God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1943

Ma Tao saw the strange expression on the people\'s faces, and also stretched out his head to look at Ma Xiaoyun\'s mobile phone. When he saw the continuous zero, Ma Tao was stunned, subconsciously grew up and looked at the number in disbelief.

Ten million, ten million.

When Ma Tao looked at Song Fei\'s expression, it was completely different. In addition to being shocked, he wondered how he could be so rich.

The expressions of song huang\'er and others were no better. They were almost the same as Ma Tao.

Song huang\'er smiled bitterly and said, "I thought we would have some use value. Now it seems that we are really careless. You are sincere to us. Why is this?"

Song Fei said, "it\'s very simple. My surname is song, too. Our ancestors 200 years ago were the same person."

"Ah!" song huang\'er seemed even more surprised. He never knew such a thing, but the explanation made them feel much at ease.

"So it is." Song Dazhuang and others also whispered.

Song Fei said: "my pulse is a single pass, so it\'s normal for you not to know."

Song huang\'er said, "even so, the favor is big enough. Many people won\'t even give their brothers so much money."

Song Fei said with a smile, "if you want to give some of your brothers and sisters, will you give them?"

Song huang\'er was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and finally understood Song Fei\'s mind. At this moment, people were very close to Song Fei. It turned out that they were really a family.

Song Fei said, "well, now you can practice at ease. This money is not for nothing. It\'s my investment for you. You need to pay me more money in the future, but it doesn\'t count interest."

Ma Tao didn\'t say a word. He left. The so-called great kindness didn\'t say thanks. Song Fei\'s kindness in front of him can\'t be thanked in a few words. He also wants to think about how to treat this money. The other party is a family with Song Fei, but he and he are just strangers.

Song Fei looked at Ziyan\'s stunned expression and said with a smile, "do you want it? I can give you one."

Ziyan shook her head. Her demand for wealth is not great. With her status in China, the ordinary material life has been carefree, and the state will be responsible for everything about her.

The room on the second floor was not big. Ziyan looked at Song Fei curiously and wanted to see how he taught his apprentice.

"Stand in front of me." Song Fei said.

Several people formed a very honest line. Then Song Fei passed in front of everyone and pointed on their forehead. In this scene, Ziyan couldn\'t see anything special at all, but the person who was pointed on his forehead immediately sat cross legged on the ground and digested the sudden information in his mind.

Song Fei didn\'t teach them any advanced skills. He didn\'t plan to take them to the cruel fairyland. Maybe later, but not now, so he taught them one-step sky level skills according to their natural attributes.

In the cultivation world, a heaven level skill can\'t exist. Immortal level skills can only be learned in the fairy world.

In addition, Song Fei also taught each of them a set of boxing. Boxing is the most basic technique. After mastering boxing, they can teach them different weapons according to their own preferences.

Song Fei is not in a hurry. Anyway, even without swordsmanship and other spells, boxing is enough.

Seeing everyone sitting on their knees consciously, Ziyan asked curiously, "what have you done to them?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "you understand? I put peerless martial arts into their minds, so I don\'t have to waste my tongue to teach them."

"Really?" purple flame stares at big eyes way.

Song Fei nodded: "really."

Then Ziyan sneered: "I\'ve read too many martial arts novels. Forget it."

Song Fei shook his head with a smile and focused on the people in front of him again.

When they finished digesting, it was already the afternoon of that day. When people opened their eyes, they looked at Song Fei with a different expression. There was more shock and shock in their eyes.

The skills in their mind have been digested by them. Naturally, they know what this means.

Song Fei threw a glass bottle containing Xianquan to Ma Xiaoyun: "one drop in three months. You\'ve taken it before, so you can\'t take it in three months."

Ma Xiaoyun nodded and took it, just wondering when he had drunk it.

Soon, Song Fei threw song huang\'er another key and said, "I rented a small gymnasium in this city. You all go there. The address is..."

It\'s too small here. It doesn\'t matter if they just practice martial arts, but the cultivation of martial arts is a skill that wears away the stone. They need to endure long loneliness. They can\'t wait to try the new set of boxing.

Boxing needs to be practiced and practiced. The gym can prevent outsiders from seeing it. It\'s the best place for them to toss around in an empty gym. As for the money for hiring the gym, Song Fei naturally won\'t think about this. If he doesn\'t have money, just ask for the wind bell. Of course, Song Fei didn\'t want to change money. It\'s not necessary. If he accidentally changes too much, it\'s easy to cause inflation.

Song huanger took the key, drove the car and took Ma Xiaoyun away. During this period, Ma Xiaoyun called Ma Tao. Ma Tao was stunned when she heard that she was practicing martial arts. Then she didn\'t say anything else. She just asked the woman to work hard.

The disciples left, and Song Fei returned to his old days. He lay on the rocking chair and shook gently, enjoying a leisurely life. He occasionally talked with his aunt and uncle passing by. His life was simple and full.

In the following period of time, foreign forces seemed to be honest and didn\'t harass Song Fei. Yang\'s group didn\'t bother Song Fei. I don\'t know if they were thinking of a more poisonous way to attack Song Fei.

These are like the tranquility before the storm, brewing a more violent storm. During this time, Ziyan followed Song Fei step by step, not afraid of Song Fei\'s danger, but she wanted to see Song Fei\'s strength. Today\'s Song Fei is like a mystery to her, which makes her full of curiosity.

For these, Song Fei doesn\'t care. He watches people coming and going, sunrise and sunset, changes in the wind and clouds, and things in the world of mortals every day.

During this period, the wind chime came again. Listen to the wind chime office. Since his seventh sister came, her pressure has greatly reduced. Many flies that originally surrounded her turned their eyes to Feng Xian.

For these, Song Fei just listened and smiled. They don\'t have to worry about themselves. They regard it as listening to the news.

It is also inevitable that the arrival of wind chime makes Song Fei make headlines again, which makes many fans incomprehensible. Why such a poor * * silk has frequently won the favor of wind chime.