Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 1030

"Football match?" Li Feng was stunned.

This is a small stadium. It looks even a little broken. This is not one of the major stadiums in which LD holds the Y Super League, because Li Feng knows where those stadiums are.

So what's the ball game here? Y-crown, Y-A, y-b, or a friendly between unprofessional teams?

"Yes, yes, the fans who walked in just now are the fans of the gines. If you look at the back, they are fans of the rosefinch team." Alice said excitedly, pointing to a group of fans with red stickers on their faces coming in the distance.

"The Guines? The rosefinches? " Li Feng's face was confused. When he looked in the direction of Alice's finger, he found that most of the fans with red stickers on their faces were black hair and yellow skin.

Contact the rosefinch team again Li Feng can conclude that these fans are of Chinese origin!

But then again, these two teams are definitely not the Y super team, the Y crown does not seem to call this, is it y a?

As the country where the world's first football league is located, how popular football is in Y country, there is no need to say, just a word, the whole people love!

Y has a perfect League classification system, from high to low is y super, y crown, y a, y B, four League a total of 92 teams.

There are also non league teams, the number is as many as hundreds.

As for non professional teams, there are more. Schools and communities at all levels have their own football teams, which really involve all the people.

The people of y love playing football and watching the ball. The fans of Y country are famous all over the world

Therefore, even if it is a non professional game, it will attract many football loving people to watch the game.

"Yes, the Guines and the rosefinches are both y-class teams, and the new season of the Y-A League will begin in a week. These two teams should come here to play friendly games."

Said Alice, her eyes shining.

"Do you enjoy watching football games?" Li Feng asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm chercy's super fan!" Alice was so excited that she talked about all kinds of interesting things when she watched the ball game.

Li Feng could still listen politely at first, but Alice had a sign that she couldn't stop talking. Li Feng had to interrupt: "that We've been standing at the door for a long time. Are you going to go in and watch the game or go back to work? "

"Cross?" Alice was stunned.

"It's not your intention to come with me. You just want to deal with your parents. We've been out for a long time. You can go back to work." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Er..." Alice didn't expect Li summit to see through some of her ideas. She was embarrassed for a moment and didn't know what to say.

"Don't be nervous. We're all adults. It's OK to open up some words. Anyway, we're only meeting for the first day, aren't we?" Li Feng said casually.

Alice is really beautiful, and her figure is really good, but Li Feng won't do anything because she is beautiful and has a good figure. Are there few beautiful women around him?

So it doesn't matter if Alice goes or stays.

"Er Here we are. Let's go in and watch the game Alice said, a little flustered.

Although Li Feng's beauty is not her dish, but since she came here, how could it be to go back like this?

Li Feng:

It's not Are you really a member of state y, why can you say such evil words?

Li Feng's words of "refutation" were not successful, no matter how he said it!

"Let's go in."

Li Feng vomited out his turbid breath and came to the gate of the stadium. A ticket seller came up to him: "Sir, do you want to buy a ticket?"

Li Feng turned his head to look at Alice: "do you want to buy a ticket in?"

Alice covered her mouth with a smile, took out a 10 pound note from Kun's bag and said, "of course, the stadium is charged. Tickets are 5 pounds each."

The conductor took out two tickets: "have a good time tonight."

I don't know why, Alice always thinks the conductor's words have a lot of meaning

"Introduce the two teams to me." Li Feng said as he walked in.

"OK." Alice nodded, and then she went on and on.

Although her home team is chercy, she is also very familiar with the situation of the gines and the rosefinches, because she is a real fan, and she is willing to learn anything about football.

Not to mention that the geens and the rosefinches are LD's local y-teams

In Alice's introduction, Li Feng only knew that the rosefinch team was a team that had just been promoted from y B, and the Guines people were ranked the fifth from the bottom last season, almost relegated.

So on the whole, the strength of the Guines and the rosefinches is not much different. This game should be very exciting.Among them, Li Feng is more interested in the fact that the rosefinch team is a team made up of all Chinese, and the club owner is also Chinese, which naturally makes Li Feng feel close.

They walked into the stadium and sat in the west stand.

At the moment, there are many people sitting in the stadium, roughly two thousand.

This stadium is not big. If the stadium is full, it can seat 5000 people, and two thousand is two fifths. It is good to attract 2000 people to a friendly match between the bottom teams of y-league, especially as time goes by, there will be more people coming. After all, there are still more than ten minutes before the start of the game.

As Li Feng expected, five minutes before the start of the game, a large number of fans poured in, most of them Chinese.

By the time the players from both sides entered the stadium, the fans who came to watch the game had taken three fifths of the seats on the field.

"Are there any better players in the rosefinch team?" Li Feng looked at the players on both sides and asked.

"There is a forward named Chen Lei who plays well and is the trump card of the rosefinch team." Said Alice.

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "specific talk about it."

"Well His speed is very fast. He rushes like a cheetah. His basic movements are solid, his body is flexible, and his ball control skills are excellent. He can reach the average level of Y super forwards. His footwork is very accurate and his ball speed is very fast... "

With Alice's introduction, Li Feng has a general understanding of Chen Yu. The key is that Chen Yu is only 17 years old this year, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

If the development is good, Chen Yu may be able to enter y-super and open up a legend belonging to him

Of course, this is the future, Li Feng still wants to see what kind of performance he will achieve in tonight's game.

At this time, the opening whistle, the rosefinch team first launched the attack.

The attack organization of the rosefinch team is of high standard. It can't be said that the quicksilver diarrhoea is on the ground, but it is also extremely smooth.

Soon, the ball reaches the foot of the striker Chen Lei. Chen Yu makes a Marseille turn, flings away the defensive player in front of him and rushes in.

At this time, the two guards of the Guines people, one left and one right, came together with a flying shovel.


their feet shove hard on Chen Yu's ankle, making a bone fracture sound!

The next moment, Chen Yu is out of balance and falls to the ground, holding his ankle and crying out in pain!

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