Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1033

The head coach's words let the players of the rosefinch team ignite their morale instantly!

Just now, the League war was started without any fun. The competition can't be better!

It's just

"But the strength of the Guines people is not weak, and there is another Chen Yu missing from us..."

"Yes, Chen Yu is our trump card and attack arrow. Without him, it is very difficult for us to break through the gate of Guines people."

Some of the players said in a bit of frustration.

Guines is an old team of y-class, while the rosefinch team has just risen from y B to y a, and the overall strength is slightly weaker. This is still under the premise of Chen Lei's health.

It can be said that Chen Lei is the soul player of the rosefinch team. With or without him, the rosefinch team is two completely different teams.

This is just like boss Mei to Barcelona. Although Chen Yu and Mei boss can not be compared, their influence on their respective teams is somewhat similar.

So when the players of the rosefinch team thought that Chen Yu would not be on the stage, they would be a bit drumming.

"Second, can you be a little bit tough?" The head coach is also a Chinese, or a temper, just now he led the substitutes into the court.

Of course, the coach who can only lose his temper is not a good coach. His coaching level is also very high. Otherwise, he can't lead a whole Chinese class from y B to y a.

So the members of the rosefinch team were very obedient to him: "we must have backbone. We would rather live on our feet than die on our knees!"

"Good!" The coach nodded his head with satisfaction, then looked at Chen Yu and asked with concern: "how is the situation? Don't worry. Every player can't avoid injury. The club will try its best to cure you. What you have to do is to keep a good attitude and have confidence in yourself. Do you know? "

"Don't worry, coach. I feel like I'm getting better soon." Chen Yu says excitedly.

"Well, if you have confidence..." "Chen Lei, are you ok?" the head coach was stunned

He just gives Chen Yu chicken blood. How can he feel that Chen Yu feels like he has taken some medicine, and he is so happy?

Did Chen Yu get hurt in the collision?

"It's OK. I can't feel the pain now, and I can clearly feel that my injury is recovering." At the same time, Chen Yu raises his wrist and tries to move.

The head coach pupil shrinks: "really detumescence? How can you move? "

This kind of serious injury can not be detumescence in a few days. As for the activity Even don't think about it.

So is Chen Yu swollen? Did he dive just now?

Confused, others begin to talk about Li Feng's treatment of Chen Yu's injury.

At the same time, the Guines players have returned to the court, the referee continuously signaled the players of the rosefinch team to play.

The coach asked the other players to play first, and then said to Li Feng, "Mr. Li, you are really amazing. On behalf of the club, I would like to invite you to become the chief team doctor of the rosefinch team. Is Mr. Li interested?"

Athletes are most afraid of injury. If there is a team doctor who can make the injury recover quickly and leave no sequelae in the team, what is the concept?

He trembled with excitement as long as he thought about it!

"Sorry, I'm not interested in being a team doctor." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "but I'm very interested in playing temporarily."

Head coach:

It's not Aren't you a doctor? Why do you want to play football?

Just then, the player on the bench asked, "coach, who will replace Chen Yu?"

"Coach, the referee is going to whistle. We have to hurry up." The substitutes are in a hurry. If they don't play, they will be 10 to 11.

"Chen, replace Chen Yu." The coach said immediately.

Hearing this, ah Chen, wearing No. 13 Jersey, began to warm up.

"Coach, if you are not a member of the rosefinch team, you can play in a friendly match, right?" Li Feng asked.

"Yes, there is no limit to this game..." The coach nodded and then said to a Chen: "go on the field and warm up again. Let's kick the free kick right away and try to seize this opportunity."

"Then let me play." While talking, Li Feng said while undressing: "No. 17, you are similar to my body. I wear your jersey, and who else has 45 size shoes?"

No. 17:

Head coach:

Other players:

It's not It's so out of the ordinary. The manager hasn't said he'll let you play!

"That Well, Mr. Li, I don't want to lose this game, so if you want to play, you can wait until the next training time in our team... "

"That kind of competition is boring, and Just because you want to win this game, I have to play, because if I go up, you will win Li Feng interrupted directly.

"Er..." The manager is stunned, you are good at medical skills, and you are so confident in playing football?It's just that you don't mean to play well if you play well. You have to show your strength to prove yourself. Now, how can he have time for Li Feng to prove his strength?

"Let me play. If I lose, I'll be your team doctor." Li Feng directly used his mace.

"Are you sure?" said the coach

Li Feng: sure

"Not going back?" The coach asked.

"Absolutely not!" Li Feng pats fierce breast to express a way.

"Good!" The coach waved his fist: "Meng, give him the shirt, ah Chen, take off the shoes."

A number of substitutes looked at each other, the coach really agreed, ah, too much fun!

However, when they think about it, they will know why the manager made this decision. If Li Feng becomes their team doctor, they will not be afraid of injury in the future, and they can let go of their hands and feet!

Meng a Chen did not hesitate to take off his shirt and shoes.

Li Feng put on his shirt and shoes and ran to the court.

Looking at his back running to the court, the rosefinch players look complicated. They don't want to lose the game, and they want to let Li Feng become their team doctor after losing

What a tangle!

"It's a bit of a bully for Mr. Li to do this..."

Alice Coffey muttered to herself.

With Li Feng's superhuman ability, winning the game is a certainty. The key is how he will win the game.

Alice would like to say, I'll give you the stage now. Please start your performance!

As soon as Li Feng came on the court, the referee whistled for a free kick from the rosefinch team.

No. 10 of the rosefinch team stood in front of the ball with both hands akimbo, looking at the wall in the distance, thinking about how to play in the future.

At this time, Li Feng ran over: "that Let me take the ball? "

"Dr. Li, how did you come up here?" he said

"It's a long story. Anyway, I was approved by your coach. In a word I'll play the ball

Speaking, Li Feng pushed No. 10 aside, raised his right leg back high, and then kicked the ball hard!

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