Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1032

Not only the players of the rosefinch team were muddled, but Alice, who trotted all the way behind Li Feng, was also confused.

Why, are you still interested in men?!

Li Feng is not really interested in men. He just wants to help Chen Yu heal.

The two defenders of the Guines are very heavy, which is to wash away Chen Yu. With the level of the rosefinch team doctor, Chen Yu's injury can not be treated at all.

Even to the hospital is not good, injury will leave a sequela, not to mention back to the peak, can play football is not necessarily.

Although Chen Yu hasn't shown up yet, Li Feng is going to take over for the sake of being a Chinese.

"Who are you?" The player of the rosefinch team stopped Li Feng and asked cautiously.

That is to say, if Li Feng is the same as their skin color, they will ask in advance. If a white man comes here, they will push him out first.

"I'm a doctor in Li's Chinese Medicine Museum in Chinatown, Chinese medicine." Li Feng said with a smile: "I have the ancestral medicine, which can quickly relieve Chen Yu's pain and help him recover quickly. The key is not to leave any sequelae."

The players of the rosefinch team were stunned. What kind of TCM? Why not leave sequelae? You are a prodigy!

The team doctors are puzzled. They recognize the ability of traditional Chinese medicine and know that Chinese medicine is a treasure of five thousand years in China. But Chen Yu is a stress fracture. Ah, what kind of Chinese medicine is so powerful that he does not leave sequelae?

As for Alice She felt she was treated differently.

Why does she, a beautiful woman, charge her 10 million pounds for detoxification? Chen Yu is a big man, but Li Feng wants to treat him for free?

Even more than the world famous double mark!

"You don't believe me?" Li Feng pointed to himself and said, "I'm a little miracle doctor of China. Ah, the oil pipes are famous, and I don't charge him any money for healing his wounds. Shouldn't you let me have a try?"

Chen Yu's teammates stare at each other and then look to the team doctor.

They prefer to believe that what Li Feng said is true, but this matter is of great importance. They can't let Li Feng try it casually. At this time, they can only see how the professionals answer.

"Do you have a medical license?" Asked the chief physician, frowning.

"Yes." Li Feng showed him his medical certificate.

"After that, you said," the orthopedic doctor

In fact, he is also very tangled. Chen Yu's injury must go to the hospital for surgery, but in that case, he will be reimbursed for the season, and whether he can recover to the peak state in the future is unknown.

If Li Feng really has this ability, let him try it. But what if Li Feng is a liar and Chen Yu's injury gets worse?

He can't take the responsibility!

"I believe him!" Just then, Chen Yu, lying on the stretcher, grits his teeth and says.

To be honest, when he fell, he felt a sense of despair that was more painful than death.

His parents immigrated to country y 20 years ago. What about the family conditions Only the most basic food and clothing.

Fortunately, he loved football, had football talent, and met bole. When he was 13 years old, he entered the youth training camp of rosefinch club, and was appreciated by both the coach and the boss.

With the help of his boss, he not only helped his family get the green card of country y, but also solved the problem of going to school for him. Moreover, he had a high salary every month.

It can be said that joining the rosefinch team is a turning point in his life.

Chen Yu's greatest wish is to help the rosefinch team get into the y-league and let the world know Chinese people can also play football well!

However, he is still in the sprint stage, suffering from such a serious injury, that sense of despair

When he heard Li Feng's foot on the cliff, he felt as if he had been pulled out of the cliff.

Of course, we can still talk about whether we can bring him back, but at least he sees hope.

The chief team doctor said solemnly, "Chen Yu, this is no small matter, you..."

"Don't think about it. I know how much I hurt." Chen Yu says with a pale face.

"Yes, you are very hurt. No one can make you recover quickly except me, and there is no sequelae." After that, Li Feng added confidently: "because no one knows more about orthopedics than I do."

Alice's mouth, she always feel that this sentence is a little familiar, Li Feng has said something similar to this before?

In any case, Li Feng's confidence infected Chen Lei, as well as his team doctor and teammates.

"What are you waiting for? Come on Chen Yu grits his teeth and says.

“OK。” Li Feng makes a gesture. Then he takes out a small white porcelain bottle and pours out a grain of Huichun powder. After that, he wants to serve Chen Yu.

But Li Feng thought for a while and felt that it was not enough. He took back his hand and poured out two: "this should be enough."

All the people said:

It's not So casual? How many pills can you use so uncertain?Even Chen Yu suddenly feels a bit sorry that he is too optimistic.

"Well, don't care about these details. Eat it quickly. It will work." Li Feng said with a smile.

Chen Yu's face changes several times. Finally, he grabs huichunsan and swallows it.

For a moment, everyone held their breath.

Although Li Feng promises to make a sound, his behavior seems to be very unreliable. If the medicine has any effect, put it aside first. Don't be so poisonous that you can finish it!


At this moment, Chen Yu suddenly gives a cry of surprise.

"What's wrong, isn't it?"

"Damn it, Leizi. Don't scare us!"

"Shit, team doctor, give him vomit quickly!"

A group of teammates thought that the medicine was wrong, and quante was flustered.

Alice can't help but look strange. Chen Yu's reaction is the same as Oliver before What a wonderful image!

Wait, I just had a "special" in my mind? It must have been infected by these men!

"No, don't panic. I mean It's amazing. It really doesn't hurt so much, and I feel that the wound is healing quickly

As Chen Yu talks, he looks at his ankle. Then he finds that his swollen ankle has begun to swell!

"Lying trough, is it so amazing?"

Chen Yu's teammates also find this change. They can't help but cry out. The team doctors lie down in front of Chen Yu's ankle and observe it carefully.

"Hiss! It is detumescence at the speed visible to the naked eye! " The chief team doctor exclaimed in surprise and then looked at Li Feng in amazement.

"Ancestral medicine, ancestral medicine." Li Feng said with a reserved smile.

When the team doctors asked what the ingredients of the medicine were, the members of the coaching team of the rosefinch team came back here.

"What's the matter with Chen Lei? When will the ambulance arrive?" The coach said first.

Without waiting for people to reply, he went on to say, "we've settled the deal with those bastards, and the game will continue. Anyway, you'll win the game and avenge Chen Yu!"

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