God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1979

Buses drove into the mountain area, winding around the mountain road. Finally, there was no road ahead. Buses could only stop at the foot of a mountain.

On the bus, groups of militants rushed down, holding all kinds of heavy guns. Under the leadership of their respective team leaders, they suddenly ran quickly to the distant mountains.

Frankra took off the glasses on his helmet. A map appeared on the glasses. There were three light spots flashing red, green and blue. The green dot indicated his position, the blue dot indicated the position of his allies, and the red dot indicated the position of the enemy.

Frank was a little excited and said, "God, they have a lot of people."

Sniper Jack walked past frank and threw his cigar head into the nearby grass. He said faintly, "I said before that there will be no fewer of them. My baby will come in handy, but there are less than 100 of them. We have to hurry to grab the prey."

Next to them, Jonathan, the group leader, shouted, "follow me and go!"

Half an hour later, the 500 elites were only two hills away from Song Fei. The red dots began to disperse on the glasses of the elites\' helmets, and then disappeared into the woods in front.

Wearing camouflage clothes and with the help of some oil, the other party hid in the woods and hid into the forest very easily. At this moment, the satellite can only observe Song Fei and others on the top of the mountain. For the hidden family experts painted with oil, the satellite can no longer find their figure.

This secret means, let alone satellites, is difficult for ordinary soldiers to find even with the naked eye.

"Stop!" Jonathan shouted suddenly, stopping first and lowering his body.

The other elite troops also sensed that the direction of the disappearance of the red dot was in the two mountains ahead. Each team slowed down and began to lower their body and walk forward slowly.

Frank and his party immediately approached Jonathan. Observer Jerry had used his telescope to watch the movement ahead, but in his sight, it was full of trees and grass.

Putting down the telescope, Jerry said, "the other party\'s disguise is very professional. I can\'t see their movements."

Jonathan said in a deep voice, "crawl forward and be careful of their snipers."

Jack said with a smile: "don\'t worry, if there is a sniper, my bullet will be faster than him. I don\'t pay attention to the Chinese soldiers at all. Let them see the trump card power of our seal army this time."

Just as Jack\'s voice fell, a voice of someone falling to the ground suddenly came out not far from him. A big man from England suddenly fell on the ground. Jack smelled the prestige and saw a blood hole in the big man\'s helmet, and blood mixed with his brain flowed out of his helmet.

"Bang!" after a while, the sound of the gunshot came into everyone\'s ears.

The elite troops who had lowered their bodies immediately crawled among the grass, and dignified colors appeared on their faces.

Jonathan said to Jack, "how far!"

An excellent sniper can use the time interval between sound and bullets to judge the distance of each other. Jack has the most say in this point.

Jack\'s face, which was full of confidence, was no longer full of disdain. He lay down in the grass and said to Jonathan, "Damn it, 3000 meters, the other party actually used a sniper gun with an effective range of 3000 meters. There are no more than ten snipers who can hit the target 3000 meters away. In front of us, we are definitely not ordinary people."

Jonathan said, "the Chinese are really cunning. They said they wouldn\'t stop us from catching the target. They sent someone secretly. Can you hear me, Ethan? Should your incendiary bombs come in handy?"

Essen is the commander of another group of seals. Their group has eight people, two of whom are Gunners with shoulder resistance missiles.

"We can\'t lock the target, the range of incendiary bombs is limited, and we can\'t fully cover the two mountains," Essen said

Jonathan said, "can\'t all the incendiary bombs add up?"

"No, if incendiary bombs are used, our past path will become narrow and very dangerous for us," Essen said

"Damn it," Jonathan said. "Let\'s go and let the Chinese try our jungle tactics."

Jonathan made a gesture, and then led the team members to fly and crawl to the right, covered with grass and trees, which can effectively avoid the sight of the other sniper.

If you don\'t choose to detour when the other party has snipers, you\'re looking for death.

The rest of the elite troops responded quickly and immediately scattered around like startling birds and hid in the grass and woods. In this way, you can\'t see me and I can\'t see you on both sides. They can only use their own jungle tactics to fight.

Jonathan\'s group gradually opened the distance from other groups, detoured to the woods on the right, used the woods and grass as a shelter, and began to move forward towards the opposite mountain.

Wearing the eyes of the helmet on the falling, through the glasses, you can also use infrared sensing to sense the short-range ambush. Of course, for the elite, the short-range confrontation is the most dangerous.

The six men crawled very fast, like snakes, and didn\'t disturb the grass. It\'s amazing just because of their fighting quality.

In the distance, there was the sound of gunfire. Some troops were close to each other and there was a fierce confrontation. It was obvious that the Chinese soldiers were not hiding in place, but constantly changing their positions, so that the United Nations troops could not grasp the direction.

Jonathan was crawling, his right hand suddenly stopped in the air, and his advancing body stopped in place.

"Boss!" Frank whispered behind him.

Jonathan said, "there are mines."

In front of Jonathan\'s eyes, there was a thin transparent thin line like a fishing line. The line was pressed by the leaves. If Jonathan\'s experience had not found that the pile of leaves had been turned over as soon as possible, his crawling right hand would press it. Once it was pressed, he must be dead to meet him.

This is the trump card duel in jungle tactics. Any careless mistake will result in pieces. In this confrontation, in addition to good military literacy, there is experience and care honed between life and death.

No matter how sharp the trump card is, there are times when it falls.

When they saw the thin thread, they couldn\'t help taking a breath.

Jonathan said: "the man who buried the line is an expert. With this technique and experience alone, he must be a hundred war veteran. Our opponent is a hard stubble. You should be careful."

Everyone nodded and dared not despise it any more. Whether it was the sniper gun before or the thin line at present, it was enough to show that the other party had rich experience in jungle warfare.