Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1041

Li Feng saw the situation in front of the bar at a glance, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and a burst of anger rose.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

Just at this moment, the system prompt tone suddenly rings.

"Check it out!"

"Mission: save the goddess Alice (2)"

"mission objective: to rescue the goddess Alice from the members of HEIs. If the mission fails, the host's 4 million system points will be deducted as punishment."

"Mission reward: 1 million exp, 2 million system points, 20 conquest points."

"The task is very simple..." Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he was about to finish the task.

Who knows Du Shijie is more anxious than he, a lunge rushed past, at the same time in the mouth burst drink: "you let go of her!"

Those young people turned their heads and looked at Du Shijie. Then one of the young men with Mohican hair said coldly and scornfully, "who are you? Why do you care about us? You'd better get out of here, or we'll kick your share

At the same time, his two companions stopped Du Shijie.

"Lie trough, you let go of me!" Du Shijie struggled desperately. However, when he was over 40, his physical strength was not as good as that of young people. He was often busy with his work and neglected to keep fit. He was held dead by his opponent.

The conflict here has long attracted the attention of other customers. People all look at it with a good attitude. No one stands up to speak for Du Shijie.

Let's not say that those young people are famous nearby. Hey, s Dang, they dare not offend these people. Just say that Du Shijie is a yellow race is not worth their efforts.

Whether we accept it or not, this kind of discrimination exists in the western world.

Li Feng sighed, walked slowly to Du Shijie, patted him on the shoulder and said, "old Du, give it to me."

Li Feng's voice seems to have some kind of magic, so that the fierce struggle of Du Shijie immediately relaxed.

The two young men holding down Du Shijie laughed: "who are you and dare to take care of our affairs?"

The other one did not speak, but revealed the dagger on his waist.

If you don't agree with me, you will be afraid of it!

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm his friend and her friend. You're going to take my friend away and hold down this friend. I don't care if I'm decent?"


These two young people were confused by Li Feng. Four friends came out of a sentence. Why are you so sharp? Do you do rap?

"I don't mind if you say he's your friend, but I don't agree if you say my girlfriend is your friend."

"What?" Li Feng is a little confused.

"You don't understand people, do you?" "Ruth, my girlfriend!" said the young man with a fierce look

As he spoke, he pointed to Alice lying on the bar.

Li Feng:

It's not When did Alice change her name to Ruth? Return my girlfriend, this young moxigan, why don't you want Bilian so much?

Du Shijie, who had already given up resistance, was excited again after hearing this sentence: "bah! Her name is Alice. She's a friend who comes here to drink with us. She doesn't know you at all

"Did you say her name was Alice? This is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life

"Jack, tell them, what's my girlfriend's name?" The young man looked at the bartender behind the bar and asked.

Bartender Jack shrugged. "Obviously, her name is Ruth."

Du Shijie's face changed dramatically: "bastard! You clearly see that the three of us are together. We just sat here drinking and chatting together! You should have heard us call her Alice, too

Jack shook his head and said, "Sir, what are you talking about? I haven't seen you at all. It's Mr. gobel who has been sitting here drinking with Miss Ruth."

Du Shijie:

The bartender Jack's expression is so serious that Du Shijie has an illusion. Is he really wrong? The woman lying on the bar is not Alice, but a woman named Ruth?

Then Du Shijie shook his head and moved the idea out of his mind.

Damn, that white dress, that beautiful back, it's absolutely Alice. How can this bartender named Jack tell a lie with his eyes open like this? Is his conscience special? Let the dog eat it?

On one side, Li Feng took a deep look at the bartender jack, and then asked, "are you willing to be responsible for what you said?"

Jack was stunned, then sneered: "of course, I'm the bartender here. If I tell a lie, I'll lose my job."

But his inner thought was If you tell the truth, you will not only lose your job, but also get killed. Hey s behind gobel is very powerful in LD.Gobel laughed. "Do you hear that? What, Alice, I think you've just taken a fancy to my girlfriend and are trying to plot a plot against my girlfriend

The other young people all sneered: "hum, these two yellow monkeys are not good things at first sight. Ma De, he also wants to attack the women of country y. I really want to stab them to death!"

"Do you hear me? Don't you two yellow monkeys get out of here? If you don't go away, you'll die here! "

"Go away! Go away

With the threat of young people, people around the scene also began to shout: "you are so shameless, even want to hit other people's girlfriend's idea."

"Are they Chinese? I've heard that the Chinese people have no moral sense, and they live in primitive society. "

"I have also heard that China is poor and backward with a high crime rate. The women there are living in hell."

"Save the women of our country and drive these two Chinese out of the bar!"

More extreme people even called out the slogan "kill them.".

Li Feng suddenly felt ironic and magical. Many of these people saw the three of them walk into the bar with their own eyes. Even when Alice was drinking, these people would peek at it from time to time.

It's impossible for them not to know their relationship with Alice, but to lie with their eyes wide open and clamour wildly to kill them.

Just because you and Du Shijie are different from their skin color?

"Remember what you said." Li Feng looks at the bartender Jack and says.

Jack frowned and shook his head contemptuously.

He knew he was hated by Li Feng, but what about that? Li Feng is a Chinese. He has no fear at all!

Gobel couldn't look down, pointed to Li Feng's nose and said, "Hey, Huaxia boy, are you threatening Jack? I tell you, we are... "

Before he finished speaking, Li Feng suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his hand and held down the two young shoulders of Du Shijie, and then pinched them fiercely!

"Click" "click"

two bone fracture sounds!

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