God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2018

"Hahaha, you two have worked hard."

Song Fei and Kate sit in the side hall and drink tea leisurely. Before they see DuPont, they first hear his hearty laughter. Then they see DuPont walking into the side hall with sun Qingrou. They hug their fists and smile at Song Fei and Kate: "this time, please do it."

Song Fei didn\'t speak. He flew out of the side hall directly, and then left the bodies of Tang Ming and others in the courtyard. Five mountain like bodies overlapped each other. The arrogant sacred animal rosefinch, like a killed pheasant, was piled motionless in the courtyard.

"Tut tut Tut, the sacred animal rosefinch." Du Bang said, "unfortunately, brother Qingtian killed him like a chicken. Guys, I want to hang this body in our barracks to improve morale. Do you know?"

Song Fei said, "here\'s the head. The body is useful to me unless you exchange it with a divine beast of the same level."

DuPont shook his head: "I don\'t have a beast of the same level. In that case, the head is also good." it just inspires morale. The effect of the head is similar to that of the body.

Song Fei nodded, let the bloody ghost come out, twisted the heads of the five rosefinch beasts down and threw them to DuPont, and then put the bodies away. Nowadays, it is difficult for the magic blood ant to improve its mana by swallowing a large number of low-level creatures. Even the creatures in the celestial realm have very limited promotion. Only the golden immortal creatures can improve greatly, and among many creatures, the divine beast is the best choice.

They are big and contain high power. Tang Ming, the fourth level of Jinxian, is worth dozens of ordinary creatures with the same level.

Such a good thing will not be left to DuPont to inspire morale. In DuPont\'s intelligence, Song Fei\'s magic swallowing skill has long been known, so he didn\'t mention too much on this topic.

After putting away his head, DuPont said with a smile: "now the military affairs are busy, it\'s really difficult to spare time. I won\'t accompany you. If there\'s anything, you can find Qingrou."

"Wait a minute," song feilang said.

"Oh, brother Optimus seems to have something else to do." DuPont smiled.

Song Fei said, "Marshal DuPont, you are marshal. You should be clear about reward and punishment. I killed a strong enemy for you. Just say thank you?"

Du Bang said, "brother Qingtian, these you killed are all experts of the rosefinch family. They must have a lot of treasures in their hands. Can you still see the reward from the top and the bottom?"

Song Fei snorted coldly, "don\'t talk nonsense. It\'s my booty. It has nothing to do with you, but I killed someone for you. I can\'t send it away in a word."

DuPont smiled and said, "brother Optimus, our Asura world is not as rich as your demon world. There are not many good things. What\'s more, we have to put away the general booty and redistribute it after the war."

Song Fei narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "why, do you still want to take my booty?"

Du Bang shook his head: "brother Qingtian is a distinguished guest. Naturally, it\'s different. Well, let\'s talk about what kind of reward you want first."

Song Fei said, "hit a Jinxian seven steps hard and kill the five in front of you. They are all sacred animals and rosefinches. Just follow your military rules."

DuPont squinted: "the rosefinch who hit Jinxian seven steps hard, I don\'t know if brother Yue has evidence?"

Song Fei said, "don\'t talk nonsense. You sent sun Qingrou to monitor us. Don\'t you know what happened? I don\'t want you to be the treasure of Asura. In a word, give me the dead animal you harvested on the battlefield."

"So brother Optimus wants the corpse of the divine beast?" DuPont whispered.

Song Fei said, "yes, those things are of no great use to you. Give them to me. As a military merit, I will do it next time."

DuPont pondered for a while and then said, "no problem. I\'ll try my best to select the corpses of some divine beasts so that brother Qingtian won\'t suffer. However, this military skill was established by the two together. Now how to divide it." the voice fell, and DuPont turned his eyes to Kate.

Kate turned away and said, "half and half. Remember my share first." then she floated up and flew to the sky.

"OK!" DuPont nodded and said to Song Fei, "brother Qingtian has objection."

Song Fei said, "that\'s it. Send the body quickly. If it\'s less, don\'t ask me to do it in the future."

After that, Song Fei chased away in the direction of Kate.

In the yard, DuPont and sun Qingrou were left looking at the direction of their departure.

Sun Qingrou stamped his foot and said, "this giant is really insatiable. He has got so many benefits and asked the marshal for a reward."

"Ha ha!" DuPont laughed, "you will be rewarded if you have meritorious deeds, and you will be punished if you have wrongs. I\'ve always been strict in running the army. How can I lose his military skills."

Sun Qing Judo: "was Marshal just intentional?"

DuPont nodded: "if he doesn\'t mention his military skills, I have doubts. I also specially see if he really doesn\'t ask for anything. If he doesn\'t ask for anything, he must ask for something elsewhere. It seems that I\'m worried too much. I shouldn\'t have any problem if I can kill five golden rosefinches as a name. Qingrou, you follow Qingtian around and serve him and promise him any request."

Sun Qingrou was shocked and said, "any request?"

DuPont looked up at the sky with his eyes. At this moment, his face was full of the dignity of the commander in command of hundreds of millions of troops. He said in a deep voice, "yes, any request."

"Marshal!" Sun Qingrou immediately knelt on the ground, "I have many women of the Asura family, and their looks are much better than Qingrou. Moreover, those women are willing to taste the taste of Qingtian demon emperor. They are more able to serve people than Qingrou. It\'s better for Qingrou to call them."

DuPont turned around with cold eyes on Sun Qingrou\'s back. Sun Qingrou, who was crawling on his back, trembled with fear. Although he smiled in front of Song Fei and was a little humble, how could he be a kind man as the commander in chief of the first army.

It is an ancient truth that kindness does not lead the army.

DuPont said faintly, "are you doubting my orders?"

Sun Qingrou trembled more fiercely: "Qingrou dare not."

"No, then go." DuPont said faintly, "Optimus is a devil who is obsessed with women\'s cleanliness. At present, you are a suitable person to break into his side. If you can replace red apricot to get Optimus\'s love, your position in the Asura world may not be lower than me in the future. I have studied this person. Although he is violent and arrogant, he is also a very talented person. If you don\'t die, your future achievements will be higher than me, otherwise , why should I be so polite to a golden immortal level 4? If one day, as Qingtian said, he can become an existence below one person and above ten thousand people in our Asura world, then you will be the first woman in our Asura world. You are my confidant. Can you understand my hardship? This is your opportunity to make contributions. Don\'t let me down. "