God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2017

Under the control of Tang Yunjing, the burst hot flame is much more terrible than the temperature of the sun\'s core. The flame condensed from the flame seems to burn down the void and boil the universe into five flame rosefinches, flapping their wings in the void.

On the other hand, Kate took off the fairy sword, but the black vigorous wind on the sword also became extremely fierce at the same time. In the cosmic void that didn\'t even exist in the air, black vigorous wind suddenly spread all over it, and attacked the flame fiercely with the power no less than the five flame rosefinches.

Two terrible forces ravaged the void madly.

The black vigorous wind forms a tornado and draws the flame into it. The front flame rosefinch is first crushed into flames and incorporated into the tornado. A tornado connecting the flames above and below the infinite universe is formed and pushed layer by layer in the direction of Tang Yunjing.

Speaking slowly, the tornado tore up the flame rosefinch only in an instant. The master\'s fight will not leave the opponent too much reaction time. When the flame rosefinch was broken, the tornado carried the power of raging the universe and suddenly exploded on Tang Yunjing\'s body. Compared with the huge tornado, Tang Yunjing\'s body is as small as dust and sand.

"No!" Tang Yunjing\'s eyes stared very big. The long red beard was blown to the back of his head by the long wind. His face was full of ferocious expressions. The purple gold crown tilted on his head. His red Chinese clothes were broken and looked very embarrassed.

However, at this moment, it was a life and death crisis for Tang Yunjing, and he could not tolerate any neglect. All mana emerged in his hands. A black shield stood in front of Tang Yunjing, and the mana was frantically input into the black shield.

For one second, only for one second, the black tornado condensed by the black gang wind lifted the black shield.

A piece of inferior golden fairy ware resisted Tang Yunjing for one second. In this second, Tang Yunjing spit out a mouthful of blood and displayed the secret method of the rosefinch family. The whole person turned into a flame and disappeared.

Under the threat of life, Tang Yunjing also made a choice quickly. He avoided Kate\'s killing in this way of self mutilation. If he hesitated a little longer, he might not be able to go.

Tang Yunjing can\'t control Tang Ming or the five golden immortals of the rosefinch family.

Tang Ming stared at all this. He didn\'t realize anything until Tang Yunjing left.

"How could this happen? Elder Tang would lose. How could he lose?" whispered an expert of the rosefinch family. Immediately, he saw the nail of the bloody ghost like a blade, piercing the artery of his neck, and the finger of the other hand inserted into his forehead and crushed his yuan God.

Song Fei approached Tang Ming. With the joint efforts of Xiao Yinlong, Tang Ming had no resistance at all. Before long, he was beheaded by the magic sword, and the huge rosefinch body quietly emerged in the void.

"Ow!" the little silver dragon shouted wildly and ran after the body.

"Can\'t eat." Song Fei said loudly behind the little silver dragon.

"Oh!" the little silver dragon answered and looked at Song Fei wrongfully. Song Fei came forward, gently touched the little silver dragon\'s head and said, "bear it first, and I\'ll give it to you in a few days."

"Hmm!" xiaoyinlong\'s body shrinks quickly and turns into a silver light into Song Fei\'s arm. With Tang Ming being killed, the battle below is also successfully ended. Song Yi and other demon blood ant masters cooperate with the blood evil spirit to easily kill the remaining three Jinxian first-class masters.

A great war ended here and happened quietly in a corner of the universe.

Song Fei only gave him a rosefinch second-order blood to drink, and the rest was left for his own use. The blood also contains pure energy, and the heaven swallowing magic skill can also be absorbed. There is no need to give benefits to the blood devil first.

Kate said, "this battle fluctuates too much and may disturb the experts in the fairy world. Let\'s go." there are too many experts on both sides in this level of war. Even the golden fairy peak may fall. Kate\'s worry is not without reason.

Song Fei nodded and said, "go!"

They turned into two streamers and suddenly shot into the distance.

Soon after Song Fei left, a snow-white tiger jumped out of the void, and then turned into a cold white haired young man in blue with a long sword. The young man looked at the direction of the Asura family and whispered, "strange breath, is it the strong reinforcements hidden in the Asura world? You\'re lucky to escape so fast."

The white young man turned white by the white tiger was silent for a while. He looked at Ashura with some fear. Then he turned back and quickly disappeared into the void.

Song Fei and Kate hurried all the way. When Asura\'s army increased, they slowed down.

Song Fei is very satisfied with the results of this business. As for Tang Yunjing, he was not among Song Fei\'s hunting targets. Such a strong man is easy to defeat him, but it is difficult to catch him. The experts of the rosefinch family have too many means and magic weapons to escape if they don\'t have the strength to crush him directly.

The beast family is too rich.

Moreover, even if he has the strength to crush Tang Yunjing, Song Fei will not kill him. The Revenge of the rosefinch family can be repaid at any time. However, if his strength is too strong, although it can make the Asura family pay more attention, it will also make the other party fear himself. Instead of this, he might as well make the other party feel that he can control himself. Besides, He didn\'t have the strength to kill Tang Yunjing.

In order to avoid trouble, sun Qingrou came out and led the two to walk. The way back was very smooth. It wasn\'t long before he saw the intersection of the Asura world.

The white bone palace floats at the entrance. As the commander, Du Bang is behind the battlefield, so he can better judge the situation and mobilize the command of the army.

Sun Qingrou took them to the side hall of the white bone palace, called the maid for tea, and then said to Kate and Song Fei, "you two, I\'ll report to marshal DuPont later."

Song Fei shook his hand and said, "go, go."

Today\'s DuPont "plays chess" with the fairyland. There are many things. Naturally, he can\'t see himself at any time as before. The rules of the military camp are strict. Even the most arrogant people dare not challenge the military rules in a war of this scale.

In the main hall of the white bone palace, DuPont listened to all the details of sun Qingrou\'s party. When he heard that Hu Meier and Song Fei seriously injured Tang Yunjing and killed Tang Ming and other five golden immortal masters of the rosefinch family, his face was also moved by it. Such war results can be regarded as very rich.

DuPont nodded and said, "their move to kill the five golden immortals in the fairy world is tantamount to a death feud with the fairy world. This name has a lot of weight. In this way, there is no need to doubt them."

Sun Qing Judo: "but the marshal needs to pay attention to one thing. I always think it\'s too simple for them to find the rosefinch family."

DuPont waved his hand: "do you mean they know the location of the rosefinch family? No matter how generous the fairy world is, it will not use the five golden immortals of the rosefinch for conspiracy, and the rosefinch family will not agree. Go and see the body with me. As long as we confirm that the chopped body is the golden immortals of the rosefinch, we don\'t need to doubt them."