Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1042

"Oh, Shepard! My shoulder is broken

"Fake fake fake! My shoulder

The two young men let out a howl, just like killing a pig.

Li Feng crushed their shoulder blades with this pinch. Even if they went to the hospital immediately for surgery, it was useless. They would never do anything with this arm in their life.

At the same time, because the two shoulder injuries, pressure Du Shijie's hand can not force, Du Shijie broke free.

Opposite, gobel's mouth was wide open, and he swallowed the words back into his stomach!

A scornful smile froze on Jack's face, his hand shook, his glass fell and fell to the ground with a crash.

The customers around the scene were all mouth - opening, and their chins were falling all over the floor!

OK, Shepard! The Chinese people are too cruel. They pinch other people's shoulders with one hand. Is this a human thing?

These two little brothers are tall and strong, and the corresponding shoulder parts are relatively thick. It is difficult to hold them in one hand, and it is difficult to exert force if they can not hold them.

We can see that Li Feng didn't hold their shoulders as a whole, but he just relied on his fingers to break the shoulders of the two younger brothers. How much strength does this need?!

Du Shijie was also stunned and asked, "Mr. Li, how do you practice your strength?"

"It's made by pinching the grip." Li Feng said with a smile.

Du Shijie:

Shentemo pinches the grip to practice, do you think my three-year-old child is very easy to cheat? Although

was in the heart, he saw Li Feng didn't want to make complaints about it, and he never asked again.

"What did you say you were?"

Li Feng took back his hand and asked playfully.

"I We... " Gobel was white and almost cried.

This is special. If I had known that you were so cruel, I would not be here pretending to be forced.

However, the matter has developed to such a degree that he can't give in. He can only carry out the pretending to the end.

"We're members of the Surrey family, you know that?" Gobel took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

After all, he is a man who has participated in several street fires. He is not frightened by Li Fenglu. Moreover, the name of the sari family is really good. Gobel believes that as long as Li Feng has heard of the sari family, he will be absolutely afraid!

"The Surrey family?" Li Feng frowned slightly, always felt that he had heard the word "Sally" somewhere

Wait The Surrey family

"Eric Surrey?" Li Feng's eyes brightened and asked.

"Bold, can you also call Mr. Eric's name? I'm tired of living! " Gobel breathed a sigh of relief and yelled at him.

Since Li Feng can name Eric sari, it means that he knows the sari family. Isn't it easy?

"Now you know who you've got yourself into?"

"If you are wise, you will immediately send our two brothers to the hospital and get a compensation of 1 million pounds. Otherwise, I will let you die on the street in three days!"

Gobel's younger brother also became angry, pointing to Li Feng's nose and swearing.

"Chinese people, the sari family is not easy to offend. Maybe you know Chinese Kung Fu, but Chinese Kung Fu can't carry real swords and guns."

"The sari family is the largest in country y. hey, s Dang family, they have guns in their hands. If you want to live, do as they say."

"Money is important, but what's the point of losing your life? Save your money. "

Around the bustling customers also have to persuade.

"You're right. Money is not as important as life." Li Feng nodded in agreement, then glanced around the crowd and said, "are you all afraid of the sari family?"

A crowd of customers looked at each other.

Nonsense, the sari family, the biggest one in country y. hey, s Dang family, stomp on the feet of Y country, they will tremble, but what about them? It's middle-class to say the best, but it's the special wage earners. Can you be afraid of the Surrey family?

"Well, it seems that they are afraid." Li Feng nodded and then said, "you all know Alice is my friend, right?"

People looked at each other again.

Bullshit. We're not blind. Can't we know you're with Alice? It's not your duty to help us!

"Huaxia boy, don't you think you have a lot of problems? Think about how you can save your life. "

A middle-aged white man with a greasy head and a gold tie, who looks like a successful man, said gracefully with a glass.

Li Feng looked at him and said in a cold voice, "now I'll give you a chance to express it again. Which is her real name, Alice or Ruth? Is she my friend or this gobel's friend?"

All the people said:

It's not Is this Chinese man threatening them? Give them a chance to re express themselves. They really think they are characters, right?"Well, once again, I'll stick to what I said before. Her name is Ruth. She's Mr. gobel's girlfriend."

Said the middle-aged man in a gold tie.

Goebel gave him a thumbs up, and his admiration was expressed.

"That's right. I'm sticking to the previous statement." Others echoed.

"Good." Li Feng's eyes flashed and he turned his head.

People are happy, the feelings of the Chinese people is to blow a gun ah, thought he was going to do it, it's a big smile.

Gobel was also happy: "are you finished? When you're done, do as I say

"With that, I'll make a call." Li Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed out a phone call.

Goebel was more relaxed: "call to borrow money? All right, you just have to get the money. "

Just at this time, Li Feng didn't pay any attention to him. He said directly, "Eric, I'm Li Feng. I don't care where you are or what you're doing. Send me a person in charge to come to the summer forest bar in 10 minutes. If you can't, you will be at your own risk."

Then he hung up.

"Eric, which Eric?" Gobel suddenly had a bad feeling, which made his eyebrows jump.

If he remembers correctly, Li Feng said "Eric Sari" before. Shit, these two are not alone?!

No, it's impossible. What kind of character is the boss Eric? How can this Chinese know him.

"You'll find out in 10 minutes." With that, Li Feng patted Du Shijie on the shoulder, then strode to Alice and sat down.

Forced by Li Feng's momentum, Goebel could not help but step back. Then he found how weak he was. He said calmly: "10 minutes, right? I'll wait for you for 10 minutes to see who you can find! "

Because of Li Feng's strong performance before and this phone call, gobel and others dare not act rashly, and other customers are also standing quietly waiting.

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