God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1959

Song huang\'er stood straight in front of Chen Dongsheng, wearing a black leather dress and wrapped her sexy body. This black leather dress could easily trigger a certain feeling in Chen Dongsheng\'s heart. If it were normal, he would have flirted first, and then followed up with the salty pig hand.

But he really didn\'t dare. There were four people standing behind song huang\'er. They fought alone. He was not afraid of Chen Dongsheng, but if they went together, he would never be spared.

He can\'t run away and fight again. Chen Dongsheng has never encountered such a cowardly thing. In the past, grievances were solved with fists. Now, if he dares to use fists, he can only be solved by himself.

Song huang\'er said with a smile, "I don\'t want you to do anything. It\'s very simple. We\'ll do our Sparring Practice during this period. When we are willing to let you go, your wanted warrant can be revoked. In addition, things here can\'t be mentioned to anyone outside. From now on, you can\'t contact the outside world."

Chen Dongsheng sneered and said, "practice with me? I practice killing skills. Come if you\'re not afraid of death."

Song huang\'er said with a smile, "don\'t worry. If you really have the ability to kill one of us, you can walk away and the wanted notice will be revoked."

Chen Dongsheng said, "it seems that you are really not afraid of death."

Song Dazhuang said, "don\'t talk nonsense. Just like you don\'t have milk, you can\'t hold your fist tightly. You still want to kill."

Chen Dongsheng was dumbfounded. He used to say this to those rookie boxers, but now it has been returned.

Zhao Kui\'s fighting style and fighting experience are exactly what song huanger and others lack. At the beginning, Song Fei and Qingtian sword sect grew up with layers of blood. Under the ladder of their success, there are many white bones.

Song huanger lives in an era of peace. The first step can only be promoted in this way. Chen Dongsheng is a coach sent to the door. For such a person, Song Fei can\'t let him leave, so he can only become a tragic companion.

In the grocery store, Song Fei squints and lies on the Taishi chair. At this moment, the Taishi chair does not shake surprisingly, but it stops strangely, showing Song Fei\'s good balance.

After a while, Song Fei opened his eyes, showing a trace of joy in his eyes.

Song Fei doesn\'t know why, but the bottleneck that hasn\'t moved forward for thousands of years has relaxed again, which shows that the direction is right.

It seems that there are still things in your heart that you can\'t feel. It affects your heart like dust. Through the experience of the world of mortals, it makes your heart more and more transparent.

Song Fei was more confused about the identity of Huanhua bead. Without certain cultivation and eyesight, how could he see his problem at a glance?

Now that he has chosen the right direction, Song Fei continues to enjoy life leisurely. The Taishi chair slowly shakes with Song Fei\'s body gently.

"Since the experience in the world of mortals has a good effect, should I find more things to do? For example, do it myself? Well, maybe it will have a better effect."


In the Atlantic Ocean, an aircraft carrier battle group docked at the boundless sea. The sea wind rolled up and the three meter high waves were rolling, as if the sea was roaring.

The aircraft carrier named the statue of liberty lay quietly in the sea and remained still despite the waves. Suddenly, the propeller of the helicopter sounded above the aircraft carrier. Immediately, three helicopters flew from a distance through layers of dark clouds and lightning and slowly landed on the aircraft carrier.

On the aircraft carrier, there were soldiers waiting for the arrival of the helicopter.

The decoration of these three large helicopters is extremely luxurious, and each one is crowded into elegance.

A cardinal walked slowly down from the helicopter. Behind him were some Pope in white.

In the Holy See, the cardinal has a very high status and has the right to vote for the Pope, expel and imprison the Pope. Each is a high-ranking figure, while the white Pope is only inferior to only a few Cardinals. It can be said that this time, the cardinal led the team, with a very high standard.

The cardinal has white hair, but his face is well maintained. His face is red and energetic.

The cardinal is greeted by a young man with red hair. The young man has a perfect face marked by the West. His blue eyes are pure and beautiful, tall and white, as if he integrated all the beautiful looks of Westerners.

After seeing the archbishop, the red haired man smiled and said, "welcome, Archbishop gulel."

The red haired man stood alone on the deck. He looked only in his twenties, but he asked the cardinal to walk towards him quickly. As he walked, he said, "praise God. It\'s our honor that the immortal bird came to meet us in person."

Immortal bird, it is said that he flows the blood of the ancient immortal bird, and can be reborn, which is equivalent to having an immortal body. Of course, these are rumors. Up to now, no one can kill the immortal bird and see his rebirth.

At the same time, he is also the strongest power in the United States. It is recognized that he has SS level strength. Some people doubt that his real strength has reached SSS level.

Guleer and the immortal bird gave a hug, and then the immortal bird looked behind guleer. There was a blonde woman with tall and blue eyes. Her long blond hair looked particularly brilliant under the light. That face was like a masterpiece of God. Her facial features were perfect, and her tall figure also had a proud curve. This is a perfect woman in the eyes of Westerners.

The woman is wearing a golden robe. The wide robe not only does not cover her proud figure, but makes her curve looming under the wide robe, which is particularly moving.

The immortal bird exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, praise God. I can\'t believe my eyes. Who did I see? Oh, Betty, you are my goddess. I didn\'t expect you to appear."

The immortal bird said loudly as he walked towards the blonde and then hugged the perfect woman.

Betty took a slight step back and said to the immortal bird with a positive face: "please respect yourself, your Excellency the immortal bird."

When the immortal bird stalled, the handsome young man smiled bitterly and said, "Betty, you are the beauty I miss so much. I swear, I only love you in this world."

Betty said, "I heard that your Excellency the immortal bird just changed a girlfriend last week!"

The immortal bird said, "I didn\'t expect Betty to pay so much attention to me. I\'m so happy. In fact, those people can\'t get into my eyes at all. They can\'t compare with Betty you. We just eat together."