God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1980

The mountains in the south are not high, and the woods are not as lush as the virgin forest, but for a soldier with rich jungle combat experience, this environment is enough to hide himself.

Jungle warfare is a war of mutual hide and seek and intrigue. In this place, shooting is the second, and the most important thing is the ability to hide and anti hide.

In the trunk of a camphor tree, a young man of 25 or 16 years old held a grass root in his mouth and looked into the distance with an evil smile. His sight was full of trees and weeds. In the seemingly calm woods, there were coalition forces of various countries that could kill them.

His name is Feng Wuming. He is an acquired master of Wudang sect. He was brought into the Dragon stand by his master to practice since childhood. He has a natural sensitivity to the forest. After reaching the cultivation level, this sensitivity is closer and far more than ordinary people.

The young man whispered, "they are all trumps of all countries. It\'s interesting."

While talking, the young man put away his sniper gun, hung it directly between the treetops, touched the dagger at his waist, and gently jumped down the tree.

Just now, an ace soldier 3000 meters away was shot dead. The ace soldiers of various countries have hidden into the grass. It is much more difficult to continue to kill with sniper guns. For Fengwu life, the role of daggers in the battle in the jungle is far greater than that of sniper guns.

After jumping off the camphor tree, the wind\'s lifeless body shuttled through the jungle like a rabbit. However, in the process of shuttling, it was as silent as a rabbit. The grass and leaves along the way did not cause the slightest fluctuation.

After running for about ten minutes, the wind\'s lifeless body gradually slowed down, pressed the straw hat on his head, and hid his body into the surrounding environment. With the naked eye, he could not find that there was another person in the grass.

The wind\'s lifeless nose sniffs in the wind. There is an extremely weak smell of sweat in the air. This smell is also far more than ordinary people.

Along the direction of sweat, Feng lifeless slowly touched it ahead. After walking for about half a minute, Feng lifeless\'s mouth showed a more confident smile.

In the grass, there are traces of being pressed by people. As long as someone passes through the place, even if the cover is good, it will leave some clues. Even if the wind has no life, it can\'t completely hide the passing traces. Observing and hiding traces are also an important skill in jungle warfare.

Of course, it does not rule out that the other side deliberately leaves traces to lead the enemy to the past. In addition to military quality, this kind of war is also a test of the heart.

Feng Wuming smiled, holding a dagger and slowly rowed along the direction of the trace like a snake. When walking, he took a mine from his backpack and buried the mine in the grass on the left. After it was covered by grass, it could not be easily distinguished by the naked eye. At the same time, he wound a small transparent thread around the lead of the mine for several times, Press the line into the passing grass, and tie the other end to a fixed stone.

In this way, it can prevent someone from sneaking over and encircling himself from the back. For a soldier in battle, self-confidence does not mean carelessness. Any opportunity that may be attacked by the enemy must be eliminated as far as possible.

At the next moment, the wind\'s lifeless body keeps parallel to the ground, supports the body with both hands like push ups, and his feet are off the ground. He only supports with both hands and crawls quickly on the ground. In this way, indentation can be avoided as much as possible.

Soon after Feng wusheng climbed over, two white men secretly lurked on the road where Feng wusheng climbed. Then they looked at each other and showed a cruel smile on their faces.

For them, the prey has been hooked. If they follow the direction of his walking, they can secretly touch behind him. As long as someone walks past, there will be traces. They are also tracking experts, and they are not afraid of the prey escaping from their palms.

Moving forward, they successfully discharged a mine buried by fengwusheng, and then continued to touch it secretly.

Suddenly, two people\'s faces appeared dignified at the same time, and the traces of each other suddenly disappeared.

There are no trees around, so the other party can\'t go up the tree. Suddenly, it seems very strange to disappear.

They subconsciously lay back-to-back on the ground, looking around one after another, trying to put all their eyes into the fundus of their eyes to prevent being shot through their throat by sudden bullets.

This elite force has become instinctive to sense danger. In a quiet environment, they have felt the danger approaching quickly, but the surroundings are still quiet, and the other party\'s latent ability exceeds their perception.

They soon realized that this was a very terrible enemy, which was no worse than their ace.

A figure suddenly rushed into the grass and appeared in the sight of a white man. When the white man just wanted to shoot, a dart silently shot into his throat and cut off his artery. Although he didn\'t stop breathing immediately, his strength quickly faded, and he didn\'t even have the strength to carry a pistol.

The figure came out silently, so that his partner had not found that his partner had been killed, but felt something wrong in his slightly stiff body.

The rest of the white people are worthy of the ace elite. They made a judgment from the moment when their partner\'s body was a little stiff. Their body suddenly rolled forward. With his instinctive action, they avoided a dart. The dart flew over his scalp and shot into the grass in front of him.

The white man then rolled into the grass. At this moment, the danger is unknown. Grass is the best shelter.

Unexpectedly, the other party was very bold. After he rolled into the grass, he didn\'t hide his body, but ran towards him quickly. They formed a face-to-face situation in an instant.

The white man immediately took the gun to shoot the figure at close range. His shooting speed was very fast and his aim was only in an instant. He was worthy of the title of ACE force. Unexpectedly, the other party\'s speed was faster. A dart shot into his wrist and the pistol fell to the ground in an instant.

The remaining left hand of the white man pulled out the dagger, faced the close figure, and suddenly flew towards him. Compared with him, the other party\'s body was a head shorter than him. Although his body was tall, he was also extremely flexible, and had full confidence in fighting skills.

Long legs, long arms and a strong body are his fighting advantages.

The white man saw that the young man of the other side should respond to him happily and fearlessly, and there was a thick mockery on his natural and unrestrained face.