God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1942

"I heard people in the neighborhood say that your grocery store was smashed. I came to have a look. Did the smasher catch it?"

Ma Tao said this in front of song huanger and others. As soon as they came out, they felt embarrassed. They didn\'t know what to say.

Ziyan\'s joking eyes swept around several people, with a face of schadenfreude.

Ma Tao had no doubt that the person standing next to Song Fei was the one who smashed the grocery store. He couldn\'t help asking, "are people all right?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "it\'s all right. Just a few gangsters. Now they have admitted their mistakes to me. Don\'t worry."

"That\'s good!" Ma Tao breathed a sigh of relief. Ma Tao was very grateful for his life-saving benefactor. As soon as he heard the news here, he couldn\'t help but come and have a look.

The Ma family values love. Ma Tao and Ma Xiaoyun have inherited this very well.

It can be seen that Song Fei still has something to say to the four people in front of him. Ma Tao smiled and said, "it seems that you still have something to do. I\'ll go first."

"Xiao Ru, help me send it!" Song Fei said with a smile.

"No, No." Ma Tao hurriedly said, then secretly looked at Qin Xiaoru and his daughter, and sighed silently in his heart.

After Ma Tao\'s father and daughter left, song Zekai suddenly shouted quietly, "master, when will you teach us skills? Will it start soon?"

Ma Tao, who had just reached the stairs, stopped. His mind was still bright. He immediately captured unusual information from Song Zekai\'s words. A group of apprentices who had not yet begun to teach skills? So it\'s new?

Ma Tao looked back at several people carefully. Based on his years of social experience, he could see that these people were not very honest people, but they all stood in front of Song Fei with a look of eagerness. It was obvious that they all really wanted to learn something.

Ma Tao also looks forward to the ability that an adult can\'t wait to learn. No matter what ability it is, it must be very useful.

What\'s more, Ma Tao thinks deeply. His daughter is very fond of Song Fei now. This goodwill has just begun. If it is allowed to develop, I don\'t know what consequences it will have. After all, the other party is married. It\'s a good thing if she can be bound in other names, such as teachers and apprentices.

Thinking of this, Ma Tao smiled apologetically at Qin Xiaoru, ran back to Song Fei and said with a smile, "Song Fei, this is your new apprentice?"

Song Fei said with a smile: "last night, some bad people in his hands haven\'t started training. You\'re laughing."

"How can it be? Everyone is a talented person. There are dragons and phoenixes among people." Ma Tao doesn\'t mind bringing more high hats to people close to Song Fei. Then he asks, "don\'t you know if Xiaoyou still has disciples? Look at Xiaoyun in my family."

While talking, Ma Tao pulled Ma Xiaoyun over again and made Ma Xiaoyun cry and laugh. He didn\'t know what the other party taught, so he began to brazen people to accept disciples. In case he didn\'t have anything basic, wouldn\'t he make a joke.

However, Ma Xiaoyun found that his heart was not exclusive, but had a faint sense of expectation.

Song Fei said with a smile, "they are all friends. If Xiaoyun doesn\'t think my skills are rough, then stay."

Ma Tao smiled happily and said, "great, Xiaoyun, please do the master\'s ceremony."

"Ah!" Ma Xiaoyun came forward and looked at Ma Tao again. How can this salute be done? Modern people don\'t have these rules.

Song Fei said, "the rules can\'t be broken. If you want to be my apprentice, you must kneel and knock three heads. Of course, Xiaoyun and I are friends and can teach art as friends!"

Ma Tao looked so solemn. He secretly said that his craft must be different. How can teaching friends be the same as teaching disciples? Teaching disciples will keep it. It\'s good to make friends and teach them for one or two points. Then he said, "Xiaoyun, what are you doing? Kneel down and worship the teacher."

For kneeling, Ma Xiaoyun was originally excluded, let alone kneeling Song Fei. She vaguely felt that perhaps there was an extra ditch between them.

Just looking at his father\'s eager eyes, Ma Xiaoyun knelt down and kowtowed three heads to Song Fei.

After kowtowing, Song Fei personally helped her up and said with a smile, "since you are my apprentice, we are a family. When you go back, you should quit your job and concentrate on following me for three months. After three months, I will talk about the next decision."

"Quit your job." Ma Tao said in surprise. Although her daughter\'s job is not very good, it\'s also an income at least.

Ma Tao secretly looked at Song huang\'er and others, and found that they were also reluctant to talk, and couldn\'t help but look at Song Fei more.

If it were not for his descendants and the descendants of his comrades in arms, Song Fei would not be so used to them, but now it is different. One is that he owes a lot of blood to his parents and brothers, and the other is the Ma family blood that has always been willing to become his descendants. He can\'t make up for it.

But Song Fei won\'t spoil it, but he won\'t be stingy with the necessary care and subsidies. In order to let them practice at ease, Song Fei really broke his heart.

Song Fei said, "give me your bank card and I\'ll make up for your income in these three months."

"Ah, how can this work?" Ma Tao immediately said, "absolutely not." when he thought about it, Song Fei is still only opening a grocery store, and his income is not very high. If he makes up for the three-month income of five people at once, it will definitely be a lot of money.

Song huang\'er shook her head and said, "master, although we are not good people, we are also dignified people. You let us not make money in order to teach us our skills. There is no reason for you to pay for it."

Song Dazhuang said, "yes, although we are not rich, we are not so short of money. Master, we really don\'t need it."

Song Fei waved his hand and motioned Ma Tao not to speak. Then he said, "don\'t talk nonsense. Bring the bank card."

Ma Tao sighed and then said to Ma Xiaoyun, "Xiaoyun, since your master gave it, take it. You should remember his kindness all your life."

Several people handed the bank cards to Song Fei. All of them were from sunflower bank. Song Fei took the cards to Qin Xiaoru and said, "if you go with a colleague, you can save the handling fee."

Then he gave his sunflower bank card to Qin Xiaoru and said, "take half of the money out of this card and give it to them."

Half the money? Master is really generous. I don\'t know how much this half of the money is. This card won\'t be all his savings.

Qin Xiaoru took their bank card and transferred money quickly with her laptop. In less than a minute, five people\'s mobile phones sounded different SMS prompts at the same time.

After reading the content of the message, the expressions became extremely wonderful.