God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2050

Song Fei hasn\'t dealt with Jiao Pinghai since he caught him.

After Jiao Pinghai was captured, he also felt at ease to be a prisoner without fear. He believed that Yue Tianyu did not dare to kill him. If he killed him, he could not bear the towering anger of the great sage covering the sea.

Similarly, Jiao Pinghai didn\'t regret attacking Qingtian sword sect. In his opinion, the small sect like a nouveau riche will be destroyed if it is destroyed. If the demon Emperor didn\'t give him the map of mountains and rivers, he wouldn\'t lose.

He is waiting, waiting for the sea covering saint to appear, and then he sweeps the sky sword sect with the potential of thunder, collects the map of mountains and rivers, and becomes the demon emperor of the demon world. In the future, he will become the son of the demon emperor and become an existence that can run across the demon world.

For a long time, Jiao Pinghai, who has lived for a long time, doesn\'t feel lonely. He can practice to the peak of Jinxian. He is also a tough and hardworking person. In the past, it was not rare to be closed for millions of years.

Every golden immortal master is slowly polished out. Like the monster swallowing the sky, the creatures who rely on ingenuity and have a terrible speed of improvement have been destroyed by everyone together.

After being dumped on the ground, Jiao Pinghai threw his head blankly and silently looked at Song Fei. He seemed to react and raised his head slightly with a trace of arrogant language: "did you save me? Where\'s Yue Tianyu? Killed by you?"

Song Fei looked at him silently. After being locked up for so many years, his hatred for himself was still the same.

Jiao Pinghai then said, "you are a demon. Although I don\'t know how you saved me, I took this feeling. I see that your strength is not weak and you are qualified to become my friend of Jiao Pinghai."

Song Fei said faintly, "Yue Tianyu is not dead. Do you want to kill him?"

"Ha ha!" a terrible rage suddenly broke out from Jiao Pinghai. Jiao Pinghai shouted loudly, "aren\'t you dead? That\'s great. Tell me where he is. I\'m going to flatten his whole sect and kill him."

Song Fei nodded: "so, if I kill you, I won\'t have the slightest obstacle in my heart."

While talking, Song Fei\'s right palm scratched at Jiao Pinghai, and a black magic gas overflowed from the palm and wrapped Jiao Pinghai.

"Bold." Jiao Pinghai shouted coldly, "do you know who I am? I\'m rude to me. The whole three worlds have no place for you. Don\'t think you saved me, I can tolerate your rudeness to me."

The black magic gas continues to wrap Jiao Pinghai. Song Fei responds to Jiao Pinghai\'s threat with a mocking smile.

Feeling that the black magic gas was constantly invading his body and destroying the vitality in his body, Jiao Pinghai suddenly thought of something and said in a harsh voice: "Heaven swallowing magic skill, how can it be Heaven swallowing magic skill? Are you heaven swallowing Warcraft? Isn\'t heaven swallowing Warcraft exterminated?"

Seeing that Song Fei was still silent, the arrogant Jiao Pinghai suddenly had a strong fear in his heart, which was a hundred times more terrible than when Song Fei caught him.

The other party wants to use the magic skill of swallowing heaven to himself? Under the heaven swallowing demon skill, one\'s accomplishments must be absorbed by the other party. He becomes the nourishment of the other party, and then his body and form disappear. How can a arrogant Jiao Pinghai accept such a result?

"I\'m Jiao Pinghai. I\'m the son of the great sage of Fuhai. If you kill me, my father will feel it. In the future, there will be no place for you in heaven and earth."

"How dare you? My father is the great sage of the sea. You dare to kill his parents and children. Don\'t you want to live? Kill me, how can you have a higher cultivation, and how can you escape the pursuit of a great sage of the demon world."

"Ah, let me go. Please let me go. I\'ll give you whatever treasure you want."

The silver light suddenly appeared, and the little silver dragon rushed fiercely, and then bit Jiao Pinghai\'s head.

"Ah, chaotic magic dragon, dare you..." the voice suddenly stopped, and then Jiao Pinghai\'s body suddenly increased.

"Not good!" Song Fei shouted and suddenly photographed a space magic weapon and put Jiao Pinghai and little silver dragon into the magic weapon, otherwise this small secret room would be burst by Jiao Pinghai\'s headless body.

In the magic weapon of space, a huge headless dragon body lies on the ground. The volume of the body is very terrible. In terms of length alone, it is afraid that it can circle the earth.

Such a huge body, coupled with the cultivation of Jinxian peak, is the basis for Jiao Pinghai to traverse the three realms. His strength is even stronger than the ordinary Jinxian peak.

The Grand Master of the sea is the king of the devil. He belongs to the dragon, not the real dragon. However, when he is trained to his realm, flesh and blood are as early as the gods and beasts.

It is said that the great sage of Fuhai voluntarily gave up the opportunity to promote the real dragon, but climbed the peak in another form of life and promoted the position of the great sage with great perseverance and wisdom.

It\'s not a beast, it\'s better than a beast.

As the son of the Grand Master of the sea, what is the essence of Jiao Pinghai\'s flesh and blood? This is why Song Fei has been reluctant to eat. Now she is promoted to seven orders of gold, and the body of celestial body has no effect on herself. However, where is the world\'s so many Jinxian to Song Fei? Jiao Pinghai now just meets the desire of Song Fei.

Such a big body is enough for Song Fei to obtain huge energy. Even before, Song Fei never thought that Jiao Pinghai\'s body would be so huge.

The little silver dragon robbed Jiao Pinghai\'s head and could only enlarge his body. Then he was very excited to grab Jiao Pinghai\'s huge dragon head and chew it up.

Song Fei said faintly, "your dragon head, my dragon body, don\'t rob me again."

"Ah!" the little silver dragon cast greedy eyes on the huge Jiaolong.

Song Fei said with a smile, "if you don\'t change it, I\'ll take the dragon head and your dragon body."

The little silver dragon shook his head violently. Although the dragon\'s dragon head was smaller, it was the location of divine consciousness. All his mana was stored here. In addition, there was a dragon ball in the dragon head, which was a great tonic for the little silver dragon.

"Since you don\'t want to be the dragon head, don\'t give me the idea of the dragon body." after Song Fei said that, the magic Qi on his body soared and wrapped Jiao Pinghai\'s whole body.

This digestion time, for the outside, has passed a whole month, and for Song Fei, it has taken a whole thousand years.

But these 1000 years are worth the millions of years of hard work before.

After eating the faucet, xiaoyinlong fell into a deep sleep again. He gave birth to a silver cocoon to wrap himself. Song Fei has not seen xiaoyinlong wrap himself with a cocoon for a long time. Similar situations have occurred before. Xiaoyinlong\'s strength will be improved by a leap when he wakes up.

Song Fei himself, however, made another breakthrough in this short millennium.

Jinxian eight steps.