God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1958

"Who dares to take out the phone? I broke his hand."

Song huang\'er\'s threat was an understatement, without fireworks, but let the three security personnel who had just pulled out their mobile phones hold their mobile phones in their hands and dare not press the buttons in their hands.

Chen Dongsheng woke up and lay on the ground wailing. His face was black and blue, and his body was no better. The whole person curled up like a lobster and trembled occasionally. It can be seen how serious his injury was. The threat of breaking his hand was definitely not just talk.

Zhao Kui roared at the three hands, "come on, call."

"Hmm?" song huang\'er snorted coldly and looked at Zhao Kui with sneering eyes.

Zhao Kui subconsciously shook his rope, and then found that even if his men wanted to call the police, they had enough time to stop it.

Zhao Kui was afraid. He was very afraid. The people in front of him were like a man eating devil, which brought him a strong shadow in his heart. In fact, he had too much hope for Chen Dongsheng. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

At a critical juncture, some people will lose their calmness because of anxiety, and some people can burst out their potential. Zhao Kui belongs to both. After just impulsive, he suddenly calmed down and his brain spun rapidly.

Song Dazhuang and song Zekai stepped forward from left to right, grinning grimly as they walked, and their purpose was self-evident.

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Kui looked up and stared at the two men. "I have a reason why you can\'t break my leg."

Song Zekai squinted at Zhao Kui, then stood in place and gave him a look to continue.

Zhao Kui said, "I\'m willing to buy my legs with two million yuan in cash."

Several people looked back and turned their eyes to song huang\'er. Although they took 10 million yuan from Song Fei during this period, the money was Song Fei\'s. they didn\'t mean to regard it as their own wealth, but Zhao Kui\'s money could be divided if they took it.

Song huang\'er was also very excited. She thought that they used to fight and kill for several years before they could earn two million yuan. Now two million yuan is in front of them. How could they easily refuse.

But in the end, they all turned their eyes to Song Fei to see what he meant.

For these, Song Fei really doesn\'t care. He breaks his legs and takes him two million. For Song Fei, it\'s just standing high and watching the ants play. As for the way the ants play, Song Fei doesn\'t care at all.

Song Fei looked at Ziyan again. She was funny. Although Ziyan was watching the play, when she heard that people were going to break Zhao Kui\'s leg, some unhappy expressions appeared on her face. It seemed that she didn\'t like Song Fei and others blatantly violating the law. She didn\'t know if song huanger would stop Zhao Kui if she continued to choose to break Zhao Kui\'s leg.

Seeing the crowd\'s excitement, Song Fei said, "two million is also good. You can divide it. Give him the bank card. If he doesn\'t arrive within five minutes, continue to implement the broken leg strategy."

Zhao Kui lowered his head and flashed a fierce light in his eyes, firmly remembering Song Fei\'s voice in his heart.

Immediately, Zhao Kui took out his mobile phone and transferred two million yuan to song huanger\'s card. When it was over, Zhao Kui said in a deep voice, "can you let me go?"

Song huang\'er said to Song Fei, "master, can you let him go?"

Song Fei said faintly, "OK, let him go after a meal. Don\'t hurt him."

"Song Fei, you!" Zhao Kui was very angry. When did his eldest son Zhao suffer such a big loss and pay for it, the other party even had to do it.

But when he just shouted, song Dazhuang, who was closest to him, had sent his fist to his mouth and punched all his words back into his stomach. Then song Zekai came forward to help. Before long, Zhao Kui had changed his appearance. His whole face was swollen and black. People who were not familiar with him were afraid that it would be difficult to recognize him at the first time.

Zhao Kui\'s three men wanted to go up to help, but they looked at each other. Fear flashed in everyone\'s eyes. In front of them, these people even beat their eldest son Zhao. They just went up to deliver vegetables.

A shop smashing storm finally ended under Zhao Kui\'s beating. The last three carried Zhao Kui to the car. As for Chen Dongsheng, Song Fei\'s attitude is very clear. He can\'t go.

Three of Zhao Kui\'s men took him away, leaving Zhao Kui still lying on the ground.

Song Fei waved to Ziyan. Ziyan got up from the stairs and came to Song Fei.

Song Fei said, "send a wanted notice to this man named Chen Dongsheng."


When Chen Dongsheng woke up, he found himself lying on the hard wooden floor. Then he heard a male voice say loudly, "sister, he\'s awake."

The vertigo in his mind is still invading Chen Dongsheng\'s brain. Chen Dongsheng shook his head and tried to throw the vertigo out of his brain. This rejection is much better. He feels less dizzy.

Chen Dongsheng propped up his body with his right hand, half shrunk his legs and sat on the floor. He looked up slightly. He found himself in a huge hall. The sun shone in from the window. It looked particularly beautiful.

"Dada, dada!" the messy footsteps came from a distance. Chen Dongsheng narrowed his eyes and suddenly tightened his body, trying to attack at any time and looking for the escape route everywhere.

Song huang\'er in the distance seemed to see what he thought, and a faint voice came from a distance: "if you want to go, I promise you will regret it."

Chen Dongsheng did not choose to escape. He also knew that if the other party wanted to limit himself, he would not let himself lie on the floor at will.

Song huang\'er walked in and patted a piece of paper on Chen Dongsheng. Chen Dongsheng took it and found that three big characters were written on the top of the paper: "wanted."

Chen Dongsheng stared at the wanted notice in his hand. It turned out that it was a class a wanted notice directly issued by the Ministry of public security. A large head photo of Chen Dongsheng was hung on the wanted notice. The charge was treason.

Treason is a serious crime more serious than homicide. Once it appears, it will lead to strong pursuit.

Chen Dongsheng didn\'t expect that he just came to visit the motherland and got such a wanted warrant for no reason.

The other party is right. At this moment, he can\'t run if he wants to run. With such a wanted warrant, he will be arrested soon.

Chen Dongsheng looked up at Song huang\'er and found that he and Zhao Kui were very wrong. The other party was not ordinary people at all. Even Chen Dongsheng\'s father couldn\'t get a wanted warrant. He couldn\'t even get an ordinary wanted warrant, let alone wanted himself for treason.

"I should have guessed that people who have cultivated Qi are not ordinary people at all." Chen Dongsheng looked at Song huang\'er, "say, how can we give up."