagined.

Oliver Morrison's target is not her, but Li Feng, to be exact It should be Li Feng's formula of Tongyan water!

"My God, I should have thought of that!"

Wei Bingqing regretted it.

Oliver Morrison is the youngest son of Ethan Morrison, the president of Casley. Casley is also a world cosmetics giant. Such magical things as Tong Yan Shui will definitely attract Casley's covet.

It's just that Oliver Morrison came so suddenly that she subconsciously thought that Oliver Morrison was looking for herself, and she didn't think about Tong Yan Shui.

"Ha ha, do you think A-level is strong? Tony, show your momentum, let this humble Chinese see what is the real strong

Said Oliver Morrison, with a grim smile.

Tony Fick bowed slightly: "yes, young master."

When he stood up straight, a terrible power came out of him. At the same time, his figure soared rapidly!

Originally Tony Fick's height was only 1.75 meters, and his figure was still very thin, but after soaring, his height directly reached 2 meters! Body shape is more than two circles!Strangely enough, his clothes did not burst, but grew bigger with his size.

From a distance, Tony Fick is like a fierce brown bear. It's so powerful!


Li Feng's face changed again!

This humble old man is actually an S-class strong man. No wonder Tony Fick makes him feel dangerous!

Although Wei Bingqing didn't understand the meaning of the representative of the S-class strong man, she still saw something from Li Feng's solemn expression. She was worried for a moment.

"Yes, Tony is a real S-class strong man. Killing you is as simple as crushing a bug."

"I'll give you a chance to hand over the formula of Tongyan water. I can let you and Bingqing leave here. If I don't, I'll make Wei Bingqing strong in front of you, and then chop you into pieces to feed the dog."

"Choose one of the two. Don't I remind you how to choose?"

Oliver Morrison said coldly with a smile.

"Oliver, how can you do this?"

Wei Bingqing's face turned pale.

She never expected Oliver Morrison to say such a vicious word!

"Honey, I don't want to be like this, but I can't help it."

"Father said, who can get the formula of Tongyan water, who can become the first successor, I must do whatever I can!"

"What's more, I really want to get you, Wei Bingqing. Your beautiful face like an angel and your delicate body like a devil are always teasing me."

"Make a decision, Li Feng. Do you want the formula of tongyanshui, or do you want to live with Wei Bingqing

Said Oliver Morrison in a cold voice, masking the lustre in his eyes.

"Li Feng, I'm sorry. I hurt you."

Wei Bingqing's eyes showed a sad color and said with guilt.

If she had not called Li Feng, Li Feng would not have been led here by Oliver Morrison. She had implicated Li Feng.

"What kind of stupid words, in fact, I have seen his ambition for a long time, and I came here on purpose."

Li Feng holds Wei Bingqing's jade hand and says in a soft voice.


Wei Bingqing was shocked.

Oliver Morrison and Tony Fick were also slightly changed, surprised by Li Feng's words.

"It's just an S-level strong man. It's not my opponent!"

Voice landing, Li Feng will completely release their own breath!

"S-class breath?"

For a moment, Oliver Morrison and Tony Fick changed their faces again!

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