God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2049

Time passed quietly. In the next few years, Qingtian sword sect ushered in a tide of fertility. All the women who held a big marriage began to conceive children and were born.

Qin Xiaoru gave birth to a little girl who was very similar to her, then ziri Baiyun Fengxian and Mu Ling, and all the boys were left.

Together with the children of the other families, the dolls ran all over the mountain all the time, and Yue Xiaxia seemed to be the boss of the little guys.

The rest of the people who had not been married were unwilling to be lonely when they saw that Song Fei married so many at once. They found their own marriage in the fairy world. Of course, if they wanted to hold a wedding, they could not match the scale of Song Fei\'s last marriage.

The number of singles of Qingtian sword sect is decreasing, and there are more children running all over the mountain. The whole Qingtian sword sect is thriving.

Except that Song Fei appeared and gave his name after several children were born, he didn\'t see him in the rest of the time. Even Wang Shishi wouldn\'t bother Song Fei if there were no major things.

Demon world, Optimus demon palace.

Because Mu Ling went to the fairy world, all the big and small things in the whole Optimus demon palace were handled by the blood devil. Since returning from the Asura world, the Optimus demon emperor seems to have disappeared. He has never appeared in front of everyone. Only a few people such as the blood devil know that the demon emperor has closed down.

A hundred years have passed since the last time I came back. For the creatures with long lives in the demon world, it is just a snap.

For Song Fei and little Yinlong, they spent a million years in the magic weapon of space.

For millions of years, Song Fei and little Yinlong have done only one thing, eating and digestion.

Last time, I got a large number of Ashura corpses in the Ashura world. Among these corpses, there are countless golden immortal masters, which seems to be the best pill for Song Fei and little Yinlong to cultivate.

Moreover, during this period of time, Wang Shishi will often be directly transmitted to the secret room of the demon world through the transmission array, and send the bodies given to him by Feng Huan and others, all of which are the bodies of the strong ones of the Asura family.

As Song Fei expected before, with the continuous supply of Ashura corpses, the separation of magic blood ant seems to be the fastest one among many separation and self.

For little Yinlong, this is also the happiest period of time. He eats and sleeps every day and eats when he wakes up. His body is still the same size. However, his power is even more terrible. Over the years, his improvement is also rapid.

Finally one day, xuesha couldn\'t bear the external pressure and knocked on the door of Song Fei\'s secret room.

On this day, Song Fei just finished his work and opened his closed eyes in the secret room.

On this day, Song Fei experienced his third breakthrough since he closed the door. His strength reached the seventh level of Jinxian and became a master in the later stage of Jinxian. His strength was 10000 times stronger than that before he closed the door.

"Come in!" Song Fei\'s voice sounded in the blood evil spirit\'s divine consciousness, and the blood evil spirit pushed open the door of the secret room.

In the secret room, Song Fei sat cross legged on the ground and silently looked at the bloody ghost.

The blood evil spirit was shocked in his heart. He was stared at by Song Fei\'s eyes and involuntarily gave birth to a sense of fear, as if each other\'s eyes would easily kill himself.

The blood evil spirit quickly bowed his head and respectfully said, "Your Majesty."

Song Fei said, "what\'s up?"

The blood devil bowed his head, stared at the ground, and said in a very respectful way: "the invitation sent by the shadow devil family and the blood devil family, invite your majesty to the banquet."

Song Fei snorted coldly and said, "why not refuse directly."

"Your majesty!" xuesha quickly knelt down on the ground, "now our neighbors are the strong ones of these two races. If we refuse, even if the army is directly approaching, how dare our subordinates decide such a big event."

"Oh!" Song Fei whispered, "it\'s only a hundred years, and the surrounding territories have been annexed by these two nationalities?"

The blood devil said, "yes, your majesty, the blood demons are in our North and the shadow demons are in the south. Moreover, the blood demons are my predecessors and an ancient expert. Their strength is very terrible and their subordinates dare not refuse."

"It seems to be a Hongmen banquet." Song Fei said, "what ancient master and what level is it?"

The blood evil spirit said: "I heard that he was an expert of Jinxian level 7 very early. Now I really don\'t know the specific state. I\'m afraid he has broken through to Jinxian level 8. In addition..." when talking about this, the blood evil spirit looked up at Song Fei.

"Don\'t hesitate, go on." Song Fei said.

"Your Majesty, according to the spies, a group of extremely hot and masculine flame power has been found in the shadow devil\'s territory, but there has been no similar power in my demon world." the blood evil spirit said.

"The territory of the shadow devil?" Song Fei looked at the invitation sent by the bloody ghost. The place where Song Fei was invited was the territory of the shadow devil. On the invitation, it was written that as a neighbor, the magic emperor of the shadow devil and blood devil family came to invite the new neighbor Qingtian magic emperor to drink, which seemed to have the meaning of fighting the world together.

Looking at the above words, Song Fei\'s heart sent out bursts of sneers. He killed all the way. He has always been competing with the shadow devil and the blood devil. It is impossible for the other party to invite him to drink.

And the flame of the sun?

Song Fei said, "how do spies judge?"

The bloody ghost said, "the flame of Zhiyang is only found in the human world, the Buddha world and the fairy world, but there are not many experts in the human world. The Buddha world will not easily appear in my demon world. The detective suspected that this is a person from the fairy world. My subordinates judged whether my secret of killing rosefinch was leaked."

Song Fei suddenly realized, nodded and said, "what you said is reasonable."

Song Fei doesn\'t know whether the rosefinch family has an expert who understands the power of time, but as this ancient super power, the inside information is unimaginable.

In addition, Song Fei suspects that the rosefinch family has also taken refuge in evil gods, so he is likely to have contact with the Asura family. As long as he asks DuPont about killing the rosefinch family experts, it will be revealed immediately.

Therefore, Song Fei is not surprised that the rosefinch family seeks revenge from the devil blood ant. Even Song Fei suspects that after passing through the Asura world, the rosefinch family has mastered the secret of their separation in the demon world.

A man from the fairy world sent his part to the demon world to fight all the way. This is enough to disgust most demons and kill himself with a butcher\'s knife.

After thinking about it, Song Fei said, "pass on my will and tell the shadow devil that I will attend the banquet on time."

"Yes!" the blood devil answered and silently withdrew from the stone door of the secret room, and then the stone door closed slowly.

Song Fei sneered and looked coldly at the signatures of the two experts in the demon world, Kaixin Dou and Wu Hongling, then put away the invitation and said, "interesting."

Soon, Song Fei\'s right hand turned out, and a imprisoned body was thrown on the ground of the secret room by Song Fei. This is a very terrible expert.

Jiao Pinghai, son of the great sage of Fuhai